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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. He's such a tease.


    Part of me thinks he's only being like this because he knows we'll win.


    Or he doesn't give a shit either way as he has already made crazy bank from it and his reputation won't be tarnished in the slightest since most of the football world do not want this takeover to go through anyway.  :lol:

  2. Wish I'd been around to have appreciated him in the 90s. Obviously watched all the videos and he's my dad's hero still




    Quite simply, the buzz created by the club...or rather what KK did for the club....made Newcastle the best city in the country from 1992 to 1997. It was just a fantastic time to be in your early 20s...going to the matches, watching NUFC be the club that they should always be and then out on the town for class nights out on the lash (anothing thing about the city that has drastically gone downhill since those halcyon days).


    Kevin Keegan is THE reason why NUFC still gets big headlines. The buzz and media frenzy he created for the club still refuses to go away simply because of how potent it was back then.

  3. IF...our Saudi takeover does go through I can't wait to see the reaction of that prick Exile 1968 on RTG. Without doubt the most bitter cunt I've witnessed online when it comes to NUFC. It will be great if it goes through just to watch him spontaneously combust, never mind how well off it may make us.


    They'll play the morality card 100%


    They'll take the 1992er nonsense and turn it up to 11


    "Much rather be a real fan and not a plastic durham mag supporting an evil regime marra"


    Yep. And if we were to win trophies not a shred of credit would be given. "They had loads to spend so it was always going to happen"...blah blah blah.

  4. IF...our Saudi takeover does go through I can't wait to see the reaction of that prick Exile 1968 on RTG. Without doubt the most bitter cunt I've witnessed online when it comes to NUFC. It will be great if it goes through just to watch him spontaneously combust, never mind how well off it may make us.

    Haven't looked on there in ages. You mean to tell me there are bitterererer folk on there than whats her face and dangermows ?


    This clown is a fair few levels up from dangermows who, to be fair, always was just a bit of a pisstaker from what I could see. This Exile 1968 plonker is another plane altogether & doesn't even try to disguise the bitterness & hatred.

  5. IF...our Saudi takeover does go through I can't wait to see the reaction of that prick Exile 1968 on RTG. Without doubt the most bitter cunt I've witnessed online when it comes to NUFC. It will be great if it goes through just to watch him spontaneously combust, never mind how well off it may make us.

  6. I'd be surprised if someone as professional as him, and with the reputation he has, is a massive WUM. Just don't see what he'd achieve from that. He'll know something or at least have a massive hunch as to how this is heading.


    Alternatively he knows nothing yet and is just showing a bit of solidarity to the cause by liking the tweet.


    This is very likely to be what is really happening IMO. He has unopened a right old can of worms by doing it mind.

  7. F he’s doing it intentionally then it seems quite unprofessional tbh.



    I agree. I do think he is doing it intentionally, however, it will come to bite him in the arse if the club don’t win the arbitration. He will be hounded by the Twitter brigade. Not a good look for a top level QC. If the club wins the arbitration it will be the exact opposite and his Twitter feed will be full of how brilliant he is. He’s not daft by a long way he will know exactly what the score is.


    He will have to shut his twitter down if this ends in farce. I do wonder if he has thought this through as he will now be well aware of what is going on with the fanbase with regards to his tweets and likes.

  8. ....He'll know something or at least have a massive hunch as to how this is heading.


    I think he is just feeling confident of getting a win, and I highly doubt he knows it's all over and in the bag. He has nothing to lose with all of the twitter winks either. If he doesnt win the case it's not exactly going to diminish his professional standing.

  9. The bottom 5, featuring teams that can realistically go down, is now taking shape. Whatever happens from now on, we are in a relegation dogfight till the last few games of the season at the very least. We aren't ever going to be comfortable and unthreatened like last season. This is real and the shit is now hitting the fan.

  10. If the club stays up, we get taken over. It's as simple as that. Bruce is now the main threat to that happening.




    A little reminder that DeMarco is rather good at his job and is still "acting for Newcastle United FC in relation to the club’s proposed Saudi takeover"...




    Its really not that simple though.


    We have no idea what De Marco is working in relation to, we don't know whether the reported issues blocking the takeover (Piracy and MBS as a director) are going to be resolved and we don't know the result of an arbitration, or even what the arbitration will prove.


    I do agree that its imperative that we stay up this season though in order for any progress to be made.


    I actually think it is that simple though.


    I feel sure that all of the legalities and quarrels will be resolved by the end of the season and after that its just a case of whether we are still a PL club or not.

  11. If the club stays up, we get taken over. It's as simple as that. Bruce is now the main threat to that happening.




    A little reminder that DeMarco is rather good at his job and is still "acting for Newcastle United FC in relation to the club’s proposed Saudi takeover"...



  12. He isnt going anywhere, this new coach coming in is evidence of that. The new set up will be gven another 6 weeks to make a difference and by then it will be too late.

  13. There's a paranoid part of me that thinks De Marco is more of an Ashley man than we'd like to believe and he's just taking the piss out of us with his little references. "Sketches of Spain" on day we all go nuts for Rafa?



    I've got a mate who thinks the exact same thing. It wouldn't be the biggest surprise in the world if that's what is happening either.  :lol:

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