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Everything posted by Astroblack

  1. The lads will have bags of confidence heading into Craven Cottage. I can't wait.
  2. Really happy. Was reading the bbc while the teacher was yammering on about something. When it said 1-0 to us I was smilling like crazy. He asked me why and all I said was Martins. He was like and I was like
  3. They are playing a really good team tonight. They're balanced all over the field.
  4. Gave one away against Hull and I think against Everton this season. Maybe a few more. He also fouled Deouf and Richardson scored from that freekick.
  5. They have a good player named Ezequiel Lavezzi. I'd love to see him here.
  6. Whats going on here? http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/45155000/jpg/_45155954_adebayor_afp300.jpg
  7. I'm in America and I'm college. Really wish I was in Newcastle, though.
  8. From BBC: Spurs did nothing in that game except finish their four chances Fucking Arsenal defense.
  9. Looks like a good day for Premiership football. From what I'm reading on BBC, its the best night of footy in a long while. Pity I'm in school.
  10. At lease we're three ahead of them.
  11. You're joking/ Please tell me you're joking.
  12. Oh thank God. I hate to see the Prem table with us in the bottom three. There's no way Wigan will keep hold of Zaki with them in the position they're in.
  13. Nevermind, I see that Stoke won today.
  14. Aren't Wigan a place below us?
  15. Beye is my Man of the match tonight. Attacked and defended really well.
  17. It really was. it flew over everyone going in the wrong direction and went out for a throw.
  18. Habib Baye with a wonderful run and cross and Martins does the rest. So happy for the Toon.
  19. We're playing so well. I'm not tense like I normally am. Barton just took a shot that could have nearly gone in.
  20. Oh my, I thought that was in. Beautiful start so far. I know we're something different today!
  21. And Paul Gallagher in 2003-4...massive dent in our Champions League challenge. First name that came to m had when I read this news. I think Chopra had a goal disallowed in that game, too.
  22. He's linked with a new club every transfer window. He'll go no where.
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