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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Imagine Lampard as England manager man
  2. She's absolutely brilliant, like. Only 23 too. Put her against the likes of Micah Richards or Karen Carney, man. They couldn't hold a flame.
  3. The absolute fuck is that?
  4. Hope he turns them down if he's offered it, but for the first time today - based on fuck all - I thought that he's more than likely to take it
  5. Have to say, Fabian Ruiz was absolutely superb all tournament. Would be my POTT
  6. The fucking band, man. And, subsequent, seeing grown fucking men dressed in crusade costume. Distasteful, if not absolutely fucking lame.
  7. He's not a holding midfielder, essentially. No coincidence that Arteta - an infinitely superior manager than the FA bootlicker - has has him playing all owa the shop for Arsenal to great effect last season
  8. He's finished in football if he leaves.
  9. He'd be another bootlicking lickspittle.
  10. Then he's fucking failed so far....As we've experienced. Flatters to deceive, the cunt.
  11. I think the FA suits would have kittens with Bielsa
  12. Give over. He's another FA stooge who'd be infinitely grateful for the opportunity and absolutely no place at the top table of international management
  13. It's a mark of the infrastructure in England that (by and large - some exceptions), this is the quality of players produced and they consistently get to the further reaches if tournaments in spite of the fucking shite hawk lickspittles supposedly 'coaching' them. Southgate and Holland, man, they have absolutely FUCK ALL by way of credibility about them.
  14. Course they do. He doesn't kick up a fuss and is infinitely grateful for an opportunity he always had no place in getting.
  15. England were dogshit all tournament. Bailed out by a few decent players in total contradiction to the 'coaching' they had. Southgate is a fucking fraud. No business in football management. He's a fucking shoe-shiner for FA cunts.
  16. Fucking deserved tbh. England had a piss easy draw and played dogshit football
  17. Get in. Fuck off Southgate you fucking fraud
  18. Playing the same old shit.
  19. That FUCKING band. FUCK. OFF.
  20. BBC have that fucking whopper 'bants merchant' Micah Richards. ITV all the way.
  21. Pickford would have just stood still staring at it wondering why it didn't fill itself in.
  22. Love oot like that, me
  23. Hope not to see the cunt at that soccer aid shite in future. Would ring even more hollow.
  24. #inbefore @Pilko and @MonkeyAlan
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