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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Make Roy feel at home...... http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41xU1pOQpDL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.co.uk/Childrens-Farm-Animal-Masks-Face/dp/B001690HWU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=toys&qid=1271157217&sr=8-3 I've got 7 for the lads i'm going with.
  2. The journal pointed out what promoted teams spend and where they've finished the last few years. In summary... http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/6880/bubblee.jpg So in Summary it doesn't matter one iota if you spend £6m or £40m, you're goint to be doing very well to get into the top half. There are FAR more variables at stake. That said, in 3 years only 3 teams have spent less than £14m after promotion. Neither survived.
  3. this just like political correctness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGAOCVwLrXo
  4. this just like political correctness Another person confusing health and safety with political correctness.
  5. The post-match suit was what did it for me! He might be planning to gradually introduce it so he can start wearing it during games! How long is it since we had a manager and a set of players we could actually like BTW? Owner apart, this is the best group for a while. How long is it since we were winning more games than not?
  6. No. In no way was he party to that article. How was Louise Taylor able to tell us about Taylor's disappointment with the lack of support from the club then? maybe, just maybe he conveyed his feelings to someone else who told loopy lou. His Da? or someone else........ does it really matter. it's just adding to the hatchet job being done on him to protect a player in form. this time last year carroll would probably have been listed. quite disgusting really the way people have certain views about life in general but are prepared to ditch them for football. You are assuming everyone knows what went on or what happened. You might be of the opinion that nothing condones a violent response and you would probably be right but without more details I wouldn't cast aspersions on how the club are dealing with it. i've repeatedly posted lots of IF's in this thread and stated on more than one occasion that i'm doing it. Ok, but how you can find something disgusting without knowing IF there's been a hatchet job on Taylor I find a bit odd. many on here will let him off with it even if he is at fault because he is in form....... and yes, i find that disgusting. Was Barton in form when we let him off?
  7. No. In no way was he party to that article. How was Louise Taylor able to tell us about Taylor's disappointment with the lack of support from the club then? maybe, just maybe he conveyed his feelings to someone else who told loopy lou. His Da?
  8. I wouldn't spend owt in summer. Wait till christmas and see what we need.
  9. Taylor no quotes, not pressing charges & not out & about so the papas can take a picture. Seems a good lad to me. I'd agree with you 100% ...... if his da wasn't giving it the old 'woe is Steven' to Louise Taylor. Is he? http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/mar/27/steven-taylor-andy-carroll-newcastle ...shall I suck your cock for you too Mr Taylor? Where does that mention his dad? Whey Steven cannit talk with his jaw wired up can he.
  10. Taylor no quotes, not pressing charges & not out & about so the papas can take a picture. Seems a good lad to me. I'd agree with you 100% ...... if his da wasn't giving it the old 'woe is Steven' to Louise Taylor. Are you going off this: st spoke to my fooball agent mate who knocks about with Smith and Nolan.....Taylor was texting Carrols lass who has Andy's bairn, while the Toon were at Swansea and he was in Newcastle, asking her to come round...Taylor used to shag her before carroll. Taylor is despised at the club by all, very arrogant and done his best to move to Everton last summer which pissed the lads off. His Fatha, has gone to the press and spinning loads of ****e on the back of Carrolls bother in the Bigg market....Here's the depth of feeling in the squad....Harper, Nolan, Smudge, Butt and Shola all went in and told Hughton yesterday to sell Taylor because of his selfish attitude. Carroll is apparantly thick as mince but a good honest lad and easily wound up.. They were in the treatment room after training when Carroll went up to Taylor and said 'One chance to admit it as i've seen the texts' and Taylor just laughed at him and went to walk away and Carroll dropped him. Good on the kid I say...The problem now is taylor and his Fatha are spinning this to the press behind the clubs back.....Just logged in to Lee Ryders blog on the chronical following the game and he says Jonas, Nolan and Butt all gave Carroll a big hug before kick off. Haway man that is written by a shit stirring mackem ffs. No, the newspaper article linked to above.
  11. Taylor no quotes, not pressing charges & not out & about so the papas can take a picture. Seems a good lad to me. I'd agree with you 100% ...... if his da wasn't giving it the old 'woe is Steven' to Louise Taylor. Is he? Well she seems very clued up on how he feels....given he's not left the hoose in a week... http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/mar/27/steven-taylor-andy-carroll-newcastle ...shall I suck your cock for you too Mr Taylor?
  12. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously? That's secondary to whether he's the last man off the pitch, I was a bit concerned as he almost mugged himself and went off second last yesterday, but he showed a good level of concentration to notice the man behind him, stop and turn to applaud the almost empty stand and delay until he was the only player that loves the fans more than life itself left on the pitch. Deserves 104K a week for his exits this season. he's always the last off away from home applauding the travelling fans when others often fucked off without a peep....the twat eh ? people dont mind andy carrolls violence providing he puts in a performance but taylor gets stick for this. this deserves a place in the "what baffles you" thread. EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the fuck they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through. Thats just insane. Within reason. Have you looked at the England squad lately? Within reason doesnt include breaking someone's jaw with your fist. In my opinion. Or are we even talking about Carroll anymore? Course we are. If Carrols punch wasn't so sweet (or Taylors jaw wasn't so glassy) and he'd only hospitalised Taylor with facial injuries would that be ok.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/merseyside/7802932.stm
  13. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously? That's secondary to whether he's the last man off the pitch, I was a bit concerned as he almost mugged himself and went off second last yesterday, but he showed a good level of concentration to notice the man behind him, stop and turn to applaud the almost empty stand and delay until he was the only player that loves the fans more than life itself left on the pitch. Deserves 104K a week for his exits this season. he's always the last off away from home applauding the travelling fans when others often fucked off without a peep....the twat eh ? people dont mind andy carrolls violence providing he puts in a performance but taylor gets stick for this. this deserves a place in the "what baffles you" thread. EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the fuck they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through. Thats just insane. Within reason. Have you looked at the England squad lately?
  14. Taylor no quotes, not pressing charges & not out & about so the papas can take a picture. Seems a good lad to me. I'd agree with you 100% ...... if his da wasn't giving it the old 'woe is Steven' to Louise Taylor.
  15. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously? That's secondary to whether he's the last man off the pitch, I was a bit concerned as he almost mugged himself and went off second last yesterday, but he showed a good level of concentration to notice the man behind him, stop and turn to applaud the almost empty stand and delay until he was the only player that loves the fans more than life itself left on the pitch. Deserves 104K a week for his exits this season. he's always the last off away from home applauding the travelling fans when others often f***ed off without a peep....the t*** eh ? people dont mind andy carrolls violence providing he puts in a performance but taylor gets stick for this. this deserves a place in the "what baffles you" thread. EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the f*** they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through. Taylor has performed on the pitch this season. FACT. No doubt. But he won't play again this season...and we know he's not the player in the Premier League that he is in the Championship. Ditto Coloccini, and yet . . . "EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the f*** they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through." When did Colccini mouth off? I just thought he got on with things very professionally.
  16. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously? That's secondary to whether he's the last man off the pitch, I was a bit concerned as he almost mugged himself and went off second last yesterday, but he showed a good level of concentration to notice the man behind him, stop and turn to applaud the almost empty stand and delay until he was the only player that loves the fans more than life itself left on the pitch. Deserves 104K a week for his exits this season. he's always the last off away from home applauding the travelling fans when others often f***ed off without a peep....the t*** eh ? people dont mind andy carrolls violence providing he puts in a performance but taylor gets stick for this. this deserves a place in the "what baffles you" thread. EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the f*** they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through. Taylor has performed on the pitch this season. FACT. No doubt. But he won't play again this season...and we know he's not the player in the Premier League that he is in the Championship. some twisting to make a case for carroll if he's been the aggressor going on here. Not twisting in the least bit. I'd have them both here next season. If Taylor wants to send his dad crying to the mackem to air our dirty linen in public he'll get no sympathy from me because I've always disliked his character and I've slated him for doing exactly this sort of thing in the past (contract wrangle). And you use the word yourself..."if" Carroll might be the one that threw the punches, but isn't it better for the club not to keep a player that tries to shag his team-mates lass. If we spend £50m on Kaka , i don't want Taylor annoying him by cracking on to his main squeeze.
  17. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously? That's secondary to whether he's the last man off the pitch, I was a bit concerned as he almost mugged himself and went off second last yesterday, but he showed a good level of concentration to notice the man behind him, stop and turn to applaud the almost empty stand and delay until he was the only player that loves the fans more than life itself left on the pitch. Deserves 104K a week for his exits this season. he's always the last off away from home applauding the travelling fans when others often f***ed off without a peep....the t*** eh ? people dont mind andy carrolls violence providing he puts in a performance but taylor gets stick for this. this deserves a place in the "what baffles you" thread. EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the f*** they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through. Taylor has performed on the pitch this season. FACT. No doubt. But he won't play again this season...and we know he's not the player in the Premier League that he is in the Championship.
  18. Nowt. Someone claimed I'd be on Taylor's side if he was playing. I'm just showing the reasons why I've always thought Taylor was a dickhead. Can't believe a Newcastle fan is hoping to see our top scorer banged up.
  19. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously? That's secondary to whether he's the last man off the pitch, I was a bit concerned as he almost mugged himself and went off second last yesterday, but he showed a good level of concentration to notice the man behind him, stop and turn to applaud the almost empty stand and delay until he was the only player that loves the fans more than life itself left on the pitch. Deserves 104K a week for his exits this season. he's always the last off away from home applauding the travelling fans when others often fucked off without a peep....the twat eh ? people dont mind andy carrolls violence providing he puts in a performance but taylor gets stick for this. this deserves a place in the "what baffles you" thread. EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the fuck they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through.
  20. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously? That's secondary to whether he's the last man off the pitch, I was a bit concerned as he almost mugged himself and went off second last yesterday, but he showed a good level of concentration to notice the man behind him, stop and turn to applaud the almost empty stand and delay until he was the only player that loves the fans more than life itself left on the pitch. Deserves 104K a week for his exits this season.
  21. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously?
  22. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? I've been calling Taylor for 5 years mate ...and I've never seen Carroll lamenting his situation in the papers once.
  23. Just realised, this is the story from 8 weeks ago. Why post it today?
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