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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    f*** sake, how immature. Who's saying he should be knighted - what have knighthoods got to do with anything? You said what actions, she told you. He's not just talking the talk, he has sorted himself out in reality too - those actions. Just ignore him, he sounds like a snotty nose kid with a petulant attitude. One day he will realise how hard it is to change yourself.
  2. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    Burn him at the stake, he was a vile human being and should never be forgiven.
  3. PM9090 on Twitter: "If Liverpool make it in to 4th, that will be the biggest managerial achievement of the season, definitely."
  4. 7 June On the 7 June 2007 Freddy Shepherd and Shepherd Offshore Services Ltd. agreed to sell their stake in Newcastle United and released a statement urging other shareholders to do the same.[3] It was announced that Shepherd would remain in the role of chairman The guys a baffon, yeah he gave us some great times, but just look at the cost to the club in the long run.
  5. I seen what you did there
  6. In a Pigs eye will he the f*** does that mean? http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/in+a+pig%27s+eye in a pig's eye (American informal) something that you say which means you think there is no chance that something is true or that something will happen Me, in love with Sandra? In a pig's eye I am.
  7. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/apr/01/standard-chartered-liverpool-asian-players http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1379466/Liverpools-mammoth-25m-year-Warrior-kit-deal-rewrites-record-books.html
  8. Hudson

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That was god in Dogma not Jesus, and anyway he or rather she was white
  9. He works for ESPN Now, always best to get yor facts right or you end up looking a cunt.
  10. That the beginning of the BBC one? On the .cock video, basically all the way up until he speaks he's holding back the laughs. Thats because he knows he gonna get a fat wedge when he sign's for "insert other club"
  11. Hudson

    Epic NUFC photos

    That is pure quality Domokunwins
  12. I'll never forgive the little c*** for the way he treated bobby and us the fans. Strange because I reckon Bobby did. You know your right, still think he's a horrible little prick though.
  13. I'll never forgive the little cunt for the way he treated bobby and us the fans.
  14. There were plenty more high earners who came along later. What do you think the wage bill stands at? I thought it was generally agreed it was around the £50m mark on promotion. We'll have a better idea when last year's accounts come out. Just did some totting up, for what it's worth. Given loans in and out etc, I came to £35m or so per annum for the main squad. Could be less given surprises like Guthrie's wage (revealed as £4k p/w in court, though I allowed for £10k here). Throwing in reserve wages, extra bonuses and imagining I've underestimated things a bit, maybe it would come to around £40m in total. Allowing a large margin of error, somewhere between £30m and £44m per annum, then. You could also prity much assume we have incomings as follows Prem TV Money £40m League Postion £10m Gate Receipts £32.5m Matchday Rev £10m ? Outgoing Players £30m (£5m to follow) Total income £122m The figures are all ballpark guess based on pie in the sky guess work
  15. Can't believe he died over 18 months ago. Still feels like he's here. It really is like losing a close realtive. Love you Bobby He will always be with us and the club, In our hearts and minds.
  16. Apparently so, it's all his agents fault though
  17. Speak from personal experiance there ?
  18. Remeber the man for who he was, not for what the club did to him. Happy Birthday SBR, forever missed
  19. Forgot about that, point still stands though. Plus gives us a beter chance to sort injurys FA Cup weekend isn't it?
  20. Crap imo. No real threat. +1 Kept getting caught offside. No suprise there than
  21. Fantastic result tonight, well played lads. Played as well Pardrew. Bolton at home this weekend. They have not won on the road since november, baring any big injurys should be anohter 3 points
  22. Give over man, as much as it pains me to type this. This team will be minus 1 or 2 of the players come next season.
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