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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Yeah ok, if thats what you want to believe You think Premier League attendances and a championship wage bill don't make us an attractive proposition? What? I'm not sure what you think I ought not to believe about Wilky's post. A 40k average attendance is better than most top flight clubs, and our wage bill is a lot less.
  2. Just change it to "won't go through at the usual time".
  3. Yeah ok, if thats what you want to believe You think Premier League attendances and a championship wage bill don't make us an attractive proposition?
  4. They can't. They're only that cheap in Level 7. Most of the space is in the lower Milburn/Leazes.
  5. We're not, though. My Doncaster tickets cost me £15 each. Season ticket prioces weren't reduced.
  6. to cut his losses ? When we're 3 points clear and favourites to become a Premier League club? Seems more like cementing his losses to me. Because he's managed to alienate a entire city? Aye, out of the goodness of his heart.
  7. Because he's a conscientious guy and wants the best for Newcastle United. You'd have thought people would have learned from Sports Direct in Eldon Square having a closing down sales for the past seven and a half years. no it hasn't. there has however been a sale on for that long. Are you kidding? That store has been on the verge of closing more often than yo mama's legs
  8. to cut his losses ? When we're 3 points clear and favourites to become a Premier League club? Seems more like cementing his losses to me.
  9. Because he's a conscientious guy and wants the best for Newcastle United. You'd have thought people would have learned from Sports Direct in Eldon Square having a closing down sales for the past seven and a half years.
  10. Why does Ashley want to sell at a £150m loss again?
  11. I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04 Do you work for Ashley? No I don't. I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster. Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for. How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck? He's cleared his name and got what he was due. I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash. I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million. His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that. I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million? I'd sue the club for £25m if i could. If you want, you can go down the road of getting your lawyers to sue your ex-employers for as much money as possible. As others have said, maybe a lot of people would do the same given the chance. However, when you go down that road, you lose any claim to be acting out of some moral principle. The principle that you're acting on is - I'm out for whatever I can get. What garbage. So no-one can sue anybody and keep their principals?
  12. I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04 Do you work for Ashley? No I don't. I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster. Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for. How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck? He's cleared his name and got what he was due. I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash. I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million. His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that. I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million? I'd sue the club for £25m if i could. That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue. That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't? Yes, that is where we differ. No. But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock. That is where we also differ. I don't. You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney. The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him. I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss. For god sake on the cock. You're the one who said that!
  13. I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04 Do you work for Ashley? No I don't. I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster. Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for. How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck? He's cleared his name and got what he was due. I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash. I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million. His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that. I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million? I'd sue the club for £25m if i could. That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue. That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't? Yes, that is where we differ. No. But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock. That is where we also differ. I don't. You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney. The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him. I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss.
  14. It's more like being laid off and claiming the redundancy pay you were entitled to.
  15. I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04 Do you work for Ashley? No I don't. I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster. Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for. How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck? He's cleared his name and got what he was due. I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash. I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million. His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that. I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million? I'd sue the club for £25m if i could. That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue. That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't? Yes, that is where we differ.
  16. I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04 Do you work for Ashley? No I don't. I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster. Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for. How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck? He's cleared his name and got what he was due. I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash. I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million. His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that. I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million? I'd sue the club for £25m if i could. Actually I might do it now they've admitted lying to us. Emotional distress of relegation ruined my relationships and that. i should get at least my season ticket money back.
  17. They have stockholm syndrome. They've fallen in love with their captors.
  18. I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04 Do you work for Ashley? No I don't. I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster. Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for. How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck? He's cleared his name and got what he was due.
  19. And then he dropped most of the money because his priority was rather that his reputation was restored. Does that disprove your ridiculous claim that he was intent on just pocketing the most money? Yep. Not quite true. They were never going to consider that part of the claim, but wanted to make it clear that if they had, they would have ruled for publication (as they had anyway) which would restore Keegan's good name, and therefore not require any further compensation. Which Keegan could only agree with. They didn't say "you can take publication or £10m, what's it to be?" while the lawyers shouted "gamble...gamble" Exactly. If you believe that winning the constructive dismissal case is going to restore your good name, why make the additional claim in the first place? And incidentally, if KK or anyone else thinks that his reputation has been restored with this, I reckon they're very mistaken. Any prospective future employer is going to look at that judgement and not go near him with a barge pole. I wasn't backing you up like. You're fucking daft if you don't think this completely exonerates Keegan.
  20. I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04 Do you work for Ashley?
  21. And then he dropped most of the money because his priority was rather that his reputation was restored. Does that disprove your ridiculous claim that he was intent on just pocketing the most money? Yep. Not quite true. They were never going to consider that part of the claim, but wanted to make it clear that if they had, they would have ruled for publication (as they had anyway) which would restore Keegan's good name, and therefore not require any further compensation. Which Keegan could only agree with. They didn't say "you can take publication or £10m, what's it to be?" while the lawyers shouted "gamble...gamble"
  22. 100% he will win. He was Lied to by his employer. Surprised you can even type so well with your head being so far up the Messiah's arse. :lol:
  23. I'm not someone who gives these people much credit, but Kinnear is an old man who's just had a serious heart operation. I think it's good to see those running the club show him a bit of respect. I think we're so used to Shepherd bad mouthing people who's usefullness to us has waned that we expect it of those in charge now. As much as they've fucked up lots of stuff running the club, I don't think they should get stick for choosing not to put the final nail in the coffin of a bloke virtually on his death bed. I have no doubt that he won't be back in charge of team affairs, whatever happens. He might get a token roll upstairs, after all, he's the one bloke who stepped up after Keegan went and I'm sure Ashley appreciates that.
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