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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 40 minutes ago, geordie_b said:

    The body language breakdown of his previous interview was great, told us the really story that his word couldn’t/wouldn’t 


    Somebody message him again and ask him to do an analysis of this latest one.

    If nowt else, it looks like the last 12 months have aged the prick.

  2. A quick google and....


    Mind Your Mouth - Mouth, Lips, and Tongue Cues

    Be careful of pursing or licking your lips. This can indicate extreme anxiety, withholding information and withholding aggression. Tight lips indicate you may be planning to keep the truth in. If you actually suck the lips part way in, you may be withholding anger. When you are nervous, your mouth becomes dry, and you lick your lips and swallow as you struggle to find the right words to say.


    Yep, sounds about right. [emoji38]

  3. 3 hours ago, Candi_Hills said:

    I wonder how things will play out if this goes through. There'll be bad blood there forever. The corrupt 6 will probably do everything they can to limit our spending and they'll fund endless media campaigns against Saudi Arabia and try to rally people against us.

    Just ask Man City fans and they will probably tell you. It's not something that we notice, but if you read their forums you will quickly see how alert they are to the negative media they have received since winning the football lottery in 2008.

  4. I knew that clown Exile1968 was obsessed with NUFC, but even I didn't realise how bad it was. A quick check of his posting history shows that 178 of his last 200 posts have been in the NUFC thread. And three of the other 22 were NUFC-related. 

    If the takeover goes through, someone will have to keep a good check on him as he might just spontaneously combust. He spends his time on twitter trolling NUFC fans too. SMB doesn't even come close to describing the prick.

  5. 1 hour ago, Candi_Hills said:

    You said it [emoji38]

    "Don't give us false hope", "The mental anguish is too much", "I'm exhausted"... Some people are scared to allow themselves to believe that Mike is even trying to sell the club.

    Personally, I feel really really happy about NUFC right now. We don't have to worry about relegation anymore, watching the mackems is a hoot and I'll either be watching a proper football team next season or doing the garden on saturdays. It's shit or bust and I'm mentally ready for either.


    Exactly where I am at. And not a chance am I following this takeover shit if it still hasn't been concluded one way or the other by the beginning of of next season. Ashley will never have a stronger hand than he currently does, what with all of the corrupt shenanigans that has gone on over the last month. If he cannot get the PL to cave in this summer then this takeover is never happening.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Jinky Jim said:

    Ignore him...much of it is no more than guesswork, and posting a dialogue he wishes to happen.....he is, after all a journalist who needs clicks, so he puts out several versions of what it might mean, so he can cater for both groups of supporters....those wanting takeover and those who don’t....No one really knows how positive this latest law suit is....it might even turn out to be non productive...time will tell.

    Honestly, if this was happening at any other club and it was us looking in then I would be certain that the takeover would go through. But it is NUFC and I still just can't see it happening. Maybe I'm just too hard bitten by all of the horrendous bad luck we have had over the last 25 years.

  7. 15 hours ago, gdm said:

    For balance Kennedy also said “is there gonna be a takeover before next season? It’s looking like a tough ask and we need to plan ahead (for next season) and Bruce will be going in to final year of his contract”

    what ever his big story is he doesn’t sound too enthusiastic that it’ll be done soon 

    (Sorry for chip pissing)

    If the legal team cannot get it through this summer, bearing in mind how vulnerable & corrupt the PL currently look, then this will never go through. If it drags on into next season then its all bullshit and nothing more will happen other than possible compo to Ashley.

  8. 36 minutes ago, TRon said:

    Of course they are. That was what the protests have been about all along, they don't give a shit about the ESL ditching English football, they will happily climb on board once they've got deeper pockets via middle eastern owners. 

    Absolutely this. It was a combination of hating that the Glazers fleece the club and also that they can see, right before their eyes, that Man City are ever increasingly moving way ahead of them on every level. If they were still at the top of the tree there would not have been an ounce of protest.

  9. It's been said many times before, but if Ashley had been at Man Utd or Liverpool and he'd done to them what he has done to us he'd have been chased within a couple of years. 

  10. 22 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    So let me get this straight, he came across some massive evidence that he passed to a reporter, who was checking to see if he could go ahead with it? (As if that would stop a newspaper if the story was THAT juicy)

    He then backtracks and says if this earth shattering news doesn’t ever see the light of day it’s supposed to be a positive because it means something is happening in secret and we’ll never know either way whether it was real or not but we just have to believe and we’ll get what we desire?

    Sounds an awful lot like a religious cult.

    Not meaning to piss on anyone’s chips this morning. I think there’s plenty to be positive about that doesn’t involve this charlatan and his nonsense.

    If there’s a real story and evidence of something, put it out. Otherwise don’t mislead people.

    Agree. I respect him for putting his time and money into trying to make a difference but he just needs to shut the fuck up now. Unless something big comes out today this has been an embarrassing week for him.

  11. Is Edwards really this dense? Does he really need to be shown that Bin Salman isn't hiding anything and readily displays to the world that he is the Chairman of PIF? https://www.pif.gov.sa/en/Pages/Boradmembers.aspx

    Does he have any idea at all what this legal action is trying to show? I mean it's not exactly rocket science.

    The bald cunt deserves every bit of abuse that may be coming his way. Absolute whopper.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    I thought you’d taken a years sabbatical ? Bit strange to post in a thread you’d given no thought to ? After the nature of your dramatic departure I was convinced you’d return as Shaunetta.

    First post back and he's straight back into the takeover negativity. [emoji38]

    He's consumed by the takeover, just like we all are. Difference is that some of us at least admit to it.


  13. On 25/04/2021 at 10:12, GWN said:

    Theres a poster on RTG called Exile something or other, he trolls the NUFC Twitter account every day about the murderous regime in Saudi and how could we want them, every fuking day man he does it , what an absolute whopper of a man, he participates in the NUFC thread almost solely 100% , he needs to get some sort of check up at the hospital ?, any how here’s hoping they make it 4 in a row of years in DIV 3 ......6 would be glorious :2funny:

    Yep, Exile 1968. I mentioned him in this thread a month or so ago. He's the most bitter SMB I have come across on that forum, which is a feat in itself. If the takeover goes through people are gonna have to keep a check on his mental state.

  14. 45 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    It’s always funny how they think their team is better than everyone and yet they are still in the third division for the third year (good chance 4th) and only been top if I remember for one or two weeks during that time. You would think the penny would have dropped by now. This despite have a far bigger budget than any other club in that division.

    They've never been top in all of their time down there since being relegated. They were briefly 2nd for a couple of hours one weekend when they had an early kick off but were knocked back into the play-off places once all of the matches had been completed that day.

  15. 1 minute ago, Holmesy said:

    This could just as easily work against us. The 'big 6' have just flexed their muscles and everyone shat themselves - there was lost of posturing about the leagues holding all the power but it didn't look like that. It was player and fan revolts that drove the clubs to withdraw, not any threats of legal action.

    There's no doubt they're coming back with other powerplay - first they wanted a bigger share of the Sky money, then the European SL came along, next?

    The PL will be shitting themselves and there's a chance it'll strengthen their resolve to not let our takeover through.

    This idea that it has been fan protests that have stopped this happening are laughable. It's the government's "legislative bomb" threat that smashed it. They anticipated everything, except that.

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