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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. Buyers interested at 300m but not when threat of relegation We are safe Price is increased to 400m Buyers are not interested at that price We invest nothing We perform badly and are under the thread of relegation Price reduced to 300m goto start
  2. A fucking decade of my life having to watch this crap due to a fat cunt.
  3. It's the same every week though; whenever we are presented with opportunities we don't put them away. We also constantly let the opposition off when they fuck up - you could probably pick a chance every game this season where the opposition has made a dodgy back pass or slipped over and we've not taken a single chance. Yep. We’re a side with strikers that need 5 chances but a side who create 1-2
  4. As shit as we are penalty aside we’ve had the best two chances.
  5. TooonDoom


    Looks like hes bitten off more than he can chew. The guy is a complete charlatan Didn't see that coming did we? So if they don’t get promoted they’re fucked.
  6. Given you know more than me about this I will take your word Thanks for the info. The only thing I don't understand is if there were enough people doing this(and I accept that getting the number of people to do it is unlikely/impossible) would it be possible? Let's say 100,000 people evenly distributed in the UK who were all in and clicked the ad's. How would google be able to distinguish these to real people?
  7. If you create a login for https://www.semrush.com/mobile-us/info/sportsdirect.com you can select the region that you're in and the device type. Then see the words for that. Subscription costs but you get 10 free requests per day.
  8. I think with the paid version of semrush.com you can export all the search terms used. Then you could sort by the date they were used. I know a couple lads who may have an account I’ll ask them this morning.
  9. His top paid AdWords. https://m.imgur.com/a/th87rfD I got this using https://www.semrush.com/info/sportsdirect.com
  10. Fa tried their best to fuck Newcastle but the ref didn’t play ball.
  11. He doesn't gamble when we go down, the money is usually already there to finance a season without selling too many players for a season in the championship. If we didn't get promoted at the first attempt you would sharp see him making swingeing cuts to the running costs. He could have not signed Richie and Gayle and not given the club a £15m loan. All it would take now is him taking a bit of a gamble and coming out saying I'm going to invest £15m-£20m of my money Rafa gets control of that and other income and we're all happy.
  12. So basically when premiership money lost he will gamble, invest more to get it back. when premiership money at risk he will gamble, not invest more hope to keep it.
  13. TooonDoom


    How do the fit and proper tests work for a consortium? Do they pick one person or check them all?
  14. TooonDoom


    Aye, they still can't magic away all the overpaid shite they've got stuck on long contracts Apparently they don’t count in the 60% wage cap. It’s still valid for the bottom line though.
  15. TooonDoom


    Every player in that league should want to play for them. They should get the best players without even having to pay over the odds. In the championship we had a bit of this.
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