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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. It's always been a bit vague, but it seems that 'backers' have morphed into 'partners' and now into 'advisers'. Presumably 'mates' is the next step. Read the first email, it clearly says ADVISORS hence why i posted this to stop anyone talking bollocks, well done on managing to fail to understand it. It still wont stop some the NO anti-NUST brigade trying to make it into some form of conspiracy. To be honest I'm more concerned that they are using accountants from Leeds. Think of the petrol money being spent on the A1. I'm sure that there must have been at least one Geordie accountancy firm willing to do the work (tongue firmly in cheek) Hentons is a Sage Business Partner. http://www.hentons.com/services/sage-support/index.html Dunno if that's relevant, but Sage have been mentioned in this thread before. Partner? Or do you mean advisor? Two completely different things, HF. Click the link. It's a word for word quote from their website.
  2. It's always been a bit vague, but it seems that 'backers' have morphed into 'partners' and now into 'advisers'. Presumably 'mates' is the next step. Read the first email, it clearly says ADVISORS hence why i posted this to stop anyone talking bollocks, well done on managing to fail to understand it. It still wont stop some the NO anti-NUST brigade trying to make it into some form of conspiracy. To be honest I'm more concerned that they are using accountants from Leeds. Think of the petrol money being spent on the A1. I'm sure that there must have been at least one Geordie accountancy firm willing to do the work (tongue firmly in cheek) Hentons is a Sage Business Partner. http://www.hentons.com/services/sage-support/index.html Dunno if that's relevant, but Sage have been mentioned in this thread before.
  3. Happy Face

    Jonas Gutierrez

    I'm going to ban him off my computer.
  4. If you're going to remove Given and N'Zogbia from the wage bill then you'd need to add Nolan and Taylor to it. Personally I guessed at our player wage bill as dropping about £26m. That sounds reasonable. 200 other staff were let go too though which would go some way to making up the other £6m to make £32m. Those 200 would have to be on an average salary of £30k each. Which is entirely feasible, given Dennis Wise was on £1.5m not to mention his scout friends who sorted out the 'commercial' deals that were nowt to do with football. Still paying Wise aren't we? Or at least had to pay him off. Not a saving this year Not a sving on the overall figure. But wouldn't it move into "other costs", like Keegan and Allardyces pay-offs?
  5. If you're going to remove Given and N'Zogbia from the wage bill then you'd need to add Nolan and Taylor to it. Personally I guessed at our player wage bill as dropping about £26m. That sounds reasonable. 200 other staff were let go too though which would go some way to making up the other £6m to make £32m. Those 200 would have to be on an average salary of £30k each. Which is entirely feasible, given Dennis Wise was on £1.5m not to mention his scout friends who sorted out the 'commercial' deals that were nowt to do with football.
  6. Happy Face

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Its a buggar that NUST online registration like The NUST response is that Ashley's clearly witholding wages
  7. Cue torrents of abuse because the investors aren't loaded like Donald Trump I'm sure you can just invent some better ones for us. To be fair to HF, he's just letting himself be misled by the NUST propaganda machine, he's not creating all of these myths (although he is doing a good job of making sure that they are thoroughly examined) What myths?
  8. Happy Face

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Had his credit card knocked back 3 times this week.
  9. Cue torrents of abuse because the investors aren't loaded like Donald Trump
  10. Just to pick up on your point about 1000 staff losing their jobs - in 2008 the club only had 425 employees so if there were 1000 people who weren't retained then the vast majority of them weren't employees and their payment would not have been included in any wages figure. Just as an aside Chris Mort was never an employee either, the club was billed by Freshfields for his services. Yeah, I remembered the ~1500 employees number incorrectly from the season Ashley arrived. Should have said 200. http://www.footballeconomy.com/stats2/eng_newcastle.htm
  11. How do we know what the wages figure was at 30 June 2009 without the accounts? For all we know it could have increased in that year since 2008 Aye. It's all guesswork until we see the accounts. I think you're right though. I'm sure I read that Ashley did increase the outgoing player wages. I remember it because it struck me as a ridiculous thing to have done if you're then going to blame everything on the extravegance of the previous owners. it wasn't just the wages though was it. it was using future revenue to shore up their present with little or no thought as to what to do after that. Absolutley. But I'm specifically talking about them using wages as an excuse “Mike inherited a very heavy wage bill – and still has some hefty players to pay" Being a very strange thing to do if they knowingly added to it themselves.
  12. How do we know what the wages figure was at 30 June 2009 without the accounts? For all we know it could have increased in that year since 2008 Aye. It's all guesswork until we see the accounts. I think you're right though. I'm sure I read that Ashley did increase the outgoing player wages. I remember it because it struck me as a ridiculous thing to have done if you're then going to blame everything on the extravegance of the previous owners.
  13. Thanks Quayside. Interesting stuff. - Have we actually taken £32m out of our wage bill since 2008? I think it's not too far off. Owen and Viduka were £10m between them. So that leaves £22m (or £423K per week) to save from Given, Martins, Milner, Nzogbia, Cacapa, Duff, Bassong, Beye, Gonzales and Xisco (assuming Santander pay his wage this year). Did those 10 players have an average salary of £42,300 a week? Probably not quite, but it must be a good slice of that. Edit: Do "wages" mean only player wages and everyone else goes in other costs? Or is it a total wage bill which would include the 1000 staff that have lost their jobs?
  14. I've said as much myself elsewhere. But if he is pulling money out of the club to recoup his outlay it rather contradicts the claims of Llambias last month who said: "His commitment is unwavering and the additional large sums of money he has recently pumped into the club amply demonstrate that." and there is 0 proof whatsoever other than this utterly unsubstantiated rumour from the nust to say he is pulling out money I wouldn't call this rumour proof like. Rumours generally don't provide proof I've learned from experience to take the opposite of what the club say as being the truth of the matter though.
  15. I've said as much myself elsewhere. But if he is pulling money out of the club to recoup his outlay it rather contradicts the claims of Llambias last month who said: "His commitment is unwavering and the additional large sums of money he has recently pumped into the club amply demonstrate that."
  16. Yes they did: 'sources have told us that Mr Ashley is making up to £7m profit out of our club every month ' I'll not argue semantics. But I don't see something that profits Mike Ashley as being of profit to Newcastle United. For example Arsenals Emirates Staium naming rights were sold at a price of £100m for 15 years. About £7m a year. It'd be cheaper for someone to get our naming rights of course, but for Mike Ashley to name the Stadium after Sports Direct, personally I see that as an advertising saving for his other unrelated company and as a profit to him/his other company, not the club. Sorry but i dont see that at all. Whatever it amounts to its not the £7m PROFIT a month that is clearly stated by NUST I wasn't saying that it adds up to £7m. They say Ashley has recently generated that kind of profit from the club. Not that the club has seen a profit like that. The club doesn't need to profit for Mike Ashley to strip the assets.
  17. Yes they did: 'sources have told us that Mr Ashley is making up to £7m profit out of our club every month ' I'll not argue semantics. But I don't see something that profits Mike Ashley as being of profit to Newcastle United. For example Arsenals Emirates Staium naming rights were sold at a price of £100m for 15 years. About £7m a year. It'd be cheaper for someone to get our naming rights of course, but for Mike Ashley to name the Stadium after Sports Direct, personally I see that as an advertising saving for his other unrelated company and as a profit to him/his other company, not the club.
  18. Getting the "back tracking" in early. Very different to the pompous, confident releases of late which spoke of overwhelming support and huge amounts "pledged". We need new and clear ownership not a bunch of amateurs playing games. Maybe it's time to change their motto to "Well we never could actually" or just plain "No we can't" You're right. Fuck it! I think it was Homer Simpson who said "if at first you don't succeed give up" Or is his other one more apt "Kids, You Tried Your Best and You Failed Miserably. The Lesson Is, Never Try." Either way best leave Ashley to get on with it.
  19. We did Who from? Seemed plenty of groups were looking but when it came to the crunch then nobody proved their funds or credentials. If NUFC can make £7M a month profit (as NUST say we are presently doing) then I will be buying the club and I'm prepared to pay more than the recent asking price. I'm gonna need a decent bean counter who can make a profit look like a loss, or a loss look like a profit to suit particular circumstances. I have to say I'm very impressed with the skills and knowledge of certain N-O posters who seem to be well versed in book-keeping and accountancy matters. NUST don't say that NUFC make £7M a month profit. They say that Ashley has been taking up to £7m out of the club each month. There's a difference.
  20. I thought the chances of a constructive working relationship between any group of fans and Ashley were blown out of the water before the NUST even got started tbf.
  21. We did Who from? Seemed plenty of groups were looking but when it came to the crunch then nobody proved their funds or credentials. http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/2009/12/its-official-ashley-refused-to-cut-his.html It was at the start of the season too when no-one knew how we would perform under Hughton or if the crowds would be maintained over 40K. I'm not saying we could maintain a profit if we didn't go up, lost more of our best performers, dropped down the league, pulled lesser crowds and the parachute mayments stopped....all of which looked a lot more likely back in August.
  22. I never calculated it. It's just a value i had in my head that I was sure i'd read somewhere...but i can't find it.
  23. Are you on drugs? Turnover - £27m less wages - £21m is £6m Do you lie in a world where football clubs dont pay any other costs? WBA would have made a P&L loss without the profit on player transfers. For some reason their accounts don't include a cash flow but it looks like their cash usage was close to neutral over the 12 months. But as you said in an earlier post comparisons with us and WBA aren't too relevant. Yeah i got that, just wondering why Happy seems to think football clubs only pay out wages and nothing else I'd not done the sums and took the bottom line figures I read. I was wrong to claim a £6m profit before player trading. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? I can't promise i won't make a mistake like this in future, maybe this is why I identify with the NUST so much. Now who is being arsey I just got sick of pointing it out and got frustrated, sorry
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