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Everything posted by Luc

  1. Luc

    Uefa Cup thread

    Ajax won in Zagreb. Dinamo - Ajax 0 - 1.
  2. Given Beye Taylor Rohzy Enrique Milner Butt Emre Zoggy Owen Martins
  3. 'You must log in to see this page.'
  4. It's like Sir Bobby said. 'Selling Shearer is like selling the Tyne Bridge'. Same goes for Local Hero IMO.
  5. Aye, Kuyt is working like hell but he doesn't deliver. He might be out of the team pretty soon.
  6. Why are Arsenal pushing it? Because they refuse to pay £16.5m for a player like Bent? When they can get a better player for fraction of the price. It's ridiculous they only have like 3(?) English players. Wouldn't be too happy if it was us.
  7. He decided to retire. http://www.johntoddjr.com/83%20Otatitlan/images/01%20pina.jpg
  8. Wasn't she in some band/group or something?
  9. Actually, the game has 30 min to go and Ajax are 2-1 down......
  10. We should thanks Sibierski. If Owen hadn't score, he would in his own goal. Being the fan he is
  11. What a difference that single goal makes. With a draw everybody would say we're shit and now
  12. what was it? He just went absolutely insane, it was like "Here's Martins, dinks it into the near post and here's Michael OWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNN YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES, HE'S DONE IT! NEWCASTLE HAVE SCORED EVENTUALLY, GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET IN! THE DROUGHT IS OVER!..." he just went on like that for 5 minutes screaming at the top of his voice, like he's never been so happy before Like they do in Spain
  14. If we don't qualify for Europe with one goal short, we know why Don't shoot me :celb:
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