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Posts posted by nazza06

  1. fickle posters on this board, all i heard after spurs was ramage motm etc...


    one mistake, but he's cartainly not boumsong. and don't forget pav & the back four haven't had too much match time together.

    well done Andy, you have given me faith that this forum does have people who think for longer than 2 seconds before posting.

  2. I didn't see the match, what happened?


    Well the ball went out for a goal kick... that's when Given came off and Pavel came. So it was great reception etc etc... And Pav's first task was to take the goal kick. Placed the ball, whole crowd doing that "ooooohhhhhhhhh" as he prepares himself, runs up.... and slightly miskicks it driving it rather low only as far as Ramage :lol: who managed to hook it up the field :lol: ...


    Cut out a cross with a good catch amongst the crowd minutes later though.

    Oh right. What do you think the reaction would have been like if he had kicked it straight to a spurs player and they scored and then when he went to catch the cross it skimmed off his knuckles and directed itself into an empty net? :lol:

  3. Honest kingdawson, I'll tell you something sincerely here. I've had the internet since 1999, the year we put you out of the FA Cup twice coincidentally, and never have I come across such a boring c*** as you are. If you're not pulling people up for typing errors, you're genuinely talking shite about something else. I was hoping you were a WUM cos it's not right for people to be as dense as you in 2006, but you're not even a WUM ye just a mug. I've got nothing against opposing fans on here, when they have something interesting to contribute, like Dr Spectrum regularly, Rafa, 1878 etc... but I don't think it's any great surprise that you support the team who have always had the biggest wanks on this board.


    Well i actually havent been comming on the internet as long as you (hence me actually having a life), but never have i come across such a disgraceful compulsive liar such as yourself. The way you ALWAYS have to make things up to suit your side of the argument is really quite sad. I like this forum and i do actually like some of the posters on here (Baggio and Dave to name a few) but you just seem to be some sort of bitter twisted loser imo (which is backed up by the fact that you chose a picture of English hooligans throwing chairs as you avi). The way you react to me also leads me to believe your either very young or just a balding, immature grump.

    I actually think those who had the internet in 1999 probably had more of a life than those who didn't :roll:

  4. Didn't even bother to show him on MOTD. :thdn:


    yeap was a great shame. Some good coverage of him on Football first though... glad that first goal kick he took didnt cost us :lol:


    I didn't see the match, what happened?

  5. ok you won the match, well done but dont you think your taking theses celebrations a bit to far?


    AM still laughing at your fantastic defense, haven't got round to celebrating the win yet, all in good time.


    Fair enough if this one result makes you this happy. You've still got to come to WHL in 3 weeks and were still above you in the league. Think you will finish 7th though (which i predicted before the season started)


    It made me happy puely because Spurs fans have their heads so far up their own arse its unbelievable.

  6. Super.


    It was a reaction to reading what your wrote in Lloydies thread, I think the phrase is "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."


    Aye a good thread that aswell.


    Yeah I thought so too, I nearly pissed myself when he goes "So I outsmarted you their" - Shame he doesn't know his there and theirs though :lol:


    Problem with that Nazza is we tried that against Watford and Sib hardly got a touch. No point in trying to beat Bolton at their own game, so it's Dyer and Martins for me, pace against brutality. Sib will be eaten up by Meite/Faye/Campo


    Didn't we succeed in doing it at SJP though only for 2 defensive errors to totally bollocks it up (of which neither of them actually were down to our style of play).


    Did we bully them? It was a while ago I don't remember all that well. I remember scoring from a penalty and Ramage missing an open goal, and Oba having a 1 on 1 saved early in the second half from a flick on (possibly by a Bolton defender). Oh and Steve Carr being inept. Don't think we were particularly long ball though. In fact I seem to remember playing really well for the first half hour or so.


    I was going to point it out but didnt see it until a few posts later and he was on the verge of crying anyway.


    Nervous about Bolton tbh.


    I wasn't crying and not even close as far as im concerned your a cyber-person.




    How much is this school again?


    That's none of your business.

    I think you're lying.

  7. Super.


    It was a reaction to reading what your wrote in Lloydies thread, I think the phrase is "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."


    Aye a good thread that aswell.


    Yeah I thought so too, I nearly pissed myself when he goes "So I outsmarted you their" - Shame he doesn't know his there and theirs though :lol:


    Problem with that Nazza is we tried that against Watford and Sib hardly got a touch. No point in trying to beat Bolton at their own game, so it's Dyer and Martins for me, pace against brutality. Sib will be eaten up by Meite/Faye/Campo


    Didn't we succeed in doing it at SJP though only for 2 defensive errors to totally bollocks it up (of which neither of them actually were down to our style of play).


    Did we bully them? It was a while ago I don't remember all that well. I remember scoring from a penalty and Ramage missing an open goal, and Oba having a 1 on 1 saved early in the second half from a flick on (possibly by a Bolton defender). Oh and Steve Carr being inept. Don't think we were particularly long ball though. In fact I seem to remember playing really well for the first half hour or so.

    I could only get it on the radio and after 30 minutes the commentator said "Newcastle are out Boltoning Bolton" so that's what i based my post on, i wasn't able to watch the full match though so maybe I'm wrong.

  8. Problem with that Nazza is we tried that against Watford and Sib hardly got a touch. No point in trying to beat Bolton at their own game, so it's Dyer and Martins for me, pace against brutality. Sib will be eaten up by Meite/Faye/Campo


    Didn't we succeed in doing it at SJP though only for 2 defensive errors to totally bollocks it up (of which neither of them actually were down to our style of play).

  9. Deep- is your posh school in newcastle?


    London. However im not posh.


    Who cares where you go to School man. I was brought up in one of the Worst Schools in Nottinghamshire and it never did me no harm.


    Do the gunshot wounds not count then?

  10. Deep- is your posh school in newcastle?


    London. However im not posh.

    oh right i was just interested because my Politics teacher the other day was telling us about a student she used to teach who went to a grammar school in Newcastle and all the kids had posh accents and she was mocked for having a Geordie accent.

  11. we will need a strong, fiesty midfield against Bolton, Emre on the left would be a good idea as would parker and Butt both starting in the middle. Milner has been scrappy at times on the right so he too would be good to start. I'm stuck between dyer and martins or sib and Martins. I'm tempted to say sib because i think dyer and martins could be a little too lightweight. We'll need a bit of strength if we are going to "out Bolton, Bolton", get Sib to do a similar job to what Davies does for Bolton. Notice how these quick teams have hit problems at the Reebok in the past e.g  Arsenal?

  12. I would be more than happy to see off Bramble for atleast 500K so long as we brought in Pressley for nothing. We would then have replaced a crap player with a decent one and got 500K in aswell which could go towards a new centre back :agro:


    Duff - 4/10. Hasn't delivered the good on the pitch and wasn't needed in the first place. Cannot see how he can even surpass the 5 out of 10 mark th. I have faith in him to get better, but he won't get significantly better, i don't think. I've realised why Chelsea only let him go for a surprisingly low amount of money.



    We have been finding more space and speed in recent weeks making us a much better attacking force, and hope that Duff will get a chance to improve his performances with the increased momentum of his teammates. I think he will get better and become an important player for us.


    I know mate, i've said frequently that i though Duff's poor performances might have been caused by him playing in a shite team. I expect him to pick up atleast a little bit now that we're playing well...

    I share your vision.

  14. definately no peno for blackburn, pathetic dive from Bentley, No peno against van persie for me,

    What the hells a "peno" ? The italian for penalty or something ? :confused:

    you mean you have never said "peno" when you can't be arsed to type penalty?


    Pen is easier.

    PK is even easier

  15. exposed on the wings and as centre backs are drawn out wide space is created in the middle which makes late runners hard to get near resulting in lots of goals for the opposition :)

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