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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Anthony Gordon

    needs Lewis Hall with him. had very little help or options that side.
  2. just a few musings from last night we were right in line with the trajectory of the ball and it seemed as if Pope was gonna save it as he had a full hand behind it. thought he should have saved it at the time but maybe harsh after seeing the replays. Foden is amazing. Southgate take note. build the England team around him and bellingham in CM. i think we could have got something if we had murphy on for the last 20 minutes. old school dierctness, beat yer man and whip a cross in. atmosphere was disappointing - 3 split levels doesnt help. some really poor individual performances from the likes of Joelinton and Miggy, and Bruno seemed to be a little off. hopefully just a temporary dip against the euro champions. need Lewis Hall in as soon as he's up to speed. Gordon was canny but he had not help in the attacking third from Burn.
  3. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    we were in the rail seats in level 1 and it was poor. seemed louder in 2 and 3 but it was stop start. disappointning.
  4. no dodgy links out there where eps 3 and 4 have been saved?
  5. anyone follow irish football? are they getting a decent set of kids coming through
  6. wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. at around 4 minutes when he's in the clubshop. looks like bruno is peering over the rail behind him laughing at him.
  8. huss9

    In-house media

    bruno 1.09 "the second divisions are warm up. now we can play,"
  9. huss9

    In-house media

    eh. what the hell. i'm gonna watch it all again.
  10. huss9

    In-house media

    did bruno say "whats gannin' on?" at 2 minutes on that vid?
  11. its the saudi national team. they arent a reflection of the saudi regime. seperate the two. dont know why anyone would be interested in these games though.
  12. dont worry talksport's mccoist and townsend both had a couple of our players in each of their 5 a side teams of the week.
  13. hoofoot is pretty good for extended highlights
  14. huss9

    Anthony Gordon

    seems a completely different lad now that he's left the pressures of his hometown club and supporters behind him. i know they were struggling, so that didnt help either. eddie's got him playing with a smile on his face that only miggy can rival. no snapping at opposing players, arguing with the ref, diving, or snide tackles. just a canny young lad living his dream. we really misjudged him from a personality point of view.
  15. got there at 5. a few of the entrances had massive queues. we picked the gallowgate turnstiles with the shortest queue. queued less than 5 minutes and the four of us were straight through. dont know if people realise you can use another turnstile. you dont have to use the one marked on ur season ticket as long as you are in the right stand.
  16. huss9

    Anthony Gordon

    surround yourself with better players and a better coach and you become a different player.
  17. think we need to stop with the good ebening bants.
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