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Gallowgate Toon

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Posts posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. Back to his frustrating best yesterday like.  :razz:


    Cracking effort mind in the first half. It's annoying when he can produce things like that and at times his first touch a pass and second a tackle.

    Harsh imo, after a shaky first few minutes looked pretty good in general play yesterday showing some nice skill and neat touches, Fulham had no answer for him.

  2. Harper - 6.5 - Only a couple of saves to make.

    Beye - 6.5 - Solid, no gallivanting down the flank but still got forward a bit, definitely wasn't MOTM imo.

    Taylor - 7 - Solid Enough

    Faye - 7 - Solid Enough

    Enrique - 7.5 - For me, he is quality. He is so confident in his own ability and that left foot really is something else.

    Butt - 7 - Passing was once again pretty pap, but was more than capable but left Bullard a bit too much room.

    Barton - 7.5 - For me he was really good today, good passing didn't lose the ball much and some clever balls into space, much improved.

    Geremi - 7 - He is so slow but an intelligent footballer. Lovely assist for Owen.

    Martins - 7 - Grew into the game, link up and general play looked better.

    Viduka - 7 - Was very inconsistent with some of his hold up play which either ended up with a chance created or him losing the ball. Good finish for the goal.

    Owen - 8 - MOTM, some of his passing was brilliant, yep missed a sitter and a couple more but good finish and an impressive show.


    As a word on Bullard, looks a good player however he wasn't very progressive imo with most of his passes going to the side and not really creating much.

  3. Balls over the top are what we should be giving Martins, even if the defender looks like he is there first, Martins can still get past him and create a decent shot a la Riise and Liverpool yesterday.

    is this a whoosh ?

    No, as we aren't giving Martins any balls over the top to run onto just little dinks between defenders and he isn't clever enough to do read these. If he isn't going to make his own runs with his lack of brain make him run instead get it up there as quick as, he has enough pace.

  4. Birmingham is a huge game, i'd take four points out of our next 3 games.

    Today imo was our big day, most important game. IMO we should have won, they were crap but when the shits against you, sucker punch goals like that do happen. It was naive to leave just one player back in the 90th minute, 1 point is better than none.

  5. had he not broken eduardo's leg, would he have received a red card?

    i don't think so like

    not defending him or anything, just think people calling for him to never play football again is so harsh, how many people on here have gone into a challenge and thought 's***, this could be bad'

    i certainly have




    Sorry, but that's an awful tackle. He should be suspended until Eduardo returns to fitness.

    Going by that picture, yes. It real time it was a fraction of a second late. Thought the straight red was harsh personally. And I've seen much worse tackles (intent-wise rather than result-wise) go unpunished .

    Doesn't matter how late it is, doesn't affect him showing his studs half way up a players shin.

  6. Pathetic half the people on here were calling for SA to be sacked and from my memory 90% were happy with Keegan, this is why we are the laughing stock of English football ffs.


    You can forgive anyones opinion to be swayed in any direction this season. Its been a total fuking mess. The club is something out of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, bits and pieces of three people, ideas of another, can you blame the fans for being confused? I can't, its not their fault no matter what the London media would like you to believe. Everyone is pulling in different directions, have different ideas because there is nothing there at the top, no order, no regime, no clear cut future and direction.





    I agree this has been the worst season i can remember, but it's not an excuse to start once again going after managers, saying their shit etc when they've had the most minimal amount of time to pull things round.

  7. Pathetic half the people on here were calling for SA to be sacked and from my memory 90% were happy with Keegan, this is why we are the laughing stock of English football ffs.

  8. Given - Reliable, and still very good keeper.

    Beye - Class Player really.

    Cacapa - His reading of the game far exceeds any of our other defenders.

    Faye - He is what Taylor should be: Reliable, hard as nails and good aerially.

    Enrique - Inexperienced but technically very good and imo a decent defender.

    Duff - Pacy and skillful, what is necessary for a winger something that Milner lacks alot of.

    Barton - Good player gets too much stick because of what he said about the fans.

    Emre - Lightweight but creative.

    Zoggy - The main threat why anybody would drop him i'll never know. 

    Martins - 7 Goals this season and not played very well, and not been played consistently whether you hate him or love him he is our biggest threat uptop and his very respectable record for us means he has to play.

    Viduka - Good player techinically and offers more than Owen.

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