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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 7 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:

    That’s how ballots work though surely? That’s how the cup final worked at least.


    Not really interested in how Wembley organise their ticketing process as its a soulless hellhole anyway. And its definitely not how it should be for a club to organise its games.


    Imagine going to the cinema and not being able to pre-select where you sit. If a cinema can do it then so should a football club.


    The ballot should just be a gateway into accessing the club's ticketing system.

  2. 2 minutes ago, jack j said:

    Most of what I've seen on twitter has been people up in arms about it as well (nor saying its not happening) but plenty feel the same way that its shite craic


    From what I've seen its about 70/30 with the 30 supporting the decision. That's an alarming amount of support for something so awful IMO. The entire fanbase should be up in arms about it.

  3. Just now, gbandit said:

    I share some of these feelings but I’ve not seen the smugness, is it all on social media? Because on here the ticketing decisions have been absolutely torn to shreds 


    Yeah, facebook and twitter has been full of absolute cockends, saying if you aren't prepared to pay the £74 for a ticket then don't bother entering the ballot. Absolute cunts the lot of them.

  4. I'm actually shocked at my own reaction to this and how much it has completely pissed me off. Not only at the club's actions but also the appallingly smug reaction to it from some of our fanbase. I might cool down over the coming days but right now it's killed any enthusiasm I had for the coming seaaon. If I dont feel on the same page as the club and our own support then I'm wondering what's the point of it all.

  5. 10 minutes ago, stozo said:

    I feel like all the kicking off about ticket process is a bit people wanting to have their cake and eat it. People want us to compete for trophies. FFP is the major barrier to that. Which means we need to increase revenue. Which in turn means everything (especiallly tickets) will go up in price. Everything has a cost, and this is the price of success. 


    Asking a low income person/family to pay an extra 15% for match tickets is one thing. Telling them that they might have to pay an extra 100% if they are unlucky is quite something else. It's emotional blackmail by the club and it's inexcusable.

  6. 1 minute ago, Yorkie said:

    No surprise at the contemptuous shit-guzzlers within the support. There's absolutely zero chance of there being a collective opposition sufficient enough in size to affect any sort of change. It'll be entirely down to lobbyists like the Trust and other vocal groups/individuals.


    See the years 2014-2019 for evidence. 


    Yep, the same shithouses who are gloating today will be the same who castigated the fans who walked away in protest in 2019.


    You can just sense that these cunts are quietly enjoying the fact that some people will be priced out of games, as it will make them feel superior as a fan. Grim as fuck, quite frankly, and makes you wonder if the game today is worth following. What's the point, if the people you are rubbing shoulders with are just complete ballsacks?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Decky said:

    Aye, and you’re having to deal with twats coming out with shite like this as well. 

    Aye sure pay hundreds for a hotel and flight when you don’t have a ticket. That makes sense. 


    It's just the usual "I'm a better fan than you" bullshit playing out in a new way. Football fans are really just cunts aren't they? 

  8. Just now, Kid Icarus said:

    Football (and society) has far too many I'm Alright, Jacks. It was the case when that Charlotte lass was saying the ticket prices were too high as well imo. 


    Have to agree. Modern society is properly fucking grim. No sign of the great reset coming either.

  9. 1 minute ago, Dr.Spaceman said:


    Born in '87 and as far back as I can remember it always has had a significant amount of absolute wankers within it.


    I can't remember it being this bad tbh. Maybe they were always there though & social media has just shone a light on them all.

  10. The response to this from many on twitter & facebook from a lot of our support has been properly depressing. Basically saying if you can't afford a £74 ticket then don't bother entering the ballot. Sad to say that NUFC's fanbase now has a significant amount of absolute wankers within it.



  11. 2 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Like I've said tons of times, offer another narrative and I'll listen. I've only made up my mind about the whole 'it'll help people who can't afford to go to games' argument being a fantasy because everything points towards the opposite being true. Fans being priced out is not a unique criticism of the club's owners, it's a problem with football in general. 


    The main criticism of this scheme isn't the price increase, it's the complete removal of being able to make a choice where you sit, and thus being forced to sit somewhere where you don't want to be.


    It's a worry, no doubt, because it's the first sign that these people don't understand what makes a football stadium work. That's why we need to monitor them like a hawk from here on in. But just blankly stating that this incident means that a new stadium under their control would be a bad thing is just nonsense.


    Ticket prices absolutely need to be scrutinised though, and are exactly what the NUST were created to help police, so I'd expect them to be monitoring them closely.


    The ticket pricing at matches is something that needs to be placed in the hands of the new football regulator as they are clearly out of control at most clubs. But that has nothing to do with how well the owners would handle a move to a new stadium. You are just being clouded by your bias in this instance.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    The same people in charge of this ill-thought out shit show with ticketing, seating allocations, memberships, and pricing fans out of their seats are the same people who'd be in charge of it after a stadium expansion. Of course it's related, it's directly related.


    Except you have already made up your mind that they would make a pig's ear of any new stadium. And this incident likely just suits your narrative about not wanting a new stadium.


    This is hopefully just a misstep, something that they haven't really thought through. But what is for certain though is that we need to keep an eye on them from here on in, as they clearly are not infallible. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Kid Icarus said:

    At least it has (hopefully) very quickly put a pin in the argument put forward for how a new stadium would be good for the working class. 


    It literally has no bearing on that whatsoever. This is simply an ill-thought out shit show of a plan and has no relevance to how a new stadium would be populated.

  14. 8 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    I get what you mean but they don’t get paid so poorly phrased. This is however as you say exactly the kind of thing you need a supporters trust for.


    Are you a member?


    Nah, not a member. I used to be but became cynical about their motives. This was a while ago mind so I could be tempted again, especially if they manage to get this fiasco amended.

  15. They really need to earn their coin here, and very quickly too. This is exactly what they were created for.


    I didn't think I'd see the day when the club come up with a worse idea than the dreadful Bond scheme of the late 90s, but they have somehow managed it right here with this shit show.

  16. 14 minutes ago, Cookie1892 said:


    its not greed, we simply have to try and maximise all revenue streams


    the ticketing changes have came about due to the amount of people moaning that they cant get in anymore etc. The club cant consciously turn round and say tough shit it is what it is so are trying to accomodate as best they can


    people have complained about the 10am random generator so this is the fairest solution the club could find unless everyone wants to go back to that process and start bitching on again




    The old queuing system was better than this abortion of an idea. If there is no way of being able to choose your own seat with this new ballot then they need to go back to the old system, with immediate effect.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    Nope. Automatically charged. 


    I've requested a refund for the membership. If they tweak the system a wee bit so there's a little less utter fucking contempt towards fans, I'll buy another one. 


    How do you go about doing it? I'm doing the same if this is not officially reversed within the 14 day cooling off period.

  18. 5 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:



    Your kidding right? People normally choose where they sit so they can be with like minded people. So from now on, you buy a ticket but cant have any say whatsoever in being in a "singing" section.

  19. The seats aren't randomly selected surely? That's got to be bollocks, and you get a chance to choose where you sit.


    Edit : just seen that they are actually randomly selected. Holy fuck, that is appalling.

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