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Posts posted by thewellander

  1. It would be hard to turn down 13 million for Martins, I admit. But I don't know that anyone of similar quality is available right now. I would prefer him to stay.

  2. Just seen the footage of Bartons assault. What a worthless character and it saddens and angers me to see him wearing my beloved black and white. As in life decent people need to stand up for what's right and principled even if, as in this case, there is a financial hit. Barton will never change for he doesn't possess the self-awareness to reform himself so it's up to Newcastle itself to change. No more buying shiesters, wankers, thugs, egotists, idiots, lard arses or anyone with dubious history or background. As he emerges through that prison gate there should be a representative from NUFC waiting for him with a letter from the Chairman telling him his contract has been terminated immediately and not to set foot within a light year of St James Park...


    You know, I've been going back and forth on this one, but after seeing the footage and especially after reading the post quote, I have to agree. Something about the way you put it, I guess. Losing him wouldn't be the worst thing that happened, and he doesn't deserve to wear a Newcastle shirt.

  3. Surely Barton will clean up his act now, right? With any luck, he'll come back to the club a more humble and mature person and this whole ordeal will have meant that his antics are behind us. We need good players, and by all accounts, he's a good player. Until we bring in at least two more centre midfielders, I don't want them to sack Barton.

  4. I know a guy who knows a guy who worked security at Keegan's Soccer Circus, and he says that Keegan has a secret laboratory in the sub-basement where he has been hard at work for the past five years building a time machine, which he will use during this transfer window to sign 23 year old Pelé from Santos, circa the 1960s. You heard it hear first.

  5. Speaking as someone who doesn't rate Milner at all, I think it would be stupid to sell him unless we have a massive July transfer season lined up.  We might actually need a few players in the squad if we want to be playing football for 10 months of the Premiership season.


    Agreed, except that I do rate Milner. I honestly don't understand why so many people don't, but I won't get into it.

  6. Not really liked our kits for a while now. Not too many decent ones in the premiership though either. They are all a bit plain and similar.


    I loved our 3rd kit from two years back (the black and blue one), but other than that, yeah they've been mostly bad. This one is fairly plain, but at least it's not offensively bad.

  7. Allardyce is a complete tit. And, I'm sorry, but you can't judge Allardyce's record directly against Keegan's on a game-to-game basis. Keegan proved that he's a better manager at the end of the season. I blame Fat Sam for the majority of the losses at the beginning of Keegan's return. He inherited a right mess and came good.

  8. We should really use the carver connection and link up with toronto.


    I hope that Carver's being in Toronto will result in Newcastle coming over to play a friendly. My TFC jersey would go in the closet for a night. That would be lovely.

  9. What a bizarre thread. I'll bite, though. Berbatov and Rachel Dratch:








  10. Another Toronto FC / Newcastle link-up. Gary Speed has been training with Toronto as part of his attempt to get his coaching badges. In case anyone's interested in reading the article, here's the link:




    Personally, I think going to a club being managed by an ex-Newcastle coach kind of defeats the purpose of the exercise, but I suppose it counts.



  11. Newcastle have shown interest in Le Mans midfielder Stephane Sessegnon, who is flattered by the attention. "I am in contact with Le Mans, they told me Newcastle United have watched me and I am flattered to be linked with a big team in England," Sessegnon declared. "There are a lot of African players in the Premier League, [and moving there] would be a dream but I have to work hard and one day I could be there." Telegraph.


    I don't know if he's any good, but we need to bring in players who have this attitude about Newcastle, imo. Not necessarily him, but it's nice to read that there are still some players out there who consider us a big club to aspire to.


  12. I've never thought he was as bad as others on here do. He works hard and deserves a new contract. I would rather keep him around than pay a transfer fee for someone who may or may not work out here. Let's face it, we haven't always been lucky in the transfer market.

  13. Is this the biggest thread in forum history?


    Not sure, it's completely gone off topic though if we're considering Van der Vaart as a realistic summer target.. ;)


    I was looking for the "Unrealistic Summer Targets" thread before I posted the link, but didn't see it. Yeah, it's definately not going to happen, but I didn't want to start a new thread over a silly rumour.

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