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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. I've only got 2 words to say to that first half, F%^*ING AWESOME!!!!!!!!! More of the same please lads, keep the pressure up and we could have another Villa game on our hands, dishing out more of that humble pie that's owed from 2 seasons ago...
  2. YOU FUCKING BEAUTY!!!!! It would have been a travesty for us to throw this away. Hold on for the wistle guys, HOLD ON!
  3. Usual sketchy 20mins, so long as we can get through this period without conceeding I think we'll get the game back in control........... I hope!
  4. Relegation my arse! What a shrewd bit of business again for Ben Arfa, he looks complete class and Tiote was excellent in the middle.
  5. how many times does Fellaini have to lash out before he gets a red card? Dirty bastard!!
  6. On a plus side a point is a good result away from home, keep up with this pace and we will easily survive
  7. I've never seen such a biased game from a ref, how were there only 7 yellows for Wolves and no reds?? No doubt Motd will say we were the lucky ones somehow? Even the live commentary was so anti-nufc I had to mute it. F**king tossers!! What a shite way to play a football match, the Netherlands would be proud!
  8. Can't even get it to load, so given up trying as we're losing anyway and there's a bunch of funny fuckers on here that should take their material to the stage
  9. I think a more pertinent question would be 1-0 win or 4-3 win, good, regimented side who tackle well and play scrappy to keep the ball, or an all out offensive side who can play some pretty football but have no discipline about them. A healthy balance would be anyones first choice but I think I'd rather have 1-0 wins than be ripping my hair out hoping we can score more than we concede, because that kind of football will get found out.
  10. Nob! I thought that was a bit c**tish to be honest too.
  11. Quick question: What do you call a Scotsman at the World Cup?
  12. I hate the prema donna, overpaid, over hyped bunch of tw@s that are the England players bar a couple BUT when it comes to World Cup time I can't help but get caught up in the euphoria. There's nothing better than going to a pub with hundreds of England shirts in it screaming obscenities at the opposition and bringing the house down when we score. World Cup fever is awesome and it's the biggest tournament in the world bar none. So what if people who don't even like football get involved, my missus hates the game but every two years when there's a tournament on she watches all the England games and screams and shouts at the TV as much as the best of us. It's a great occasion and what the f**k is wrong with having a bit of National pride from time to time, I'm sick of being told not to be English and the government trying to multiculturalise us all to the point where we have no national identity left, so if I can find a bit in football then it's all good! /rant
  13. http://www.cristianoronaldo7.com/files/RonaldoPort8.jpg
  14. I'm sure we'll all get to see how well he plays against QPR and then in the World Cup, so either he'll get found out or we'll see what he's really capable of and we'll either have a complete diamond of a player or a HUGE transfer fee. Even if he's only half the player Rooney was at his age, that's still gotta be worth at least £10m. Still I think the most prudent thing for him to do in this situation is to ride it out with us where he's more likely to get pitch time and progress in his ability. You can guarantee at the likes of Man Yoo or Chelski he'll be lucky to even get a seat on the bench and would probably spend a fair few seasons at the best reserve team level.
  15. He's still got a season or two left in him at top flight, but think we should start thinking about bleeding Krul and Forster in, both look like they're gonna be class and don't want to lose them as we're gonna need them both in the long run.
  16. Us defying the doubters again, quietly going about our business without the following circus. I'm also hoping that by next year the waste of space "journo's" will be fed up of writing the same old "messiah", "high expectations" and all that cliche sh#te!
  17. It's a sickner to think we were always along side with the spuds, around the same level of football but we always just had the edge, now look at us, worlds apart. Hopefully it won't be too long before we're battling neck and neck with them again instead of the likes of Sunlund and West Brom.
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