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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. f*** off you daft c***, this story was actually true. It was more a general comment about the state of the nation's press which you'd have understood if you'd read it properly. Not the brightest spark are you ? Probably would have avoided confusion if you'd made the point about an article that warranted an apology then
  2. I wonder if you see the irony of posting a comment like this on a football forum at this hour of the day in all seriousness. Do you know what the word compendium means? Surely the credibility of a compendium would be more damaged by leaving stuff out. Sorry, I didn't realise you were seeking to profit from this situation. My mistake. You've lost me. That comment works at ANY time of day mate. You're on a football forum dragging out an argument over the the validity of a blog post. But your life is somehow less empty?
  3. I wonder if you see the irony of posting a comment like this on a football forum at this hour of the day in all seriousness. Do you know what the word compendium means? Surely the credibility of a compendium would be more damaged by leaving stuff out.
  4. It's getting a bit predictable now HF, you're better than this. I attempted to reply to each 'point' but I'm literally flabbergasted that someone as intelligent as yourself has been reduced to typing these...'views' out Most of them are points made by other people across forums already this morning.
  5. It's getting a bit predictable now HF, you're better than this. I write a blog dedicated to pulling apart every word the club say. Of course it's predictable.
  6. If the article was inaccurrate why don't they sue? Talking about suing, whatever happened to Ashley suing the Sun, as he promised he would, following the story last season about him partying into the early hours when Keegan was sacked? So the stadium is still called St James' Park is it? Champion. I can't see anyone being enticed to buy the naming rights if even official statements don't refer to the commercial name though. Newcastle United have NOT taken exception. Newcastle United is it's fans. Managers, players, chairmen and owners come and go but it's the same families that have been supporting the club and will keep supporting the club whoever holds those positions. I've not taken exception to anything about the article. I've not heard from any other supporter that took exception. What the statement should say is that Mike Ashley has taken exception. And not that the club have banned the Sunday Sun, but Mike Ashley has banned the Sunday Sun. Are Dave Kidd and Alan Oliver still banned from the stadium as reported last year? There'll be more reporters banned than welcome at St James' soon. If the Sunday Sun is banned does that mean I'm not allowed to take my Sunday paper of choice to the match any more? I've taken exception to the accuracy, tone, inference and content of almost every statement that has come out of the club since Derek Llambias got involved. Can I expect to see a full page retraction of those on the official website or in the program?
  7. Happy Face

    Jonas Gutierrez

    You don't think he brings any advantages other than assists and goals? He takes so much pressure of us by bringing the ball out of defence, he's always putting doubt in the minds of defenders who end up backing off or giving away free kicks, he normally has two players on him so we should have space to exploit elsewhere etc. People are saying he's bailed out/helped by Enrique but would Enrique be as good without Jonas in front of him? He brings many advantages and given our squad I'd name him in the first 11 every time. The problem is he shows so much quality...and so little end product.
  8. The £1.2bn came from a 2009 BBC story about 2009... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8078533.stm Perhaps salaries have dipped in 2009.
  9. Just off google searches/paper talk. For example, recent reports said Portsouth failed to pay the £3m wage Bill for January => £3m x 12 = £36m The Everton one was off 2008 I think.
  10. Aye. Hull are £40m Everton £46m Portsmouth have vastly reduced theirs from £60m to £36m. Indicative of the clubs ambition for next season.
  11. Aye. Could be a bit of NUST type maths going on there. By which I mean he's put a £35m cap on wages...which the report has averaged to £30,000 a week. Some will get more, others less. It wouldn't surprise me if it was actually a £30k cap, player by player though. Either way, the average Premier league wage bill in 2009 was £60m though. So we'll not be competing on £35m.
  12. So, let me get this straight: Ashley 'slaps' a 30kpw ceiling on the wage limit, which means Hughton can't land Simpson on a 15kpw deal? Our media are Mathematical demons. Didn't see this hidden away in here. What strikes me is if you have cover in each position (a 22 man squad) if every one of them was on £30,000 a week that would be almost exactly £35m a year. ...Which is, as we've all heard on the grapevine, almost exactly what the wage bill has been reduced to....certainly when Butt and Geremi are out of contract come the end of the season.
  13. Danny Simpson is the most I can realistically see us signing tttt. And that's looking a bit of a push at the moment.
  14. I'd love N-O to set up a fans pressure group. Would we all be singing from the same songsheet from day one...ore even on day 10,000. Clearly wires are getting crossed between the oficial view and individual's thoughts.
  15. Happy Face

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Not to get all Allardyce on it but the Fantasy league stats say Guthrie is hammering him on assists.... http://fantasy.football-league.co.uk/playerlist.aspx Even though Guthrie has played less games. Ryan Taylor has only one less assist and twice as many goals, and no-one's praising him too much.
  16. Happy Face

    Jonas Gutierrez

    I'll help you. He's probably had just over half a dozen good games this season. So lets ignore the change in ability of his team mates, the league he's playing in, manager, level of enthusiasm that would result from trying to prove yourself in a new team & a new league. The way a players mentality would be effected by all of the above & in turn effect his decision making during a game. Even if it were a lack of motivation to fully play at the standard he's capable of which is one option, how could you blame him. We're top of the league, he has our joint most assists, the majority of the play goes through him when attacking. Our defence is already the best in the league, with him tracking back at the standard he is now. He's still getting into Argentina's first team, yet you expect more? Same old nonsense. Take our best players, set a stupidly high standard for them and have a moan when they dont live up to your personal expectations because they arent robotic. You can't also ignore the drop in quality of the opposition, his inability to score (his one goal this season was class and he should tear most championship teams apart like that if he has the ability) and his total inconsistency. Who is he joint with on assists btw?
  17. "Just seen this on another forum. Posted by a bloke" Either way though, no, they aren't claiming they have the first idea how to run the club. That's why they plan to employ someone who does....unlike Mike Ashley, who despite admitting he doesn't have a fucking clue, insists on winging it with his wideboy mate.
  18. Was listening to the most recent Three Lions the other night.. We still Believe (We still Believe) We still Believe (We still Believe)...etc. I was welling up.
  19. Me too. But if they think there's a chance I commend their effort and pray it comes to something. Hopefully Ant & Dec, Sting, Jimmy Nail and Shania Twain are on board.
  20. I can't find that quote attributed to NUST. It originated on True Faith who were reporting on the NUST. http://www.true-faith.co.uk/tf/features.nsf/ab283684d03f231d80256b520047d321/05f16bc3fb51dd0e80257669007c3eba?OpenDocument Nice one Bob. You people are hard work sometimes. It's on the NUST website. Click under 'Read more about the campaign'. It's on the launch article from 9th November. Fifth paragraph down. http://www.nust.org.uk/the-ultimate-protest-confirmation-of-launch-of-the-yes-we-can-campaign Whey provide a link yourself in future. Even with the whole quote in google there's no returns of the NUST website. Verbatim from the article Bob mentioned "It is believed that this is the first stage of a 6 week campaign including advertisements, the opening of an advice shop in central Newcastle and the unveiling of high profile backers." Happy? That's my name don't wear it out
  21. I can't find that quote attributed to NUST. It originated on True Faith who were reporting on the NUST. http://www.true-faith.co.uk/tf/features.nsf/ab283684d03f231d80256b520047d321/05f16bc3fb51dd0e80257669007c3eba?OpenDocument Nice one Bob. You people are hard work sometimes. It's on the NUST website. Click under 'Read more about the campaign'. It's on the launch article from 9th November. Fifth paragraph down. http://www.nust.org.uk/the-ultimate-protest-confirmation-of-launch-of-the-yes-we-can-campaign Whey provide a link yourself in future. Even with the whole quote in google there's no returns of the NUST website.
  22. Last time we got promoted it followed almost a decade of poor football, mis-management, low crowds and a season where we were within a hair's breadth of going down to the third division. Promotion was a complete turnaround achieved in brilliant style, and with new owners willing to invest and the promise of stadium expansion we had a LOT to celebrate. This time promotion follows over a decade of title challenges, European finishes, world record transfer fees and full houses. We'll only be getting back to where we were 12 months ago and no-one was happy with that position then. Promotion is the bare minimum the dwindling crowds expect, though with the same owner unwilling to invest and the promise of continued boycotting we have little to look forward to. So that's a no, we shouldn't have an open topped bus parade and i can't imagine it'll cross their minds. The team will be applauded when they do their lap of honour. Touch wood.
  23. I can't find that quote attributed to NUST. It originated on True Faith who were reporting on the NUST. http://www.true-faith.co.uk/tf/features.nsf/ab283684d03f231d80256b520047d321/05f16bc3fb51dd0e80257669007c3eba?OpenDocument
  24. It's always been a bit vague, but it seems that 'backers' have morphed into 'partners' and now into 'advisers'. Presumably 'mates' is the next step. Read the first email, it clearly says ADVISORS hence why i posted this to stop anyone talking bollocks, well done on managing to fail to understand it. It still wont stop some the NO anti-NUST brigade trying to make it into some form of conspiracy. To be honest I'm more concerned that they are using accountants from Leeds. Think of the petrol money being spent on the A1. I'm sure that there must have been at least one Geordie accountancy firm willing to do the work (tongue firmly in cheek) Hentons is a Sage Business Partner. http://www.hentons.com/services/sage-support/index.html Dunno if that's relevant, but Sage have been mentioned in this thread before. Partner? Or do you mean advisor? Two completely different things, HF. Click the link. It's a word for word quote from their website. I was having a laugh at the expense of the spastics. Ah reet. Soz. I thought you were one of the spastics.
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