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Posts posted by nazza06

  1. I would like to go but it all depends on whether or not i can get tickets.


    Can anybody tell me if i'm likely to be able to get tickets or not?


    If i get the tickets then i will go by eurostar (£59) travelling to london by train (£25) which is apparently cheaper if you are going on the eurostar after, then its a 7 euro train ride from Brussells to Gent where i'll find some cheap accomodation for 2 nights. Shouldn't be too pricey.

  2. I am slightly worried about oba performing his flips when he scores. Every time he does them i am always slightly worried by the way he lands, to me he seems to land pretty awkwardly most of the time and I'm scared that some time in the near future he could land really awkwardly and end up injuring his ankle. I love the flips, i think we all do but does anybody else feel this?

  3. I have to feel sorry for this lad.


    He doesn't dive yet he has been denied so many penalties. Many people call his season with Crystal Palace in Premiership a fluke due to the number of penalties he won. But it takes a good, dangerous and smart forward to draw so many penalties. Referee should make decisions according to his intepretation of the real situation, and let not the reputation of the players affect his mind. Even if the referees are to go for players reputation, they should realise that Johnson is not a serial diver (Drogba, Gerrard, Rooney).


    Graham Poll is no longer the best referee in this country, or this league.

    I stopped reading after that. Stamp diving out of the game!

  4. I think £10 million is a good price for a young 21 year old (could be 28 :lol:) striker who has been playing top flight football in one of the toughest leagues in the world(if not the toughest) since a very young age. I remember watching him in the champions league a few years ago thinking he was about 26 and when i found out he was 17/18 I was shocked. He was a good buy and is a class player, i think it would be unfair to now say "i would have preferred Johnson", so long as he keeps working hard then i'm happy.

  5. Nazza it was implied by presentation, ommision, implication or any other f***ing term.


    Riggott is a protege of McLaren. As MacLaren has left and CR has been recovering from torn ankle ligaments he is, if fully fit, worth buying.

    He is young but experienced at PL level.

    He is needed as replacement for Moore who is going back to OZ in May/June.

    We need cover at CB and although we have Bramble, Taylor, Ramage, Huntington, Moore as CB's 1 is a baby and 1 is away so a replacement NOW is sensible. Moore has missed a few games through injury and we are thin in the middle at CB as well as LB and RB (excepting Nobby).


    Riggott was also part of a Smoggies team that rarely let in more than 1 and was difficult to break down defensively. If they want to put their faith in Jonathon (my sicknote is tattooed on my hamstring) Woodgate fine. I'd take Riggott at 4 million. English so overpriced.

    stop trying to cause arguements. It was sorted out last night between me and morph.

  6. I think we should aim a little higher than Riggott, he is an average centre back. I can't help but remember when we played boro a couple of seasons back at the Riverside and a very poor, weak through ball came straight to Riggott which he just had to touch to stop it dead and move possession up field.......... it went straight under his foot as he tried to control it and bellamy ran behind him to score, the word comical springs to mind :lol:


    Yeah, cos players who do that once in their career must never be looked at, they must be shot dead immediatly or sold to a non-league club. Fuck me. Tell me, Shearer was wank cos he missed a few penalties? Or Ryan Giggs is wank for missing that open goal in the cup a few yr ago.


    What the hell are you on about? i think you need to read my post with a little more care. Was i saying he was shit based on that one incident?NO was i even saying he was shit?NO are you a pillock?YES


    you implied that you don't want him cos he let the ball roll under his foot...are you a pillock for thinking that he's an average player? YES.

    I didn't implie, you assumed.


    Ok fair digs, but he aint average when fit and playing regularly.


    I can't say I have overly analysed him to be fair but from what i have seen of him i don't think he is much better than what we already have at centre back and there is surely better options. Chelsea rejects yes, Boro rejects?

  7. I think we should aim a little higher than Riggott, he is an average centre back. I can't help but remember when we played boro a couple of seasons back at the Riverside and a very poor, weak through ball came straight to Riggott which he just had to touch to stop it dead and move possession up field.......... it went straight under his foot as he tried to control it and bellamy ran behind him to score, the word comical springs to mind :lol:


    Yeah, cos players who do that once in their career must never be looked at, they must be shot dead immediatly or sold to a non-league club. Fuck me. Tell me, Shearer was wank cos he missed a few penalties? Or Ryan Giggs is wank for missing that open goal in the cup a few yr ago.


    What the hell are you on about? i think you need to read my post with a little more care. Was i saying he was shit based on that one incident?NO was i even saying he was shit?NO are you a pillock?YES


    you implied that you don't want him cos he let the ball roll under his foot...are you a pillock for thinking that he's an average player? YES.

    I didn't implie, you assumed.

  8. I think we should aim a little higher than Riggott, he is an average centre back. I can't help but remember when we played boro a couple of seasons back at the Riverside and a very poor, weak through ball came straight to Riggott which he just had to touch to stop it dead and move possession up field.......... it went straight under his foot as he tried to control it and bellamy ran behind him to score, the word comical springs to mind :lol:


    Yeah, cos players who do that once in their career must never be looked at, they must be shot dead immediatly or sold to a non-league club. Fuck me. Tell me, Shearer was wank cos he missed a few penalties? Or Ryan Giggs is wank for missing that open goal in the cup a few yr ago.


    What the hell are you on about? i think you need to read my post with a little more care. Was i saying he was shit based on that one incident?NO was i even saying he was shit?NO are you a pillock?YES

  9. what i find offensive about most religions is that they expect everybody to agree with them and how preachers try to persuade me that i am an idiot for not believing their religion. I don't want to walk into town to hear a christian preach about god and try to change the way i live my life because he or she  is religious and lives their life by their faith. I don't mean to be offensive to anybody on the forum atall, I know muslims, christians and sikh's and have good relationships with them as people but i cannot accept their religion and wish for it not to have to be a part of my life, just because they believe it should be a part of theirs.


    Hold on a second...


    what a load of bollocks. Can you not see the irony in this. Emre is making religion (if indeed it was a religous gesture - but tbh who gives a F***) part of his own life. He's not compelling anyone to join him on a pilgrimage or owt. The only person wishing to interfere in anyone else's life is you.


    I'm not religous but i live my life by a moral framework that i have developed in the last 29 years of my life, part of which if i really thought about it and wrote it down would be live and let live. You should think about what youre saying and why it offends you. Do your friends of other faiths get pissed off when you tell them to talk to the hand cos you dont want to know about their religious shit!



    you missed the point my friend.

  10. I think we should aim a little higher than Riggott, he is an average centre back. I can't help but remember when we played boro a couple of seasons back at the Riverside and a very poor, weak through ball came straight to Riggott which he just had to touch to stop it dead and move possession up field.......... it went straight under his foot as he tried to control it and bellamy ran behind him to score, the word comical springs to mind :lol:

  11. It is same god you and emre pray. Emre havent celebrate his goals like this way before. I think he wont do that again.


    But i saw that English people cant accept any other relegion except the christianism. In Turkiye, there are a lot of christian player and they freely celebrate their goals. You should be more peaceful.

    Actually i think most people are saying they can accept any religion whether it be christianity, islam or jedi :roll: I've changed my mind, he can do what he likes, i'll just look away :lol:

  12. i would like to go to this match if i can get tickets. I checked the eurostar and it is 59 pound return to brussels and gent isn't that far from there so that shouldn't be a problem, the eurostar is also pretty regular so there's good options on when you want to go home.

  13. Owen Ameobi

    Duff Emre Parker Dyer

    Solano Moore Bramble Carr








    :confused: No Martins or Given???





    Duhhhh who turned the lights out?


    Anyway, this is better:
















    hell of a team

  14. What i really don't understand is how people can put a value on a player, how the hell does anyone on this forum know how highly a player is rated at a club? Stop it now! it annoys me! Leighton Baines 4mill, bridge 4 mill, viduka 2 mill.......blah blah blah put a maximum amount to spend on that player rather than quessing their value.


    Personally I wouldn't mind seeing Viduka at the club. I think it's obvious where we need to add to the squad, as people have mentioned, RB LB atleast one CB and atleast one striker. Wes brown, o'shea and silvestre would improve our defence if any of them were to be available. Bent would be a great signing and i think he would be a great pertner for either sibierski or martins.

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