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Everything posted by huss9

  1. @LFEEyou should really be stood outside wembley before kick off as a guide/help for us going off here.
  2. that was infuriating when buying cup tickets at sjp. youd pick a load of seats together then it wont et u buy them if u leave a single one next to you.
  3. tomorrow will be carnage as most people from pots 1 and 2 (like me) will be in trying to get through to book groups. i dont think the club thought this through properly. monday and tuesday were relatively quiet and easy to log in and book.
  4. @LFEEwhat seems the best for groups of 4 together (other than in the gods)?
  5. yeah mate - 4 for wednesday - heads up would be good. i got on without a wait in the early afternoon today, tomorrow will be dead, wednesday will be rammed. think it could have been organised a little better. surely they knew the numbers for each group beforethey started.
  6. look for a load of black and white top wearing louts when you're down there. get ya sel a few drinks and join them. they wont mind.
  7. i'm sure he'd rather you go even if he couldnt. or even better, be a good bro and give him your ticket if he doesnt get one. go on. you'll feel great. i was going to give my eldest my ticket if he didnt get one. the rest of us would have driven down and watched in the pub then met him later at the stadium.
  8. club should try and contact whoever is doing this and ban them. dont know how they would do that though.
  9. no we will be fine - there's 4 of us. it was 8 for the cip games to the kids and their schoolfriends could sit together. our friends and family group is full. the kids friends werent part of that group thats why we got them in our kids names. no probs for us we'll all get tickets - just the others who go to ballot.
  10. absolutely loads in that situation. i think people hadnt realised it would affect chances of getting a cup final ticket. thats why i wasnt keen on it being done by who bought a cup ticket, but rather ST ticket holders/points. we bought for my kids mates but didnt link them so they are going to ballot but my kids will be pot3.
  11. if its just to sit next to ur brother - i'd get one in pot3 and let him go to ballot. i'm sure you'll manage to get round the stadium within limits to sit next to him. sounds like you only would want to go if you could sit next to your brother?
  12. huss9


    dont like them but they are anti-woke i guess. blue or pink - nowt beige, stripey, spotty, checks or rainbow.
  13. people saying they have bough tickets for others in pot 2 or 3 etc isnt true. i just logged on again and got straight in (no waiting time at present) and it would let me get my pot 1 tickets but wouldnt let me buy for anyone in lower pots.
  14. got my brother a safe standing within 20 minutes of waiting. i'm waiting till pot 3 to sit with my kids. tuesday will be quiet. think wednseday will be much longer waiting times as people try and get seats together.
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