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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I don't buy that it's the same as last year, we looked like we had a play, movement, pressing the ball and breaking in numbers. We have no one bar Cisse in front of the ball now, we're static and stand off the player, backing off constantly and we have no option but to punt it forward to Cisse who's picked off by 2 or 3 players. We're not looking to do anything when we win the ball back and let the opposition come back onto us. Everything is fundamentally wrong, there's no plan but to not let them score, like we're hoping to play out 0-0 every week, puzzling?!?
  2. Great game, kind of want Barca to win tomorrow just to stop ze Germans from monopolising the final. Ugh Wembley covered in beach towels
  3. Great game, almost forgot what it was like to watch an actual football match, with two teams playing actual football
  4. Well timed "injury" to calm the momentum down.
  5. It's a damning representation that the only people who have admitted to voting no are the ones with some kind of clicking disorder/Parkinson's/to pissed to click straight and anyone who genuinely clicked no hasn't voiced an opinion. Indefensible and probably just WUM's. I think you may have got a less landslide result if you polled "who likes tits?"
  6. Mattoon


  7. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Hopefully he's been watching Villa with that little fucking black book!
  8. I take no joy in reposting this, dirty mackem bastards!!
  9. And why i'm baffled as to why some want him to stay on. Defending for 70 minutes a match Subbing off Gouf for Ameobi Static positioning No movement No attacking support Ad infinatum...
  10. Guess it's who's the least shittiest when we play them then. Winning is not impossible. That's about as positive as I can be about our team right now. I just want us to go for it Saturday, get it done against Wham and relieve all the pressure. I just can't see anything other than Pardew going ultra defensive and us caving in. Sadly I agree, can't see any kind of formation other than a 9-0-1
  11. Defensive midfielder for Benteke, defending their own box. ... Oh s***, no, you're right. "NO MORE GOALS!!"
  12. Why risk playing for a win when we can defend three matches for three points? /Pardewlogic
  13. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Straws, clutching springs to mind. Admit it, we were shit, we are shitter
  14. Remember last time we were relying on other teams results? We need to take our chances and not be cap in hand to other teams ffs, no one ever does us a favour!
  15. For goalposts. Ooh yeah, that way we can make them wider than a barn door and give our players a chance!
  16. As opposed to watching us trying to defend and doing neither very well?
  17. That won't help them much, like. They have an easy run in, 1 game won't matter, I'm totally talking shit like but
  18. I can see the dirty Mackem fuckers throwing this match just to spite us!
  19. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    So do I. Hoping, wishing, praying, but not convinced!
  20. Mattoon


    Don't do it. Probably wise. I like to watch football regardless but there isn't really an outcome in that game that suits me. I'd pay good money right now to see Sunderland beat Villa, f***ing hell its important to us, forget them lot they don't matter. Unfortunately I tend to agree with you, but nothing brings my tea back up quicker than hoping for a mackem win. If you need me I'll be in the shower with a Brillo pad!!
  21. Mattoon

    Kevin Keegan

    Tbh joking aside he'd have us insanely motivated
  22. Mattoon

    Kevin Keegan

    I'd love it, absolutely love it if he came back.
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