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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. Ive read that article 3 times now and i still dont know what the point of the article was.


    They seem to be missing the point completely with this one, for what its worth, i thought at the time that is was wrong to sack SBR, he was the first manager to achieve 3 top 5 finishes for the first time in 50 years. ;)

  2. Eh? Nothing to do with the window not being open yet.


    My point is I've given Ashley the benefit of all doubt since he came here, and I've had enough of arguing that bids, offers and interest is enough. I'll not be praising anything until players are signed, sealed and delivered. Simple as that.


    If Kinnear's not talking shit and we're already making offers on players then something should happen. Until it does, I couldn't give a fuck what he says.


    If you couldnt give a fuck what he says then why do you keep chirping on about what he says?


    I'm simply trying to explain my point to LLLO who asked me what I meant earlier. Is that okay?


    It's fine by me. :thup:


    Yeh, fine by me too.  :pow:

  3. Eh? Nothing to do with the window not being open yet.


    My point is I've given Ashley the benefit of all doubt since he came here, and I've had enough of arguing that bids, offers and interest is enough. I'll not be praising anything until players are signed, sealed and delivered. Simple as that.


    If Kinnear's not talking shit and we're already making offers on players then something should happen. Until it does, I couldn't give a fuck what he says.


    If you couldnt give a fuck what he says then why do you keep chirping on about what he says?

  4. Not if we were planning to spunk the thick end of it away on Fatty Kenny. Jaysus H Christ..........


    He's not world class.


    You reckon?  I think Paddy Kenny is second only to Buffon.


    He's a world class shot stopper. But his distribution and commanding of his box aren't. Which are both extremely important elements to be a world class goal keeper IMO.


    Given is World Class in the very same way that Michael Owen is, well in my opinion anyway.


    so neither world class at all then basically


    To be fair - the majority of football pundits and managers would say Owen is world class. Its not for me to argue that.

  5. Not if we were planning to spunk the thick end of it away on Fatty Kenny. Jaysus H Christ..........


    He's not world class.


    You reckon?  I think Paddy Kenny is second only to Buffon.


    He's a world class shot stopper. But his distribution and commanding of his box aren't. Which are both extremely important elements to be a world class goal keeper IMO.


    Given is World Class in the very same way that Michael Owen is, well in my opinion anyway.


    Owen's not world class though. ;)


    No problems if/when we lose him this summer then. ;)

  6. Not if we were planning to spunk the thick end of it away on Fatty Kenny. Jaysus H Christ..........


    He's not world class.


    You reckon?  I think Paddy Kenny is second only to Buffon.


    He's a world class shot stopper. But his distribution and commanding of his box aren't. Which are both extremely important elements to be a world class goal keeper IMO.


    Given is World Class in the very same way that Michael Owen is, well in my opinion anyway.

  7. Mourinho?


    Stop. Talking. Shite.


    i know, it's mental - i just realised i got dragged into it a bit there!! :lol:




    Dont you forget it either - its infectious, i think people call it optimism. We've pulled off equally big things in our past so its not like htere isnt a precedent of this sort of thing at the club.


    There seems to be so much self loating on this forums its unreal. Its like the person you hate who's always putting themselves down only so that they fish for complimnets.


    Its sickens me quite frankly - surely theres someone there who can also see the tiniest shred of light that i can regarding Jose.


    Im not saying its a possilbilty, I'm sayin its not an impossibility.


    My basis for all this is that i can categorically say that we have already interested some decent claibre of manager even with the past 4 years of shit.


    Or am i talking shit?

  8. to fredbob & philk - are you both shitfaced or something?




    His next move is the prem. Realisitaclly speaking who's jobs could be available when he moves (which im assuing wont be long).


    Out the top 8 clubs who have the potential to "dominate" the league  in terms of taking the top 8 places consistently (in my opinion) id say tere will be 4 available.


    Possibly Liverpool with the ownership issue

    Man City with the Mark Hughes isses

    Spurs with a potentially struggling Harry issue

    and us with our Kinnear issue.


    Those are the only 4 clubs who i see having jobs avalialbe in the next year or 2.


    Id say we would be the 3rd team he'd be likley to join if all of those clubs were availabale. I still ike those odds, im sure he's praised us in the pastm, and he still has major links with SBR which shows he still takes his advice from time to time.


    Whatever you say, i refuse to beleive that the possiblity,as minscule as it is, isnt there. 

  9. Theres nothing more small time than this big club debate.




    Agreed if the debate is arguing which club is bigger but it isn't, this debate is about whether NUFC are a big club or rather a club of stature. I doubt anyone without any bias would regard NUFC as anything other than a club or stature or a big club. Other than some of our own fans that is...




    What now? So you're arguing whether NUFC are a big club? Isnt that what most people would call a "big club debate"?

  10. Mourihno will come here...... Think about it, he's coming back to the Premiership regardless, where's he going to go? ManU aside, this is the perfect club for him to come back to in English football. Maybe not the next manager, but by the time he comes back.......


    Haha, as crazy as it sounds Ive always thought the same, in my opinion there are only 2 jobs that look available in the prem that I think he'd take, one of them being Man City and the other being us.


    We know that he still has strong link with SBR and again, he's a major backer for this club, i think he also has spoken kind words about us as a club whlst he was at Chelsea.

  11. What in the name of fuck? He's average, built an average side with a few decent players. Having a good run at the moment but it will end soon ffs.


    He's in the Kinnear, Allardyce, Roeder category and we need better.


    Can't believe anyone would want him in. Have we fallen THAT far? :no:


    In a word, yes. Can you honestly imagine Mancini/Rikjaard taking over us as manager? We have fallen down big time. The last time we had a chance of a good quality foreign manager was after SBR went imo.


    Yeh i can see a good calibre manager being interested. Wenger has spoken many times about us being a potentially fantastic club to manage, if you ask me thats a major backer. I can quite easily see managers getting his advice when thinking about taking the job.


    We have fallen far in terms of perfomances but isnt that part of the challenge for any manager? We have all the ingredients to be right back up near the top, that is unlike a club like Pompey or Wigan or even West Ham.


    We have been in the shit for that past 4 years now, and yet we've still managed to interest the likes of Zico, Deschamps, Terim and even O'Neill.


    These are qulaity managers, my only concern with this club as has been in the past is that we dont seem keen on lookng beyond these shores and really taking a good look at the options out there.

  12. Fair do's, in all this i think its obvious that im backing Ashley, ive put sentimentality aside and i think its shame that any dig aimed at Keegan has been dragged out and torn to bits, id be surpirsed to see a post which has provoked a mass Keegan Ashley debate by the insult of Keegan, it rarely happens, however feelings are raw at the moment so i suppose i should accept it for a while.


    They wont be tolerated for long mind. ;)


    Keegan's name really should be consigned to history now and I have basically tried to forget about it and focus on the present and the future. The sentimental side of me will always rise to the fore however if I feel Keegan is being overly disrespected - I just cant help it.


    But for now, I am pinning my hopes on todays Ashley statement that the club can push on.





    It is like pinning your hopes on a Balloon in my opinion.......you will be deflated.


    You're wasted on this forum cp40.  :lol:


    You genuinely are my favourite poster - i shall be voting for you in the forum awards, you're like the online version of Karl Pilkington.

  13. Come on Robster - you can see the irony in all that, i dont have to edit that post to point out the hypocrisy in that. (Not just aimed at you)

    Wel I dont know Fredbob. As ever I just get wound up with really childish comments like calling Keegan a pussy cunt etc and just wanted to point out that Ashley is as equally guilty of being called such a thing.

    I thought me pointing out that i realised that I was being pedantic would also show that i wasnt deliberately wanted to provoke any kind of argument but SpinS didnt seem to want to have a sensible discussion about it.

    Yes I am pro KK, I think you know that but I get wound up at some comments that seem to show him so little respect


    Fair do's, in all this i think its obvious that im backing Ashley, ive put sentimentality aside and i think its shame that any dig aimed at Keegan has been dragged out and torn to bits, id be surpirsed to see a post which has provoked a mass Keegan Ashley debate by the insult of Keegan, it rarely happens, however feelings are raw at the moment so i suppose i should accept it for a while.


    They wont be tolerated for long mind. ;)

  14. Fuck off you fucking cunt.


    Please ban me.

    What the hell are you on about man

    If you dont like Keegan, come on and have a reasoned argument about it. Dont just spout some ridicuoous sentence slagging Keegan off then get all schoochildish about it.



    Come on Robster - you can see the irony in all that, i dont have to edit that post to point out the hypocrisy in that. (Not just aimed at you)





  15. I see a lot fo people have covered there arses with this one with the old "he's got no choice but to spend" line. Probably correct ad would probably be correct had we suffered the same situations with any other board.


    As long as we spend more than we did when we signed Gooch - i'll be happy.


    Incidently the most we've ever spent in the January transfer window is £11m, under Souness.


    Thats the most reasonable mark for me, lets see if any of you gimps will have the same reasonable mark.



    God... Faye, Babayaro and Boumsong.




    Horrific isnt it. The only successful wndow we've had is Jan 2003 when we got Woodgate.....who we sold a year later.

  16. I see a lot fo people have covered there arses with this one with the old "he's got no choice but to spend" line. Probably correct ad would probably be correct had we suffered the same situations with any other board.


    As long as we spend more than we did when we signed Gooch - i'll be happy.


    Incidently the most we've ever spent in the January transfer window is £11m, under Souness.


    Thats the most reasonable mark for me, lets see if any of you gimps will have the same reasonable mark.


  17. Nothing would please me more than having Joe removed come July, but i really really dont see it happening, him and Ashley seem to have a good relatonship, Joe seems to be up to date with modern players, unlike other managers who've been out the game and he has a natural relationshio with our apparenet resident mini Satan.


    All the pieces fit, the only piece that doesnt fit - which Ashley has actively seeked out is employing a coach that will play attacking football. Hopefull yhat eill be our saving grace.


    Id love to see Joe at the club in some form though, he's done some brilliant things, just not my personal cup of tea. 

  18. Delighted to be honest - not sure how this fits in with the "quick sale"  and "asset stripper" mongs and Im not sure how the "he'll never back us" mongs will work out a way to conspire against him now, surely even they wont still believe that he;ll have any interest in leaving the club in mid to lower table mediocrity....or will they.


    My only concern will be the eventual appointment of JFK, seems inevitable now which will be a major fuck up.


    They'll claim he's only said it to spoil SBR day.  :rolleyes:


    The evil genius.

  19. Delighted to be honest - not sure how this fits in with the "quick sale"  and "asset stripper" mongs and Im not sure how the "he'll never back us" mongs will work out a way to conspire against him now, surely even they wont still believe that he;ll have any interest in leaving the club in mid to lower table mediocrity....or will they.


    My only concern will be the eventual appointment of JFK, seems inevitable now which will be a major fuck up.

  20. Hoddle was right when he said Owen wasnt a natural finisher but an instinctual one.


    Always thought that he didnt seem to be as composed as Shearer or Henry in front of goal, he's a fox in the box now, the only problem is getting the ball in the box.

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