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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Cause he’s from Liverpool. They all do it
  2. Man who the fuck is this commentary cunty fuck, less have been on top the last 5 mins
  3. This is the best Bruce ball ever by Leicester
  4. Champions league here we come
  5. It’s never been in doubt in my mind, our form over the season should have been enough for people to not worry. Hey I get it. Thing is the New NUFC it is not Ashley’s and we don’t fuck things up now anymore. Any way let’s look forward to getting 3rd in the league.
  6. Hudson

    Match Atmosphere

    Just watched the match cam video, the atmosphere looked electric.
  7. Going with 23, hatrick on Monday then 2 at Chelsea
  8. Personally got no interest in the result as it has no bearing on our CL position. No way we don’t take 3 points on Monday, hell we could and probably will finish third by beating Chelsea. Liverpool are Man U,s problem now.
  9. BBC says he won’t be there for the Villa game
  10. Looking like third is on the cards imho.
  11. Hudson

    Joe Willock

    Thanks for the season Joe, couldn’t have done it without you
  12. Was worried at 2:1,then jumping round the living room like a loon 2 mins later. What a game
  13. Imagine how many weeks it would take to watch the first one on the list
  14. That's the point I made, next time see wants to watch shite on TV I'm watch the worst longest movie ever made. Can anybody raise me on LOTR the extended directors edition.
  15. Fucks sake, just been reminded about going out for a meal at kick off time. I'm well pissed ? Should catch the second half.
  16. That pissed off posted in wrong tgread
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