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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. It's only a million but has generated over 44.5m on players sales which has been used to keep the club ticking over.
  2. Wasnt that only for the championship and if we stay up this season wont we be secure? Financially. It's still going on this season, and will more than likely happen next season.
  3. Just like they invested in the team this window, even though drew stated we needed 2 players. It may be invested in the club, but i doubt it will be in the team
  4. All that took place in a 10 minute time frame ? me thinks not
  5. Interestingly... Pardew must be mega-miffed tonight. Took #NUFC job on promise #Carroll would not be sold, at any price.
  6. I doubt Andy could be forced to do anything like betray the hometown club. as neil stated AC9 has betrayed us the fans.
  7. because when fit hes better than what we have. id rather we pissed around getting woodgate fit than steven taylor all the time Are you mad, we tried to get him fit . That didn't work so sold him.
  8. The scouscers (in stereotypical scouse fashion) pinched that from man city. I just been listening to radio city and the commentators said that the empty seats where due to the irish/foreign supporters could not make it due to being a rearranged mid week game. It's more about the song then the fans. If any group of fans sang it before every match, it be just as good. Minus Sunderland. Back in the 70s it was sang on the terraces of most clubs. Not sure when everyone else stopped singing it. Standing on the terraces, both the home and away fans singing that would make the hairs stand up. I would imagine most clubs stopped due to wanting there own song, not many do now though.
  9. The scouscers (in stereotypical scouse fashion) pinched that from man city. I just been listening to radio city and the commentators said that the empty seats where due to the irish/foreign supporters could not make it due to being a rearranged mid week game.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hgN4NrlXQEQ
  11. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=559242 I'm looking online for tattoo removal at reasonable rates. Got his head tattooed on my thigh on Saturday
  12. Hudson

    Pitch invasions

  13. Do you think so, They couldn't see of Stevenage. As much as it pains me, i'll go 2:1 to them with both Smith and Cattermole walking.
  14. It's just been on the local radio station that Dalglish is in the for a full time job as he has the skill, and playing style to carry Liverpool the where they should be. This was said by Comilli (SP).
  15. Hudson

    Pitch invasion...

    So no retraction of this then? http://www.dailystar.co.uk/football/view/171096/Stevenage-3-Newcastle-1-Stevie-wonders-/ Wouldn't it be great if the NUST hounded the paper into printing a retractle piece, shame there fecking uslesss
  16. Doesn't surprise me. RAWK has gone absolutely Kenny krazy. I have a bit of a soft spot (missus is from L'pool) for Liverpool, but to give Kenny anything after 1 game would be lunacy at it's best
  17. Remember the sensible and concise reaction from the NUFC fans around SJP on Sky Sports News when we brought back KK/When Shearer was appointed/when we sacked KK? Exactly why its frightening. Look how that worked out.... I know, the point I was making is that fans are overly emotional about club heroes, it's what football is about. I was delighted when KK came back and lost all sense of logical thinking, it's what makes sport great. We really are not in a position to point fingers & mock other supporters when we have been in the exact position and were just as delirious as Liverpool fans are now. This is why its easier to mock though, we've been through that hell and know it doesn't work. We should by sympathetic maybe, but the world don't work like that A big difference is that we don't have Ashley in charge. Yeah thats true but it don't mean the new owner ain't a w***** :/
  18. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Liverpool-fc-news-and-gossip/128656120500288?v=info#!/pages/Liverpool-fc-news-and-gossip/128656120500288?v=wall click like for Kenny to be given a 4 year deal to stay as manager!
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