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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 1 hour ago, Wallsendmag said:

    This has to be the worst reply of the lot. Sunderland are a 3rd division football club. They are a complete and utter irrelevance these days. They are in no position to laugh at anyone. Any Newcastle fan worrying about what a group of football fans who follow a 3rd Division football club think of them has something wrong with them, in my opinion of course.


    For what it's worth l, whilst I admire the sentiment and what the Trust are trying to achieve, trying to rally a totally apathetic fanbase to donate enough to make this work is going to be an extremely tall order.

    Delusional. There is every chance we will be in the same league as them next season and if we are, they will be no better or worse than us in every respect. And of course if it does happen this board will be full of comments from people being terrified of playing them, that's how irrelevant they will be. It's already started in their thread on here and we dont even know our respective fates yet.

    Just to clear things up though, although I referenced them, it was actually my thoughts on what must the rest of the country think of us when watching that video. Like I say, every single negative stereotype was boxticked in that godawful video.

    Even if this plan by NUST somehow came off, it wouldn't make a slightest bit of difference in making NUFC the club a success. Yeah, there'd be a tiny sliver of fan representation on the board. Big deal.

    The whole thing is nothing more than a fantasy-fueled vanity project by an organisation struggling to justify it's existence.



  2. 3 minutes ago, Darth Crooks said:

    Well, putting the Mackems aside then, the audience and target is Newcastle fans for them to pledge. If it’s enough which it may well not be. There was a bloke in there from Kenya. As much as it evoked some local imagery it also addressed football in the modern sense too. Ultimately it’s about persuading enough of us to pledge to make it credible, however their content is pitched.

    It's not going to work though. I appreciate the energy that they have put into this but it is sadly misdirected. I suspect they know it has zero chance of working which is why they have added the charity element into it.

    They need to refocus their energy and attention on actual stuff that will make the club better. And holding the current owner to proper account would be a good start, not pie in the sky stuff like this.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Darth Crooks said:

    The word embarrassing is the most overused and redundant word used in the context of fan behaviour. Whose behalf people embarrassed upon? Sure as shit ain’t mine. I couldn’t give a fuck what Sunderland fans think and looking through the prism of that is so small time it’s untrue. I’m all for how will this work and debate and healthy scepticism but we’ve a Damocles sword of relegation, a sovereign state accused of murder and sportswashing or a disaster capitalist who literally v’s up the fans as our current options. Halle-fucking-jullah someone is promoting a way that doesn’t pander to the EPL, the myriad cretins who protect the jobs for boys product. I don’t know if it will work but fed up of pretending we’re a football club in any meaningful sense or that I should embrace PIF and they are my options. More needs to happen like this in wider society too to be honest because at the minute life and debate around it stinks. Mackems ffs.

    Having this mentality is what is small time. Living in your own echo chamber, your own bubble and sticking your fingers in your ears to what the outside world thinks is what is small time.

    I care deeply about the image of this city, it's football club and it's people. That video is hideous to watch and just perpetuates every negative stereotype of us as a region. I'd just shrug if it was some individual fan-made content but it's the actual group who claim to represent the voice of NUFC fans who have made it. Absolutely staggering.

  4. 3 minutes ago, 54 said:

    Whats the alternative then? everything else has failed. Atleast they're try something, it may work, it may not, but fans having a voice in the running of football clubs is something every fan should want, and this is a way to try and make that happen. Calling it embarrassing and thinking "What do the mackens think" makes you part of the problem.

    The only alternative is being bought out by a very rich individual or group who has actual ambition. This fan buy-in/buy-out stuff is pure fantasy.

    And some of us can remember the last time this was tried, when John Hall launched his share issue. That failed too, and that's when it was an actual viable proposition, and the club's supporter base was of a much higher calibre.

    You are talking about a fanbase that thinks boycotts don't work and that Ashley can do what he wants because "it's his club". If you expect them to get on board with this you are in for a whole lot of disappointment.


  5. 6 minutes ago, 54 said:

    Well thats just absolute horseshite :lol:

    It really isnt. This lot at NUST seem intent on ramping up the very worst stereotype views of the city of Newcastle and it's support. Us Geordies man, we all love Greggs and we've got nothing else in our lives except the football club. Monumentally and excuciatingly embarrasing and a million miles from the truth.

    I have no idea what has happened to Caulkin either. Once a very good journalist and now just cringeworthy as fuck.


  6. One of the most embarrasing things I've ever seen associated with NUFC. Cathedral on the hill? Greggs sausage rolls???? [emoji38]

    There must be a Mackem working undercover at the NUST. That is an absolute goldmine of ammunition for the mongoloids on RTG. They will be pissing themselves with laughter this morning.

    Consider my membership cancelled. I guess they don't think the Saudi takeover will be happening either then.

  7. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but, on reflection, Benitez coming here was a complete waste of time for everyone except Ashley. All it did was extended Ashley's tenure for at least 5 years longer and put a delay on the events that are happening now. If we'd been stuck with a no-mark manager at the start of the 16/17 season and had a few years in the wilderness then Ashley might have departed by now.



  8. Voted "No, even though I believe the takeover is still alive but don't believe it'll happen."

    If the Saudi takeover does collapse and Ashley is still here then I'm done with football altogether, not just NUFC. But I don't want the club to be relegated as I'd still want people who choose to keep going to get some enjoyment out of it.

    Having said that, if the club is relegated, the Saudi's are gone and Ashley still owns us then under no circumstances whatsoever would I want the club to be promoted again with him as owner. I'd want them to stay down until Ashley is gone, no matter how long it takes.


  9. 8 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Disagree Wandy, they see the price Man City are now valued at. If the club is valued at 2 billion in 10 years it still represents value in their eyes. It won’t take a fortune to get out of championship.

    Respect you’re opinion though, you usually speak a lot of sense on here.[emoji38]

    Lol. Mate, I admire your relentless confidence in this going through, I really do. Myself, I am also still fairly optimistic, or I simply wouldn't be on this thread. But it's a different ball game if we go down.

    Its only us, the fans, who wouldn't be put off paying the full whack if the club is relegated. Business people don't look at it like that though. They will want value for money and wont want to come away from a deal feeling like they have been fleeced. Even if the long-term prospects are still great.

    I can still see them buying us upon relegation, but it would have to be at a pretty significantly reduced price.

  10. 1 hour ago, Whitley mag said:

    It’s quite simple I believe, Ashley has sold the club for an agreed price and in his eyes he’s just waiting on approval. Forking out 4 million in compensation would probably come out of his pocket now. 

    As the poster above has stated, it is unquestionable that relegation has not been discussed privately between buyer and seller at this stage. I certainly don’t think where deliberately trying to get relegated as i believe the arbitration ruling will stand regardless if we’re in EFL. Remember Rick Parry is on the payroll of project big picture so no way he waves this through.

    What I do believe however is that the deal will be structured in a way Ashley is not worse off once add ons have been paid. He will be very confident that the prospective owners have the cash to bring us straight back up. Also the prospective buyers are so rich that they will have no issue with paying the balance on promotion.

    So in my eyes it’s all on arbitration and relegation isn’t a deal breaker.



    If we go down then money will need to be spent, by whoever owns the club, on players to get the club promoted. Your suggesting that the Saudi's will be happy with paying extra money on these players, and also eventually giving Ashley his full £320m through a structured deal? Never in a million years.

    The idea that the Saudi's are so cash rich that they will casually just throw extra money at NUFC ...no matter the circumstances ... to complete the sale, is simply bonkers.


  11. 9 hours ago, Armchair Pundit said:

    But weirdly unable to recognise what a thread about 'positive optimism' is all about :dowie:

    Positive Optimism regarding a takeover of the club while it is still in the PL is absolutely fine. What's not fine is claiming that the club's value will remain the same if relegated or that any buying party would happily pay the PL price when the club is in a league below.

    The icing on the cake though is stating that NUFC has such a high standing that it has some kind of entitlement to be viewed as a top tier club, even if it's not in said top tier. Now we have the additional suggestion that the club is actually trying to get relegted to facilitate a takeover, when the grim reality is that it's just gross incompetence that is likey to make that happen, not some clever masterplan.

    There needs to be three takeover threads on here. One for general discussion, this positive optimism one and now there needs to be a delusional optimism one.

  12. 57 minutes ago, Awaymag said:

    Oh just Fuck Off out of this thread, you miserable shit!   Without the takeover, the club is dead. Its a turd circling round the toilet bowl.  You may like wallowing in the misery of it but stop trying to drag everyone else to it!


    Get fucked yourself, you muppet. If the truth hurts then that's your problem, not mine.

    I've been following this club for nearly 40 years, so I'm qualified enough to recognise what kind of a state it's in.

  13. 2 hours ago, Alberto2005 said:

    Are you seriously suggesting someone would pay the same amount for a Championship team as they would for a Premiership team? :lol:

    It's mental isn't it? People are properly losing the plot over this now. And unfortunately falling into the "deluded Geordie" stereotype trap.

  14. 46 minutes ago, Doctor Zaius said:

    Christ he's so thick like. Also clearly doesn't realise Sunderland, a team who has spent the majority of the last 20 years in the PL, is also in the North East. :lol:

    It's highly amusing that they have been completely forgotten about as a footballing entity though. [emoji38]

  15. 1 minute ago, gdm said:

    There’ll come a point Ashley will shit it. Did we not offer McLaren the job with 3 games to go after derby got beat in the play offs 

    If the rumours are to be believed, we only sacked McLaren after Rafa approached us.


  16. 3 minutes ago, gdm said:

    He’s an out of work manager. I could definitely see Ashley going for him and letting the new owners deal with it later. I’d question why he’d come here when he’ll likely have other options 

    Not when there is the small matter of a few million in compensation to be paid to Bruce.

  17. 2 minutes ago, gdm said:

    Why is it without a doubt? Should we just stick with Bruce then? Shouldn’t have to repeat this but absolutely no one knows what’s happening with the takeover until there is a decision in the arbitration case. 

    the takeover happening & a change of manager are not linked in any way in this case.

    fwiw I think it’s bollocks anyway Duncan castles had us reaching out to Rafa last month 

    Going for Wilder would not be a short term appointment, meaning the takeover is either likely to fail in the coming months, or not going to be decided by the beginning of next season. We aren't sacking Bruce, paying out all that compo, and then appointing Wilder if new owners are coming in this summer.

    Giving Wilder the job now, at this stage of the season, would be even a more ridiculous decision than apponting Bruce after Rafa.

    It's all bullshit anyway as Doubtfire is now here until the end of the season, at the very least. If he was getting sacked it would have happened this week.

  18. 46 minutes ago, TheInfiniteOdyssey said:

    Disagree, obviously attendances will drop to some degree but I don't believe it'll be substantial.

    Even just through a quick look on social media, all the superfans are still maintaining they're proud to 'support the team, not the regime' and the other same empty platitudes.

    Don't really know why anyone is expecting our fanbase to change, never will.


    I will bet that the numbers of these self-styled "superfans" will currently be no more that 20,000. People are in for a shock how low the crowds will be if NUFC are mid-table or worse in the Championship.

    Also, let's not forget that the vast majority of this lot will not have witnessed NUFC do anything worse than finish top of the Championship. A year or two truly in the wilderness will sharp have loads of them jumping ship.

  19. The sole reason this prick took the NUFC job was because, in his head, he saw it as one last easy payday. Fail in the job just like he has in every other and he gets the windfall pay-off. He's made a fortune off doing it with other clubs.

    Except this time he has come up against Ashley, who is going to make him suffer, rather than be taken to the cleaners by a chancer. After all, nobody recognizes a wide boy like another wide boy.

    To be honest, as much as I hate Ashley, I have a sneaky admiration of his stance here. He's certainly got balls, and is prepared to risk the vast loss in the value of the club if relegated. I guess, even at this level & no matter how much money is stake, it all comes down to ego and not being shafted by someone.




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