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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. grasping for straws but interesting that Newcastle were only offering a one year contract.
  2. Like he's going back to work for Ashley agreed. Didn't say he'd join.
  3. They will try to get Hughton as they'll think that will make it more difficult to protest.
  4. Did I just hear right that the offer was just for 1 year? (Keith Downie SSN)
  5. It’s got to be the quietest this thread has ever been in the summer. Understandable given we have no manager signed for next season but if we weren’t distracted by the takeover and Rafa we be kicking off.
  6. Would love to be a fly on the wall of the negotiations. I’ve heard it mentioned a few times by the itks that Ashley wants to retain sports direct advertising rights and merchandising. I wonder how much he wants to up the price for not keeping those rights if the buyer wanted a clean slate. Would be interesting to hear what Ashley values these at after paying nothing for them for a decade.
  7. For those that look at the page count as a sign whether anything has happened 50 pages of biscuit choices is going to be a disappointment.
  8. I don't know who is Mobin Hussain and why does he think it will be announced in the morning? edit - punchline better be good I need a cheer up.
  9. In this bipolar takeover experience it's definitely a "the takeover is dead in the water" day. Ashleys PR machine spinning up, pointing finger of blame at Benitez, Wise rolling out the same shite etc.
  10. “I know Mike Ashley, and he cares for the exposure that Newcastle gives sports direct, even if fans say he doesn’t. He runs them in a structured way. He’s not there to pile hundreds of millions into the club he here to milk them to maximise sports direct profits. He’ll only sell to someone who’ll pay over the odds and allow him to keep using the club post sale indefinitely for sports direct best interests.”
  11. For a sale this size does the seller have to enter an exclusive phase? This is rolled out as a reason people think we’re a distance away. If a seller was a cunt I’d imagine that was the sort of thing they would bother with if legally they didn’t have to.
  12. And yet according to our press they’re not even in an exclusive phase or going through the director tests. I hope are press are as useless as we think they are.
  13. Problem with that theory is pretty much every journalist is saying that these tests are not taking place yet. The documentation submitted to the premier league is not the one that triggers them. They could all be wrong of course but that seems unlikely to me. Edit... I do agree that bzg are probably genuine mind. I just don’t think they’re at that point yet. I think they’re probably still negotiating the details with Ashley.
  14. If Rafa leaves is he free to discuss his reasons for not signing a new contract? I’d guess so as his current contract is over and they’re not negotiating terminating a contract.
  15. What the absolute fuck So the club saying nothing is akin to the club appointing a tactically braindead, borderline psychopath, giving him a 7 year contract and turning some of our most likeable players against the fans before getting relegated? What the absolute fuck your opinion is different to mine ?
  16. What the absolute fuck So the club saying nothing is akin to the club appointing a tactically braindead, borderline psychopath, giving him a 7 year contract and turning some of our most likeable players against the fans before getting relegated? Each to their own but although the scenario isn't as severe on paper, we're looking at binning off a world-class manager who genuinely loves the club, fans and wants the best for it/us all, to return to management which most likely takes us back to the Pardew days. In fact Rafa being here and (potentially) leaving will probably result on more fans turning their back on the club than did when Pardew was here, because of the hope Rafa has brought to us and what he signifies. Exactly. Plus we have no strikers. We have no comment. We have season ticket price hikes. They are treating the fans with utter contempt. If the take over is real and they cannot action any of the above due to legalities I’ll take it on the chin that I’m wrong but I just don’t believe it anymore.
  17. Just a rant but I'm at peak Pardew levels of hatred towards my club right now. Fucking hate the cunts. </rant>
  18. They have the fall out good or bad articles written for days, where do we go from here, what now etc etc gotta fill column inches somehow with 2 pr 3 snippets of info Or...
  19. So Liverpool last dropped points against Everton? Guess that means they denied them the league.
  20. I’m drunk and still know this wouldn’t quite work but it would be cool if a player had to start from the third tier. To play at top tier he has to play for teams that get promoted. So simply put you can only transfer to teams in your division. Time for another glass.
  21. I was at 21 Jan 2012 Fulham v Newcastle United W 5-2 Premier League If memory serves and alcohol doesn’t deceive we were the better team by miles. But had fives naps and let them score.
  22. I've been about 6 times and it's always been absolutely appalling. I’ve shared that pain. ?
  23. When was the last time we won here? Maybe I’ve just been unlucky but I’ve seen us lose here more than anywhere.
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