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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. Fucking hell... Like the start of the season all over but we have a few point head start this time.
  2. For or against? For. It was couple yard wide but the angle and beer fooled me.
  3. The commentator with a deep voice is actually decent. So weird.
  4. He’s not been bad. I just don’t trust them. When a player goes down clutching his head and the ref plays on assuming he’s faking it says something to me.
  5. Refs don’t even stop play for us when we have head injuries.
  6. Var, for me, will help but there is something rotten in the fa for the last few years that will continue. At least with var human error is less of an excuse. The decision made need to be captured and analysed. If the bias still exists it should be easier to highlight.
  7. The really sad thing about yesterday’s latest decision against us is that this one is getting some media attention. Not because of the series of decisions against us though. Because It can be used to make Liverpool lose a player in the title race.
  8. A little looping video of the reds we’ve received over the last couple years vs the ones we have not would be decent. Then the same with the penalties.
  9. Nailed on We’re defending ok. Just utter dog shit on the ball. I can see us snatching one the one attack when our players recall how to control and pass You’re on the ball ?
  10. Nailed on We’re defending ok. Just utter dog shit on the ball. I can see us snatching one the one attack when our players recall how to control and pass
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