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Posts posted by thewellander

  1. We were dangerously close to relegation last year. At the beginning of the year we had a terrible chairman, our finances were in shambles, and we had Fat Sam taking over for Roeder and signing Alan Smith, Mark Viduka, and Joey Barton. This year we have Kevin Keegan, a stable financial situation, and we've signed promising young players.


    Are we going to challenge for a top spot this year? Probably not.


    But Rome wasn't built in a day. I think we've made some good moves that are going to secure our future. Let's see how we do this season and not starting a panic.

  2. I truly don't understand all the Milner haters on here. He's one of our hardest workers and he's a good player. It seems like it's fashionable for some around here to rip on our players, but it makes no sense to want to sell one of our better young players to a team that finished above us last year.

  3. I'd be surprised if Smith doesn't start this game. I would prefer that Owen not play the full 90 minutes at this point, and who knows, maybe Smith can finally get a goal against a lower-division team. It's not ideal (obviously) but he's going to have to play at some point.

  4. I`ve read the fans want rid of John Carver too.....boring hoof the ball upfield tactics etc


    Most fans want Carver to stick around, he's a fan favourite. There is of course a minority (of mostly less intelligent, more impatient fans) who have advocated for his release.


    Most fans criticize the General Manager Mo Johnston for the teams problems.


    TFC have many problems, but I think it comes down to the players and the field turf, tbh. Carver is doing as best he can with a sh*t team. And, the whole Carver/Johnston relationship is strange. From what I understand, Mo is in charge of bringing in players and Carver only coaches. It's sort of like what the media speculate is happening here with Keegan and Wise, only in actual fact.


    As a result, Toronto have spent most of the season without anyone who can score a goal, which is unnacceptable, since everyone knew that was where the team had to make up ground.


    Feel free to not answer this, but you wouldnt happen to be from Welland Ontario would you?


    I went to college there, yes. Hence the name. I've long since moved, but I've just stuck with the login name.

  5. I`ve read the fans want rid of John Carver too.....boring hoof the ball upfield tactics etc


    Most fans want Carver to stick around, he's a fan favourite. There is of course a minority (of mostly less intelligent, more impatient fans) who have advocated for his release.


    Most fans criticize the General Manager Mo Johnston for the teams problems.


    TFC have many problems, but I think it comes down to the players and the field turf, tbh. Carver is doing as best he can with a sh*t team. And, the whole Carver/Johnston relationship is strange. From what I understand, Mo is in charge of bringing in players and Carver only coaches. It's sort of like what the media speculate is happening here with Keegan and Wise, only in actual fact.


    As a result, Toronto have spent most of the season without anyone who can score a goal, which is unnacceptable, since everyone knew that was where the team had to make up ground.

  6. Not a huge surprise. He wasn't fit enough to play a full 90 minutes and never really found his form. At least I can say that I was there when he scored his one and only goal for Toronto FC. It was the only game I went to this year.


    I'll have to change my profile pic, I guess.

  7.                      Given

        Beye Colo Taylor Enrique


              Butt Guthrie Zoggy


    Milner                              Guti




    That's the one i would go with. Just makes complete sense at old trafford, not to be defensive but to frustrate them and rely on the likes of Jonas and Martins to hurt them.


    Nice idea. More like this though:




    Beye         Taylor     Coloccini      Enrique


                      Guthrie       Butt


    Milner               Zoggy                 Jonas




    I think we could well see something like this, although I suspect KK may go with Duff as the link up man in place of N'Zog. Is Beye fit then?


    No shock Rooney is going to play, they're looking pretty strong. I just hope we give them a good game and make it difficult for them.


    Duff has had a strong preseason, so I don't see Keegan leaving him out. I think we'll have a lineup similar to what we had against Valencia, except Coloccini being in CB, of course. Enrique will probably start at LB, and I can see Jonas starting on the bench and coming on as a substitute in the 2nd half.


    what the f*** is this obssession with "fans"?


    celtic best fans in the world, newcastle have good fans too! it's like saying she's not the fittest bird in the world, saggy tits and a flat arse, but she has the best clothes in the world


    Yes, but if she has REALLY nice clothes, it probably means she's rich. So, yes, your analogy works both ways. Great fans = more money.

  9. Why not send some big lads over to the Spanish FA headwaters to pick up the paperwork :D


    Jonas ready to face Argentinian pal Tevez


    JONAS GUTIERREZ is sweating on a dream Premier League outing against his Argentinian international team-mate Carlos Tevez at Old Trafford. Read



    My favorite line from Jonas in that article: “It is not just Carlos, they have players like Ryan Giggs and Michael Carrick playing."


    Really? Michael Carrick? That's who he singles out with Giggs?

  10. I don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't play him against Man U.  And her is why.

    1.  He wont have even trained with the lads for a week and common understanding is the most important aspect in defence, he wont know their names let alone their playing styles.

    2.  He's moving from La Liga to the EPL which is a much faster league, and Man U are in my opinion the fastest team in the league (I'm not talking about just fast running I'm talking about speed of thought and passing).  They counter attack at a blistering pace at times, this is daunghting for any defender let alone one brand new to the league.

    3.  I feel a raping coming on in which the defenders may well end up with quite a lot of egg on their face, do we really want to do this to our 'most expensive defender ever'.  The pressure he will be feeling wont be eased after he's been on the wrong end of a Man U spanking.  He needs a bit more easing in than this.

    So if I was the manager I'd not start Coloccini, shove Smith up front, take down my trousers and take the imminent Man U bumming like a man.


    I know he wasn't at the open training, but I was under the impression that Keegan said he had been training with us. I would imagine that he will be playing in this behind closed doors game today as well.


    Bottom line, if he's available and he's as good as we seem to think he is, I would be disappointed if he wasn't played on Sunday.

  11. If we wouldn't sell Smith, I would hate to think we would sell Faye. If I'm not mistaken, he signed here to be with Allardyce, so I can understand that he might have been unsettled by last-year's proceedings, but I hope he decides to stick it out and we hold on to him. I really can't see us selling anyone at the moment, though.

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