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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. I hated football as a kid, wasn't the sporty type. However watching England in Euro '96 ignited a love for football and I remember thinking I wanna support the team this Shearer guy plays for. Ergo I was a Blackburn supporter for about a week. Hooked ever since. So I wasn't born a supporter, but I'll definately die one!!
  2. To be fair, last time we signed a striker from Coventry he had a track record of something like 34 starts, 6 goals and we paid 6 million. I know there was a few raised eyebrows there, but what a quality buy he turned out to be. He's here now, lets give the lad a fair crack and get behind him, you never know!
  3. Whatever the reasons for the current transfer policy, let it continue. Some good talent for the future being bought and quietly conducted so we don't get pipped at the post. For the first time in I can't remember since, I finally feel excitement for the future, like we're finally over the turmoil and moving back up to where we should be. The current transfer policy reminds me a bit of the Robson era, where we bought young, upcoming English tallent from lower leagues, it's just a pity CH isn't quite in the same league of management as Robson.
  4. I just hope they stay up this season so we can maul them home and away, would be unreal if we could be personally responsible for sending the dirty inbreds down
  5. I hope this turns out to be a mauling and not one of those games where nothing else happens for the next 60 minutes!
  6. Living in Blackpool this is gonna be a hard pill to swallow, I'll never hear the end of it! Blackpool always do well against the top sides though, they won home and away against Birmingham last season and brought two draws against Wolves too I think. They still finished just 10 points above relegation. This is not the end of the world, just a reality check.
  7. Mattoon

    RIP sale thread.

    Anyone else concerned that having taken so long to "secure" the funding to buy the club, where will the funds come from for buying players, especially when we get promoted.
  8. This. Really do think we should give Ranger his shot at this level, maybe not start him but definately give him a shot at some stage, with Carroll picking off and balls over the top I would feel a lot more confident with a striker like Ranger on the receiving end rather than Shambles. Lua Lua looks like he's got some nouse about him too. If he's available though I'd definately put Duff in the team, but it looks like he's traveling up to London this weekend, so probably won't be available.
  9. Again not a big fan of Duff myself, however he did seem the one most likely to score last Saturday, think he could do a good job in this league, if we can get promotion and they're willing to bid the same amount next year, I would say wait. Not fit for the premiership anymore but he looked pretty lively in this league, could be a big difference in our title push.... Never thought I'd be talking about Newcastle and winning the title so soon, pitty it's the wrong title!
  10. He'd do a job but surely there are other options who could potentially make the grade if we did get promotion? Out with Bassong, in with O'Brien, who said it was all doom and gloom!
  11. Mattoon

    Barry Moat

    Can see the tabloid headlines now, Moat keeps Geordy Boat Afloat Best news we've heard this year or another dead end?? Please let it be true, please let it be true....
  12. Just watched the BBC documentary about Sir Bobby, and do you know what hurts the most? That in his dying moments, his beloved Newcastle was at it's lowest ebb in over a decade. Just been relegated, a shambles inside and out, a useless owner destroying the club he lived for, no manager and a bunch of useless hasbeens as a playing staff. And I fear we'll never see the dizzying hights he took us to in my lifetime. Thanks for the Champions league football Bobby, I'll always be greatful for what you did for us.
  13. Mattoon

    RIP sale thread.

    if the fat knacker wasn't so unbelievably desperate to sell the club he might have shifted it by now. Everyone knows he's desperate so they'll hold out for a bargain. I'm about ready to pull out the hair I have left on my head, which ain't a whole lot!
  14. rip sir bobby. a true legend, a gentleman and a national treasure. he was a gift to football. thank you for bringing back the entertainers and making newcastle a force to be reconed with. surely now we should name a sir bobby robson stand! gutted.
  15. Goodbye, good riddance and I hope yiou break both your legs. I didn't think they could do it but Man U have found a bigger journeyman with less movement than Berbatov!!! Imagine a dream team of Berbatov and Owen up front, it'll be half time before either of them are in the opposition box...
  16. Mattoon

    RIP sale thread.

    A bunch of useless hasbeen's with no legs, too many injuries, too highly paid, in a team with no manager, no owners, no transfers or ability to make transfers... need I go on? Until we move forward in some way there is no one in a worse predicament than us, and moving forward doesn't seem to be on the near horizon. To quote a dad's army line "we're all dooooooomed"!
  17. I voted before the start of the season....but just. If this goes on any longer I'll have as little hair left as Shearer.
  18. Mattoon

    RIP sale thread.

    Or good news as it weakens Swansea. Exactly, another rival looking likely to be weakened. Yet still worryingly stronger than us in our sorry predicament.
  19. Mattoon

    RIP sale thread.

    These people need to be dragged out into the street naked and stabbed to death with a rusty spoon! people like this should not be aloud out in public, never mind procreate.
  20. England Germany final, can't wait, makes for a fairytail ending, even if it is just the u21's. Love to beat the Germans in a final again and actually win some silverware!
  21. I thought it was great the way USA were impossible to break down, Spain huffed and puffed but had nothing there, it was a great game to watch as a neutral. Would have loved a 5er on those odds, 2-0 to USA!
  22. Mattoon

    New Away Strip

    It's like a really poor B-movie, so bad, it's damn good! I really like it but it looks like a Championship kit to me, don't ask me why?!? Definitely prefer it to our home kit this year though with that freakin horrible white box on the back!
  23. You think it was something he did? Sat bored at home so thought he'd knock something out on photoshop and write out a few envelopes? Or, more logically, do you think it was done by someone else in the heirachy that is his life, with decisions being made elsewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if documents like this are sent out all the time. I'm sure either way Owen would get final say in the matter. The distributers are at his employment so he is ultimately responsible, just as if I did something to bring my company into disrepute, I would no doubt be sacked but they would have to deal with and be responsible for my actions. Either way, it just looks like another foolish action by Owen and another nail in his footballing coffin. Can't wait to see where he actually ends up next year, if anywhere! Though saying that I bet he gets a club and scores 20 goals next season, just to rub our noses in it! Sods law.
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