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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    And all team spirit with it................... Don't need team spirit, Massive bonuses are the way forward
  2. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    Don't wait till jan, just give up now and join the protests, viva la revolution
  3. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    As much as it pains me to say, we knew this was going to happen anyway
  4. Hudson

    Keegan on Ashley

    Shouldn't the be a middle eastern buyer ? And no thanks, there even shadier than ashley Sicko..... So you prefer Ashley over some one like the Man City owners? Dude you need to check in to the nearest mental hospital Where did i say that ?. Anyway i want stability not cash and instability. We have already had a dressing room with over payed over hyped journey men thanks. Hows about a owner, who aims to slowly build the club up from nothing investing in youth and development, abit like ashley promised and wenger is doing. Not a big ask is it
  5. Hudson

    Keegan on Ashley

    Shouldn't the be a middle eastern buyer ? And no thanks, there even shadier than ashley
  6. Hudson

    Papa Waigo

    Right photoshoppers, get pardrews face in there
  7. Hudson

    Papa Waigo

    002–2005 Verona 65 (13) 2005–2007 Cesena 71 (20) 2007 Genoa 9 (0) 2008– Fiorentina 7 (2) 2009 → Lecce (loan) 6 (0) 2009–2010 → Southampton (loan) 35 (5 Nolans scored more goals in the same period
  8. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Football fans may be fickle but not all of us believe in sacking a manager after a couple of bad results. I can promise you that if we play as poor against Liverpool as we did against WBA and Bolton, people on here will go completely insane. Pardew faces an incredible difficult task, as he would not only have to keep us up, but he would have to impress most of us, both in terms of how they play and results. I have never said Pardew was the right man, or the way they did it was anything other than horrendous, but I think many on here would be calling for Hughtons head if we went 10 games without a win, and I think that was a very likely scenario. (Again, just my personal view based on what I have seen of us this season). Dont know why I even bother..trying to defend some of this decision on this forum is like trying to speak about human rights in North Korea. You still aren't going anywhere with this argument. Your whole argument is based on a mystic meg type prediction. I can't be bothered to look at the facts right now but I'm pretty sure that under Hughton we have followed up most bad results with a good one. Well we have gone 5 games without a win. Against teams we need to take points from, and we managed to get a lucky point against Chelsea in their worst form in the last decade. When our team only plays good in against the big teams, or our rivals I think the manager should take his part of the blame. Its not like its a slump in form, we have only managed to beat 1 of the 9 mid to down table teams we have met, and none at home. Sorry mate you have your facts wrong, very wrong. Who cares if it is home or away? I didn't realise there was a rule in the league that said home wins are better than aways? Look I'm not going to carry on with this discussion because I'm at work and it's just silly. Please enlighten me. What is so wrong about my facts? Do you categorize Everton, Villa and Arsenal as mid to downtable teams? Ill give you Sunderland, but again, that is a local derby which doesnt take away the point about being motivated. Just going by the facts ie the league table. So if Blackpool was in the top 5 when we met them, you would classify them as one of the top teams? Most of us know that its not Everton and Villa we will be fighting against when it comes to relegation. Its Wigan, Blackburn, WBA and so on. Yeah but a 6.0 win over villa far outways getting beat by Blackpool thats football
  9. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Football fans may be fickle but not all of us believe in sacking a manager after a couple of bad results. I can promise you that if we play as poor against Liverpool as we did against WBA and Bolton, people on here will go completely insane. Pardew faces an incredible difficult task, as he would not only have to keep us up, but he would have to impress most of us, both in terms of how they play and results. I have never said Pardew was the right man, or the way they did it was anything other than horrendous, but I think many on here would be calling for Hughtons head if we went 10 games without a win, and I think that was a very likely scenario. (Again, just my personal view based on what I have seen of us this season). Dont know why I even bother..trying to defend some of this decision on this forum is like trying to speak about human rights in North Korea. You still aren't going anywhere with this argument. Your whole argument is based on a mystic meg type prediction. I can't be bothered to look at the facts right now but I'm pretty sure that under Hughton we have followed up most bad results with a good one. Well we have gone 5 games without a win. Against teams we need to take points from, and we managed to get a lucky point against Chelsea in their worst form in the last decade. When our team only plays good in against the big teams, or our rivals I think the manager should take his part of the blame. Its not like its a slump in form, we have only managed to beat 1 of the 9 mid to down table teams we have met, and none at home. Valid facts, but then factor in Injurys, suspensions and thread bare squad and where a newly promoted team,Then it don't look so cut and dry I agree, and I am not saying Pardew wont continue this slump, in fact the way in which he was appointed will probably kill team morale in the short term. I am just hoping that Pardew somehow is a decent manager that has the tactical knowledge to get the results we need against lesser teams. For me, Hughton did not show that he could do just that. I am sure it wasnt just me that was frustrated with our recent performances. I really don't know what to say to that tbh, just remeber that a better manager the Padrew could not even beat the worst side in prem history
  10. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Football fans may be fickle but not all of us believe in sacking a manager after a couple of bad results. I can promise you that if we play as poor against Liverpool as we did against WBA and Bolton, people on here will go completely insane. Pardew faces an incredible difficult task, as he would not only have to keep us up, but he would have to impress most of us, both in terms of how they play and results. I have never said Pardew was the right man, or the way they did it was anything other than horrendous, but I think many on here would be calling for Hughtons head if we went 10 games without a win, and I think that was a very likely scenario. (Again, just my personal view based on what I have seen of us this season). Dont know why I even bother..trying to defend some of this decision on this forum is like trying to speak about human rights in North Korea. You still aren't going anywhere with this argument. Your whole argument is based on a mystic meg type prediction. I can't be bothered to look at the facts right now but I'm pretty sure that under Hughton we have followed up most bad results with a good one. Well we have gone 5 games without a win. Against teams we need to take points from, and we managed to get a lucky point against Chelsea in their worst form in the last decade. When our team only plays good in against the big teams, or our rivals I think the manager should take his part of the blame. Its not like its a slump in form, we have only managed to beat 1 of the 9 mid to down table teams we have met, and none at home. Valid facts, but then factor in Injurys, suspensions and thread bare squad and where a newly promoted team,Then it don't look so cut and dry
  11. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    I know, I don't get that either. Some of them are probably as angry as us(although their £200,000 or so this month will surely help them through). They know the craic, they won't be expecting any less. The really sad truth is, that most, if not all the players that are of any great benefit to the team will be gone by the end of the season anyway That's not really the truth, it's the most pessimistic prediction you could make. I should haved added by Ashley and Pardrews Choice
  12. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Football fans may be fickle but not all of us believe in sacking a manager after a couple of bad results. I can promise you that if we play as poor against Liverpool as we did against WBA and Bolton, people on here will go completely insane. Pardew faces an incredible difficult task, as he would not only have to keep us up, but he would have to impress most of us, both in terms of how they play and results. I have never said Pardew was the right man, or the way they did it was anything other than horrendous, but I think many on here would be calling for Hughtons head if we went 10 games without a win, and I think that was a very likely scenario. (Again, just my personal view based on what I have seen of us this season). Dont know why I even bother..trying to defend some of this decision on this forum is like trying to speak about human rights in North Korea. Love that last line.
  13. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Jose Fonte's piece at Southampton. google image search does not yield any results unfortunately http://www3.pictures.fp.zimbio.com/Cassie+Sumner+Excercising+Park+I7gIhZLyxZNl.jpg If i can talk that into bed, then there's hope for him getting results with the team then yeah ?
  14. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    I know, I don't get that either. Some of them are probably as angry as us(although their £200,000 or so this month will surely help them through). They know the craic, they won't be expecting any less. The really sad truth is, that most, if not all the players that are of any great benefit to the team will be gone by the end of the season anyway
  15. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    My guess is Beardsley will have a Job mybe assistand or number 2
  16. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Total and Utter s*** m8, all of it. Yes, its all black and white. Hughton is Jesus, and Pardew is the devil. It's got sod to do with Hughton being Jesus and Pardrew the Devil. Facts are facts, Pardrew record is very very average at best, and he comes with a load of baggage. Hughton was learning the trade and doing well, and came with no baggage
  17. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Strange that, I though replacing a up and coming well supported (fans and players) manager. With a Manger know for being good at getting sacked, religated and into other peoples wifes knickers was a bad idea.
  18. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Total and Utter s*** m8, all of it.
  19. Hudson

    £10 million?

    Every window someone pipes up with "asset stripping" and every close of window we're still pretty whole, if not slightly bigger. Which is not to say he won't, but there's still no indicator he will. "no plan for new capital outlay on players". http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/2010/05/to-spend-or-not-to-spend-that-is.html
  20. Hudson

    £10 million?

    Will be getting £10m from the £15m we get for Carroll. My thoughts as well
  21. Hudson

    What if...

    Never i would rather drag my arse over broken glass TBH People seam to forget that this has been planned for months, Pardrew is also responsible for the turmoil the club is in as well as fatt cunt and diso dekka
  22. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    I'm swaying to the idea this is a nice big fat payday for him IF we get new owners. Please let it be
  23. It's not about giving up on the club, it's about forcing Ashleys hand to sell
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