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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Those clubs get promoted with a £15m wage bill. They can afford to sign some more expensive players. We've been promoted with a £35m wage bill, already a Premier League outlay.
  2. £20 million a year only adds up to £60 million, he's already put in much more than that. He made the £20m a year statement AFTER Keegan went. He'd already paid in at least £70m the day he arrived which, the way I see it, was not part of the £20m a year he was always willing to bankroll us with. Current debt is £111m (up to 2009) plus £25m (09/10) which means his spending over 3 seasons is (111-70)+25 = £66m or £22m per season. Credit to him for sticking to his word....so far. Didn't he put in £36m this year. I'm sure I saw that somewhere. Right, here it is: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/8553411.stm What Llambias said to the BBC doesn't tally with note on the accounts. Ok. I'm not saying he's lying. At that point he may well have put that much in for the season but later took money out of the club. The total loans from Ashley stood at £112m at one point in 08/09 before ending up at £111m which suggests he does pull money out throughout the year as well as putting it in.
  3. £20 million a year only adds up to £60 million, he's already put in much more than that. He made the £20m a year statement AFTER Keegan went. He'd already paid in at least £70m the day he arrived which, the way I see it, was not part of the £20m a year he was always willing to bankroll us with. Current debt is £111m (up to 2009) plus £25m (09/10) which means his spending over 3 seasons is (111-70)+25 = £66m or £22m per season. Credit to him for sticking to his word....so far. Didn't he put in £36m this year. I'm sure I saw that somewhere. Right, here it is: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/8553411.stm What Llambias said to the BBC doesn't tally with note on the accounts.
  4. The timing of when he said he'd put £20 million in doesn't mean that he hadn't planned to do so before that date. Agreed. He has kept it up though....until now.
  5. £20 million a year only adds up to £60 million, he's already put in much more than that. He made the £20m a year statement AFTER Keegan went. He'd already paid in at least £70m the day he arrived which, the way I see it, was not part of the £20m a year he was always willing to bankroll us with. Current debt is £111m (up to 2009) plus £25m (09/10) which means his spending over 3 seasons is (111-70)+25 = £66m or £22m per season. Credit to him for sticking to his word....so far.
  6. I've advocated not buying anyone in summer. It's not about the disappointment of not spending money as far as I'm concerned. I never expected us to spend ANYTHING given the experience of the last three years. Anyone who did was very naive. But that statement is an utter shambles from start to finish with no positives whatsoever. You can tell the media who to talk to when they contact the club. you can tell agents we aren't buying when they contact the club too. This is another in a long line of retarded statements that make the whole club look retarded. Did you say this before January? Yes. http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/2010/01/following-on-from-this-recent-post.html Routledge, Simpson, Williamson... Let's be honest, it wasn't out of the realms of possibility that we'd spend a couple of million this summer, especially after we did in January. It's a bit much to call people naive for thinking that we might have. There seems to be a lot of people in this thread saying the news from the statement is not anything we didn't already know. Maybe, we're all especially cynical. You said you didn't expect to spend any money in the summer and anyone who did was naive, due to what happened in the last three years. We SPENT money in January, why is it unreasonable to think we'd spend a little amount in the summer. If you didn't think we'd spend money in January then fair enough, but you were wrong and now you're saying others are naive despite the fact that we SPENT money in the last window? I'm not defending Ashley before anyone jumps on that, I just resent people calling our fans naive, especially when its not true. Honestly, the pedantry around here is incredible. Over 3 years at the club he's £20m in profit on transfers. He spent £3m in January, I was surprised (and delighted) to be proved completely wrong, he seemed to have learned investment was required to guarantee Premier League football. In no way did that suggest to me it was the start of bigger things to come though or that he'd go the next step in the summer. I've said all along, Ashley is following the WBA model. Yo-Yo. I never called our fans naive. Most people I speak to never thought he'd be spending much. So basically, to sum up, - You said we wouldn't spend anything this summer because of what happened in the last three years. - These three years include January 2010, when we spent money on players (also the most recent window). - You think anyone who thinks we'd spend money this summer is naive because of the last three years. No pedantry, just showing that it's a bit much to call our fans naive (as a lot expected at least some money in summer, especially after January). Spot on. EDIT: Except I never called our fans naive.
  7. So all it's saying is we won't be buying any players on the provie like Owen or Luque.
  8. I've advocated not buying anyone in summer. It's not about the disappointment of not spending money as far as I'm concerned. I never expected us to spend ANYTHING given the experience of the last three years. Anyone who did was very naive. But that statement is an utter shambles from start to finish with no positives whatsoever. You can tell the media who to talk to when they contact the club. you can tell agents we aren't buying when they contact the club too. This is another in a long line of retarded statements that make the whole club look retarded. Did you say this before January? Yes. http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/2010/01/following-on-from-this-recent-post.html Routledge, Simpson, Williamson... Let's be honest, it wasn't out of the realms of possibility that we'd spend a couple of million this summer, especially after we did in January. It's a bit much to call people naive for thinking that we might have. There seems to be a lot of people in this thread saying the news from the statement is not anything we didn't already know. Maybe, we're all especially cynical. You said you didn't expect to spend any money in the summer and anyone who did was naive, due to what happened in the last three years. We SPENT money in January, why is it unreasonable to think we'd spend a little amount in the summer. If you didn't think we'd spend money in January then fair enough, but you were wrong and now you're saying others are naive despite the fact that we SPENT money in the last window? I'm not defending Ashley before anyone jumps on that, I just resent people calling our fans naive, especially when its not true. Honestly, the pedantry around here is incredible. Over 3 years at the club he's £20m in profit on transfers. He spent £3m in January, I was surprised (and delighted) to be proved completely wrong, he seemed to have learned investment was required to guarantee Premier League football. In no way did that suggest to me it was the start of bigger things to come though or that he'd go the next step in the summer. I've said all along, Ashley is following the WBA model. Yo-Yo. I never called our fans naive. Most people I speak to never thought he'd be spending much.
  9. They're taking the piss man. It's a response to "Cockney Mafia". They have nowt but contempt for their customers.
  10. I've advocated not buying anyone in summer. It's not about the disappointment of not spending money as far as I'm concerned. I never expected us to spend ANYTHING given the experience of the last three years. Anyone who did was very naive. But that statement is an utter shambles from start to finish with no positives whatsoever. You can tell the media who to talk to when they contact the club. you can tell agents we aren't buying when they contact the club too. This is another in a long line of retarded statements that make the whole club look retarded. Did you say this before January? Yes. http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/2010/01/following-on-from-this-recent-post.html Routledge, Simpson, Williamson... Let's be honest, it wasn't out of the realms of possibility that we'd spend a couple of million this summer, especially after we did in January. It's a bit much to call people naive for thinking that we might have. There seems to be a lot of people in this thread saying the news from the statement is not anything we didn't already know. Maybe, we're all especially cynical.
  11. I've advocated not buying anyone in summer. It's not about the disappointment of not spending money as far as I'm concerned. I never expected us to spend ANYTHING given the experience of the last three years. Anyone who did was very naive. But that statement is an utter shambles from start to finish with no positives whatsoever. You can tell the media who to talk to when they contact the club. you can tell agents we aren't buying when they contact the club too. This is another in a long line of retarded statements that make the whole club look retarded. Did you say this before January? Yes. http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/2010/01/following-on-from-this-recent-post.html
  12. I've advocated not buying anyone in summer. It's not about the disappointment of not spending money as far as I'm concerned. I never expected us to spend ANYTHING given the experience of the last three years. Anyone who did was very naive. But that statement is an utter shambles from start to finish with no positives whatsoever. You can tell the media who to talk to when they contact the club. you can tell agents we aren't buying when they contact the club too. This is another in a long line of retarded statements that make the whole club look retarded.
  13. Even if this ridiculously flawed logic held true, it could be done just as effectively in private. There aren't that many agents out there. Any that approached the club to offer a player could be told what's in the statement without pissing off the fans. The target audience is clearly not the agents.
  14. So when you say "They're defending it. Unbelievable." You actually mean one person was depending it? I thought that they're was short for they are, they meaning "people" and by that more than one. Come on then, name and shame so that they can defend themselves. I've named 3 people above. As I said, I was referring to those pricks. There's pricks on TT (where I said it) too. None of them daft enough to defend this car crash of a statement like.
  15. I assumed you were joking. Laughing with, not at.
  16. "I just don't know what to say, I mean... I just... words fail me. I'm sure the pricks on N-O are loving this latest genius stroke of the Ashley masterplan to make NUFC a global force within this next 5 year plan." You replied: "They're defending it. Unbelievable." And they are, aren't they? The pricks I mean. whos defending it ? Ketsbaias Shiny Head has agreed with him. I think Conjo has too. Not read the whole thread from start to finish.
  17. Your reply made it look as if everybody was until you later corrected it, I'm not saying you meant it that way but it was taken that way by more than one person. I was only referrring to the pricks. After all, I post on here and I'd hardly call myself a prick. I'm brilliant.
  18. "I just don't know what to say, I mean... I just... words fail me. I'm sure the pricks on N-O are loving this latest genius stroke of the Ashley masterplan to make NUFC a global force within this next 5 year plan." You replied: "They're defending it. Unbelievable." And they are, aren't they? The pricks I mean.
  19. We aren't going to buy any players that take transfer spending into a deficit. This policy remains unchanged from the day Keegan walked.
  20. They didn't do that though so your quoted post makes as much sense as the club statement or your post that you made on another forum accusing everybody on here of defending the statement. That's exactly what they've done. Wheras the bold bit is not at all what I've done, to quote myself....
  21. The club's shut down for 2 months and everyone linked to it is away on holiday. Perfect time to create a shit storm and walk away.
  22. Like I said last year....
  23. Of course! They're currently £20m in profit on transfers. This just means we've only got that to spend.
  24. There was a bit of a growing voice that Ashley was slowly but surely winning the fans over. I'd hoped it might keep going that way and had dialled back on the anti-ashley stuff myself. Perfect reminder what an utter twunt the bloke is and always will be.
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