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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. Can't remember the last time I saw the media turn on a manager and pretty much demand his sacking the way they have in the last 10 hours.


    If he is still here for the Spurs game I really hope NUFC go down now. Not bothered what the possible ramifications of that would mean either. The club in its present form are a stain on the integrity of the game.

  2. Agreed. There's too much focus on Steve Bruce. It was exactly the same under Alan Pardew. We can't count on the solidarity of fans to get him him out. The club needs to burn so it costs Ashley more to own it than to sell at a loss. It's the only way I can see for long term improvement.


    For however much of a shitbag he is, there are clubs that have had much bigger arseholes owning them, and been run far worse.


    Wanting the club to tank and burn just to remove Ashley I’ve always found too extreme. I just can’t stomach the idea of us plodding along in the Championship, hoping to scrape a play off place whilst teams ping pong up and down building stronger through parachute payments like WBA, Norwich - but at least we got rid of Ashley.


    Moment we go down, and if PIF pull out, we leave ourselves with a greater chance of some even bigger scumbag buying us.


    Bare minimum we should be in PL. End of the day shouldn’t be a case of having to tank just to cause Ashley leaving. Would rather be in PL with Ashley, in strongest position for potential buyers than drop down and take a punt on some American come in a strip us clean.


    Exactly the kind of comment that Ashley hopes every NUFC fan will have. Happy with 17th every year in the forlorn hope that one day the club will be sold.

  3. We aren't beating WBA. And as crazy as it might sound, I don't think Fulham losing last night did us any favours either. If they had put us in the bottom three the pressure for Bruce to be peddled would have been immense after not beating WBA. Now he will be allowed to plod on until it's too late. In short, we are going down IMO.

  4. And this is why he’s still here



    Don't believe a word of that.


    Why don’t you?



    I just don't believe Ashley would have agreed to a figure that high. It will be closer to half of that amount.


    The same idiot that gave pardew, carver, stone & woodman 8 year contracts with no clauses and had to pay them up in full. Aye I well believe it. Also wasn’t Rafa on £6m a year? He probably thought less was a bargain for Bruce :lol:


    We dont know what, if any, clauses were in their contracts.


    Dont get me wrong, Ashley is definitely stupid enough to have agreed to it. I just dont think he would have though.

  5. He’s Ashley’s ideal man. Bruce is so hated and getting so much abuse and attention now that Ashley has been largely forgot about


    Ideal man? He's going to cost him £150m in lost value of the club man.  :lol:


    Well he’s obviously clearly not that bothered about it is he.


    He hates us that much he won’t care if we go down. People forget just how much he hates us and how personal this is to him.


    If we go down he can just sell a few players and bank the parachute payments and he won’t be out of pocket much if at all. It will be us as usual that have to suffer.


    He hates us that much he is prepared for it to cost him £150m. Aye, righto.


    The parachute payments wont all come in one go and the players we have aren't worth much at all, so all of that won't be anywhere near £150m.


    The whole "he hates us" thing is bollocks too, he doesn't care either way. The man is simply as thick as a castle wall, nothing more than that.

    Aye righto?

    Aye that’s exactly what is actually happening.

    If you think he is prepared to watch NUFC halve in value simply because he "hates the fans" then you are genuinely off your nut.


    It is a ludicrous thing to think I would agree but what other explanation could there be because keeping Bruce in a job at this stage defies belief.


    Like I say, it's simply because he is an imbecile. Utterly out of his depth when it comes to how to run a football club.


    People way overthink Ashley's motives when it comes to NUFC.

  6. He’s Ashley’s ideal man. Bruce is so hated and getting so much abuse and attention now that Ashley has been largely forgot about


    Ideal man? He's going to cost him £150m in lost value of the club man.  :lol:


    Well he’s obviously clearly not that bothered about it is he.


    He hates us that much he won’t care if we go down. People forget just how much he hates us and how personal this is to him.


    If we go down he can just sell a few players and bank the parachute payments and he won’t be out of pocket much if at all. It will be us as usual that have to suffer.


    He hates us that much he is prepared for it to cost him £150m. Aye, righto.


    The parachute payments wont all come in one go and the players we have aren't worth much at all, so all of that won't be anywhere near £150m.


    The whole "he hates us" thing is bollocks too, he doesn't care either way. The man is simply as thick as a castle wall, nothing more than that.


    Aye righto?


    Aye that’s exactly what is actually happening.


    If you think he is prepared to watch NUFC halve in value simply because he "hates the fans" then you are genuinely off your nut.



  7. He’s Ashley’s ideal man. Bruce is so hated and getting so much abuse and attention now that Ashley has been largely forgot about


    Ideal man? He's going to cost him £150m in lost value of the club man.  :lol:


    Well he’s obviously clearly not that bothered about it is he.


    He hates us that much he won’t care if we go down. People forget just how much he hates us and how personal this is to him.


    If we go down he can just sell a few players and bank the parachute payments and he won’t be out of pocket much if at all. It will be us as usual that have to suffer.


    He hates us that much he is prepared for it to cost him £150m. Aye, righto.


    The parachute payments wont all come in one go and the players we have aren't worth much at all, so all of that won't be anywhere near £150m.


    The whole "he hates us" thing is bollocks too, he doesn't care either way. The man is simply as thick as a castle wall, nothing more than that.

  8. We need Fulham to dump us in the bottom three tonight and then a loss at WBA on Sunday to bring this shitshow to a head. If he's not sacked after that then everyone can forget about staying up and any takeover once and for all.



    If that happens doubt we’d stay up anyway even if Jones took over.


    After this week's events we aren't staying up under Bruce either. At least we get the satisfaction of seeing the prick peddled.

  9. We need Fulham to dump us in the bottom three tonight and then a loss at WBA on Sunday to bring this shitshow to a head. If he's not sacked after that then everyone can forget about staying up and any takeover once and for all.



  10. What does he mean by “otherwise the seller would stop the legals”?


    Is he saying that if it isn’t done by the end of this month, Ashley will pull the plug?



    So that's him now gone from "definitely happening" to "it might not".


    This is where the slow deflation of the balloon officially begins then.


  11. So this could all just be bollocks ?  :lol:

    If it is, then you need to think about what is is that Nick de Marco is trying to do.

    I don't believe it's just to get compensation for Ashley and nothing else.


    It most likely is just about Ashley compo, but if they string the fans along it keeps them off his back and makes him look like he’s doing what he can to leave.


    It will get interesting if we go down. Ashley will want the loss of asking price or costs to get us back up. He won’t let that go and I don’t blame him. We go down it’s because we’ve become more of a zombie club than ever before, and we have the PL to thank for that.


    He'd get laughed out of court for blaming relegation on the PL, and rightly so. This relegation is solely on him and nobody else.


    As far as I am concerned this takeover is dead and buried now. DeMarco is there to get compensation and embarrass the PL. Nothing more in it than that.


    Based on what? All the best sources we have - Keith, Caulkin, Kennedy, Jacobs - think that Amanda is still trying to buy the club and they all agree that the legal proceedings are not limited to Fat Mike getting compensation. Even De Marco's own comments the other day suggest that this is not about compensation. He said, speaking in general terms, "Arbitration is risky so it's best to try and reach a deal without the need for it".


    Which seems more likely to you?:


    1) George and Keith have contact with the buyers, albeit limited, and they know enough to know the deal is alive.




    2) George Caulkin is a pathological liar and is willing to destroy his well-earned reputation as the #1 NUFC journalist for twitter likes. Keith is also flat out lying and is willing to destroy his credibility as a local businessman.


    I don't think either of them are lying. I think they are being fed lies by Ashley and the buyers.


    What do you think Amanda's motivation for lying about this would be? Personally, I'd do Keith and George the favour of saying I don't think either of them are that stupid.


    However, if you think everyone who knows something has been lied to, then I'm afraid I've no comeback. I'm not in a position to disprove a speculative conspiracy theory.


    The whole takeover saga has been one gigantic conspiracy theory man.


    Caulkin was blatantly suckered by the buyers last summer. Which is why he has wislely said almost nothing ever since.


    I feel almost feel sorry for the Keith fella tbh. He is now coming across as someone who had no idea what he was getting into and it's all now way above his head.


    He put out an article a few weeks ago, quoting the buyers as saying, "We'll get it done", and, "Relegetaion would be a pain in the arse."


    I think simplest explanation is that Amanda is still trying to buy the club, there are complications standing in the way and it may or may not happen. No conspiracy needed.


    The difference is, last summer not only was he quoting the buyers he was positively booming that it would happen, based on what info he was getting. This time it's different, and more like "this is what they are saying, don't look at me if it's all bollocks".



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