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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. TooonDoom


    This bullshit about not liking to see your rivals suffer is just bollox. All it is is people trying to make out that their team is somehow bigger and better therefore their rivals are insignificant. On match days I look for us winning 95% and them losing 5%. Them losing will never come close to making up for us losing but when we win and they lose it’s totally the icing on the cake. So I care who takes over them. I want them to rot for a while. Having said that when eventually we are back in the same division bring it on. Derby days without Pardew will be back. Bring it.
  2. TooonDoom


    Me as an obsessed mag who likes to see them suffer, and would like to see it continue.
  3. TooonDoom


    I don't think it will matter. In the third tier there is just a wages cap. Their turnover will allow them to cherry pick the players if they have the cash to cover it.
  4. TooonDoom


    Being an obsessed mag I have frequented RTG a bit over the last few months to chuckle at their misery. One thing I recall is that at least one if their takeovers fell through as Eliis was looking for very complex payment terms. This kind of aligns with the theory of no debt but a lot of strings attached for future payments.
  5. TooonDoom


    What did make me laugh is where this news was on the bbc sport site. Right down near the bottom. That shows how the neutral rates how big a story this is. 3rd tier club taken over and manager sacked. Who gives a fuck.
  6. TooonDoom


    I'd think repayments if they ever get back in the prem. Agreed. I’d guess the following are due to short: Parachute payments Outgoing transfers for current players (if any lol) Payments on performance over next few years It’s still good news mind. Fuck good news for them lol.
  7. TooonDoom


    I'd think repayments if they ever get back in the prem. Agreed. I’d guess the following are due to short: Parachute payments Outgoing transfers for current players (if any lol) Payments on performance over next few years It’s still good news mind.
  8. That will be him done for the season now I presume.
  9. TooonDoom


    They'd never shut up about that injury time, disallowed, "equalising" goal against Burton if that's what sent them down. Even better. A bit of injustice always makes it sting a bit more.
  10. TooonDoom


    Barnsley are losing, Cardiff are winning(means Fulham will have nothing to play for). Everything is going Sunderland’s way again. ?
  11. TooonDoom


    At work, and listening to this now. Great first few minutes and calls, as the reality dawns. Even the presneter was refusing to talk about the possibility of them going down, as it was inevitable... then has to apologise to 'Benno' and advise that they are officially down. Great idea. Doing the same now
  12. TooonDoom


    They’ve looked half decent in the games I’ve watched recently(obsessed mag). But their defence and/or keeper always gifts a goal or two with a moment of brilliance.
  13. TooonDoom


    If they stay up I win 1k. I still want to see them down?
  14. TooonDoom


    Next there will be a harchester united fan posting in piece.
  15. Where he won the ball? He did and I don’t think there was malice in it but it was not a nice challenge. If we lost a player due to a challenge like that we’d not be happy. I liked the fact he was apologizing to the player though.
  16. I should have added a smiley. He just was not at it today. Silly challenge. Silly kick / head push. Kept loseing the ball. Then one moment of quality.
  17. Was shite today. Only thing he did in 90 minutes was setup the winning goal.
  18. TooonDoom


    Everyone does it but it’s still wrong. Should be able to do clubs on false advertising!
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