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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. I'm still more optimistic than most normal fans. Some weirdos on here put me to shame though. They're either Llambias employees or their devotion to Ashley's relegation-courting style of ownership is a masochistic perversion. It's a point of view I get a voyeuristic satisfaction from reading. Like a pig rolling around in shit.
  2. I chose the username at a time when I was so optimistic I kept supporting Souness...then Roeder... and then Allardyce. Flying in the face of much opinion on this forum at the time. Things are far worse now than at any time under any of those managers. Fact.
  3. Excellent. Kinnear will have a steady stream of kids for his championship campaign.
  4. http://www.oneinchpunch.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/extreme-ironing-04.jpg
  5. Why are you repeating some unrelated statement. We've been promised a transfer spend 3 windows running, and ended up with a transfer profit in them all. Good of Llambias to repeat the promise to spend money in Summer 2009 today. Words are of far more comfort than action.
  6. Why mention it then? I won't be giving NUSC credit for the price reduction, because there's no evidence it's anything to do with them. And I will criticise the fans that caused chaos after KK left, because I don't agree with what they did. because a bunch of people on here got all hot and bothered that 'the fans' are to blame for the state we are in, really laughable stuff like 'the banner made us lose' on one occasion. people are more than willing to point out how much damage an insignificant fan club are doing (and how badly run they are whilst giving the professional club board lots of slack). nusc must be very influential if they can cause such damage! so i just wondered if the same people would also dish out the credit for putting pressure on the board to try and win fans round. you do both or you do none. So you're arguing that fans can have no effect upon the club at the same time as arguing in favour of an organisation whose relevance and reason for existing is based entirely upon the opposite being true. Well said. I was reading today's posts on this thread and working up to posting about precisely this logical disconnect. The very people who argue most strongly in favour of protest, of "doing something" -- ie insisting that fan action of this nature can have a positive effect -- are also the most keen to deny that fan action can have any kind of negative effect at all. In reality, if one is true, so must be the other. Worrying about the effect of protest on the team is horse shit to tell the truth. 24 points in 22 games without any protests? Christ! What level of confidence are we concerned about denting by having a go at the owner? An already extremely fragile confidence. However, you miss the point. Chez was saying upthread, and I agree, that the atmosphere of outraged protest following the departure of Keegan was one of the factors making it impossible for us to find a better manager than Joe Kinnear. The NUSC meanwhile seem to think that they can somehow oust Mike Ashley from the club. All this is about stuff that happens off the pitch. I don't agree. I'm a better manager than Joe Kinnear and I'd have done it.
  7. It's laughable to use that as a defense of the profit he's made in transfer dealings.
  8. Ashley came out of the window in profit without cover in many positions while still in danger of relegation. Are we allowed to be pissed off yet? By Llambias' own admission, that's not the case. There was 3 months of silence before the Keegan stuff kicked off. It was a conscious decision made once Mort left. What trust Mort had built up with fans had been largley eroded before Keegan left anyway.
  9. Why mention it then? I won't be giving NUSC credit for the price reduction, because there's no evidence it's anything to do with them. And I will criticise the fans that caused chaos after KK left, because I don't agree with what they did. because a bunch of people on here got all hot and bothered that 'the fans' are to blame for the state we are in, really laughable stuff like 'the banner made us lose' on one occasion. people are more than willing to point out how much damage an insignificant fan club are doing (and how badly run they are whilst giving the professional club board lots of slack). nusc must be very influential if they can cause such damage! so i just wondered if the same people would also dish out the credit for putting pressure on the board to try and win fans round. you do both or you do none. So you're arguing that fans can have no effect upon the club at the same time as arguing in favour of an organisation whose relevance and reason for existing is based entirely upon the opposite being true. Well said. I was reading today's posts on this thread and working up to posting about precisely this logical disconnect. The very people who argue most strongly in favour of protest, of "doing something" -- ie insisting that fan action of this nature can have a positive effect -- are also the most keen to deny that fan action can have any kind of negative effect at all. In reality, if one is true, so must be the other. Worrying about the effect of protest on the team is horse shit to tell the truth. 24 points in 22 games without any protests? Christ! What level of confidence are we concerned about denting by having a go at the owner?
  10. I'm asking why you think supporters backing a manager fanatically should put off a potential manager? You seem to be suggesting the backing is the reason, but I don't get your logic. Sorry for being really stupid.
  11. No they didn't, the fans were on his back all of the second half for the negative style of football. The only people applauded at the end was Taylor and Smith because they bothered coming over to the fans. http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/78793300.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF193A1D0B67C5DCBA3CF5B03BC88D1F278A7 Look like he's been handed his arse?
  12. So what puts them off? The blind support the fans gave to a manager that did well? I don't see how the fans coming out in support of Keegan without knowing all the facts would put off a future manager likely to get similar backing if he performs. So not only do you not read the thread you sidetrack it with an issue not even under discussion. Sorry I thought... was a suggestion that "the fans reaction made it impossible to find the requisite standard of team manager to replace Keegan". My bad.
  13. Allardyce to an extent. We might not be the main culprit (that should always be results), but we may well have make the decisions easier. I was at Allardyce's last game in the cup away to stoke and the fans applauded him off the pitch. .coms match report... "Certainly the contributions of their elders and supposed betters in midfield and attack did little to raise the sprits of a travelling crowd who were resolutely vocal and supportive of their side and manager (witness the Big Sam chants) but who got precious little back in return." http://www.nufc.com/html/2007-08html/2008-01-06stoke-a.html
  14. So what puts them off? The blind support the fans gave to a manager that did well? I don't see how the fans coming out in support of Keegan without knowing all the facts would put off a future manager likely to get similar backing if he performs.
  15. Wasn't Megson booed for his first game in charge of Bolton? As fan's, we aren't to blame. Name the last manager we got sacked? I can't remember us giving any of them a real bollocking in the stadium. Even Souness. We don't put potential managers off. If a manager is put off by 52,000 passionate fans turning up every week and voicing their feelings he's small time, insecure and not positive enough to lead a squad to victory.
  16. Protesting without any idea of what might constitute a favourable outcome, in a situation where the owner has already tried to sell and found it impossible .... Moronic. ?We are responsible for the effort, not the outcome? Please tell me that quote is not meant to make NUSC look good ? Makes them a total joke. It's nowt to do with NUSC. They kept reiterating it wasn't a protest. Yeah, we've already established that they are liars and hypocrites. Where?
  17. Happy Face

    Peter Beardsley

    The truth is Ashley pays him a wage. ....Well we do actually, but Ashley can put a stop to it if he doesn't tow the line.
  18. Protesting without any idea of what might constitute a favourable outcome, in a situation where the owner has already tried to sell and found it impossible .... Moronic. “We are responsible for the effort, not the outcome” Please tell me that quote is not meant to make NUSC look good ? Makes them a total joke. It's nowt to do with NUSC. They kept reiterating it wasn't a protest. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck. It doesn't matter what it is quacking But it didn't look like a duck or walk like a duck at all.
  19. Protesting without any idea of what might constitute a favourable outcome, in a situation where the owner has already tried to sell and found it impossible .... Moronic. “We are responsible for the effort, not the outcome” Please tell me that quote is not meant to make NUSC look good ? Makes them a total joke. It's nowt to do with NUSC. They kept reiterating it wasn't a protest.
  20. Protesting without any idea of what might constitute a favourable outcome, in a situation where the owner has already tried to sell and found it impossible .... Moronic. “We are responsible for the effort, not the outcome” “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” “When an individual is protesting society's refusal to acknowledge his dignity as a human being, his very act of protest confers dignity on him.” “A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.” “Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself victory. In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose. But regardless of the short-term outcome, the very fact of your continuing to struggle is proof of your victory as a human being.” “Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance” “I can honestly say that I was never affected by the question of the success of an undertaking. If I felt it was the right thing to do, I was for it regardless of the possible outcome.” “In terms of the game theory, we might say the universe is so constituted as to maximize play. The best games are not those in which all goes smoothly and steadily toward a certain conclusion, but those in which the outcome is always in doubt.”
  21. Happy Face

    Peter Beardsley

    Dont think so anymore He has a part time PR job, or he did. Listening to him make excuses for Ashley and blame fans for being unreasonable was like being stabbed in the heart by my da.
  22. http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/2009/02/communication-breakdown.html
  23. i dont think the global recession has had that much effect on our position.....except ashley couldn't find a buyer It's also had a big effect on Ashley's personal fortune and his other businesses. it has but ashley said he would put 20mil a year in before the crunch hit and it seems thats what he's doing. Since he put £100M in after buying the club, is that supposed to cover the first five years of his ownership?
  24. Are you oppugning my punnery?
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