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Everything posted by kingston_toon

  1. When Barton came on, everyone around me started singing "there's only one Joey Barton", and I joined in. Within seconds, the two chavvy little fat girls (aged 18 or so) in front of me rounded and had a go. "Eeeeeeee you can't support Barton" they squealed... "the dirty fucker should be in prison"... My protestation that I support the Toon regardless was met with surprise and swearing... "We support the badge, not the player". Fair enough if that's really what you believe, but don't round on your own just because you don't like a player and others are prepared to give him a chance. He's served his time, albeit less that what originally sentenced, so get off his back and support him and his team. YOUR team. Otherwise what's the fucking point???
  2. As usual, I'm back in Glasgow for Xmas and need to find a pub to watch the game in tomorrow... Do any Scottish mags here know of anywhere in the City Centre where people congregate to watch games on SKY? I'd reckon most places would usually show it, but Aberdeen v Rangers is on at the same time, which could complicate matters... Cheers in advance!
  3. Born in Scotland, lived in Newcastle between 1998 and 2002, and now live in London.
  4. I think this is an excellent initiative from the club, and for any other London game I'd say take as many as you can get. HOWEVER, in this case, I'd probably say no to the extra tickets, for the reasons stated by others. For me personally, £45-£48 is a total rip off and while I'll probably go if the original allocation goes to public sale, I wouldn't go out of my way to get a ticket by begging or borrowing, like I would for (say) Fulham or West Ham. I think we should be sensible about this and if it works out, then Chris will ask our opinions again for games which people can, and really do want to, go to.
  5. Oh yeah, and Brentford (a) in the FA Youth Cup in 2006. We won that 2-1, thus bringing up my undefeated average to 52% and making me officially "lucky".
  6. Yeading (a) 2004/5 FAC Won 2-0 Arsenal (a) 2004/5 Lost 1-0 Heerenveen (a) 2004/5 UEFA Won 2-1 Portsmouth (a) 2004/5 Drew 1-1 Spurs (a) 2004/5 Lost 1-0 Sporting Lisbon (a) 2004/5 UEFA Lost 4-1 Fulham (a) 2004/5 Won 3-1 Portsmouth (a) 2005/6 Drew 0-0 West Ham (a) 2005/6 Won 4-2 Spurs (a) 2005/6 Lost 2-0 Fulham (a) 2005/6 Lost 1-0 Chelsea (a) 2005/6 FAC Lost 1-0 Charlton (a) 2005/6 Lost 3-1 Ventspils (a) 2006/7 Won 1-0 West Ham (a) 2006/7 Won 2-0 Palermo (a) 2006/7 Won 1-0 Watford (a) 2006/7 LC Won 5-4 Pens Eintracht Frankfurt (a) 2006/7 UEFA Drew 0-0 Fulham (a) 2006/7 Lost 2-1 AZ Alkmaar (a) 2006/7 UEFA Lost 2-0 Charlton (a) 2006/7 Lost 2-0 Portsmouth (a) 2006/7 Lost 2-1 So out of 22, I have 8 wins, 3 draws and 11 defeats. I suppose that's 50% where we haven't been beaten!
  7. Thanks for all the replies and PMs guys. I rang around, and the guy at Campus promised to put the game on for me, but questioned whether it was actually on ART 3. So I took myself off to Glasgow (I was in Gourock at the time) and found the pub - great place - the guy saw me walk in with my Toon shirt on, said hello and switched over to ART 3 in one of the booths. 3pm came and went, and I was slightly worried to see only Arab football... fair play to them they tried all the other channels but it seems the game was taken off at the last minute by ART - mates in Newcastle rang me with the same problem there. We tried again at 5 to see if it was on delay but still no joy... Ah well... the info will be useful for next Xmas!
  8. In a similar vein to the London thread below... I normally live in London but am back in Scotland visiting the parents for Xmas, and would love to find somewhere to watch the match tomorrow. Last year the Sports Cafe on Sauchiehall Street showed the Toon - Liverpool game but with Celtic, ManUSA, Liverpool and others all playing at the same this year, they don't think they can show it. Bar Europa near Queen Street station can show it, but have opted for ManUSA instead... so do any Glasgow based Toon fans have an idea of anywhere else I can try, or better still, know where it's on and want to meet to watch it? I know it's short notice but my hangover is only just clearing... Cheers Steve
  9. Agreed that the F3K is a good pub and one of the best bets for seeing a game in London, although London teams often get priority and they are also big on showing Aussie and Kiwi sports at the possible expense of Prem football. Last couple of games I saw there were Chelsea away a few weeks ago (it sure beat paying £48) and S*nderland at the tail end of last season. The Barley Mow, as mentioned elsewhere, is now under new management and while there are around 15-20 of us regulars who go there for every legal game, that'll all stop in the New Year as the televisions are being removed and the place is being turned into a gastropub. We're currently on the lookout for a new Toon pub we can call "home" so if anyone has any ideas let me know. Finally... as to the game tomorrow... I can almost guarantee it'll be on in Stoke Newington somewhere. That's not much use for Central or South London, but we've usually found somewhere willing to show it, even at the expense of London teams. Get up there early, have a wander around and chat to people, and you might be lucky. Cheers Steve
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