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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Where's the Michael Jackson popcorn gif when you need it
  2. oldtype

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Ferguson has also singlehandedly make me like Pardew again
  3. oldtype

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    What a fucking senile cuntbag
  4. oldtype

    Alan Pardew

    It would be nice to not have to see Williamson as much, but RB is a key strategic weakness for us. We mostly play without any traditional wide players, so we need our fullbacks to overlap often and provide width. Just look at how often Simpson is involved in our attacks despite the fact that it doesn't suit his skillset. Now imagine we had someone who could actually run with the ball and cross in his place. The club is aware of this, which is why Debuchy was priority one in the summer and why I hope he or another attacking RB will continue to be the first thing we look at moving forward.
  5. In the end getting relegated turned out to be a good thing for the club, so thanks for being useless Joe.
  6. Good job. If he continues on this rate of improvement he may manage to be as average as Routledge was for us by the end of the season.
  7. On a separate note, you know you've conditioned yourself properly as a football supporter when you've killed your expectations for January transfer windows to the point where you don't even realize they're coming. I was just looking at my calendar when I realized "huh, we can buy players in five days?"
  8. We have no right to slate Man United supporters for being glory hunters. For the one Korean Scunthorpe United supporter that I'm sure exists somewhere on this Earth, I'm probably just as much of a glory hunting cunt. It's all relative. What I do hate is people who purport to 'support' Man U when in reality they just follow the brand name. They'll never go to a game, hell, they won't even watch the games if they have anything better to do. The club barely touches them emotionally at all but for them Man U is a successful brand that they just want as part of their image, like wearing an Armani suit or driving a Mercedes. These very same people are almost unerringly the most arrogant and belittling towards supporters of other clubs. They are scum of the Earth and should be rounded up, put into a labor camp, and forced to watch Stoke v. Stoke Reserves for the rest of their natural lives. Froggy, however, is clearly not one of these.
  9. Thanks for popping up just to have a dig. That wasn't petty at all. You a mate of Ashley's like? I'd say that was an incredibly mild dig compared to what is deserved. Jesus fucking Christ man, this forum. I (grudgingly) agreed with our transfer policy on principle several months ago based on the information that was available at the time. Turns out things didn't work out. That doesn't make me "deserving" of petty insults, nor does it make me an Ashley supporter. At least we agree on the fact that this part of the forum is a fucking piece of shit when the team isn't playing well.
  10. oldtype

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    If he was our manager he would have been sacked 25 years ago.
  11. Thanks for popping up just to have a dig. That wasn't petty at all.
  12. It's ridiculous. Especially given how well he took the 3-0 last season. When you win all the fucking time it should be the easiest thing in the world to be a gracious loser. His weekends get ruined about twice a season FFS. Nah, I imagine being a Man United fan is horrible. If you win, it's job done ho hum. If you lose or draw, it's OMG my week is ruined.
  13. I think the best thing I can say about him is that he's better than any right-back we played during the Roeder era with the exception of Solano out of position.
  14. I'm mostly just praying "muscle and not bone"
  15. We have 3 senior central midfielders: Cabaye, Tiote and Anita. 1 is out long term recovering from an op, 1 is unreliable and the other just sustained what looks like a serious injury. The rest who play there are either non specialists or youngsters or Gosling. Perch plays there well enough and I'd rather be giving Bigi some game time rather than none at all. Jonas can also play in a midfield three and indeed did so for our most successful spell last season.
  16. Let's just get the loss over with and start over for the new year
  17. Shame, had a good first half.
  18. We really won't need a CM anymore once everyone is back from injury. Assuming that will ever happen.
  19. oldtype

    Alan Pardew

    We had virtually no control of the ball in their half for last 15 minutes. Cisse should 1 million % stayed on. I don't think it lost us the game but i still think it was a pretty gash decision. Relieved to see him put more faith in the players, though. He'll have a job on picking the lads up after this. Having Cisse there wouldn't help us keep control of the ball at all. The plan was to invite them into our half and hit them on the counter with Sammy/Obertan/Marveaux, worked perfectly multiple times.
  20. oldtype

    Alan Pardew

    Was the right decision imo, putting as much pace on the pitch as possible. Man United weren't coming back to defend at all towards the end. it almost worked.
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