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  1. Future generations would much rather admire the historical importance of a massive state art of the world class stadium than a boring old Georgian terrace It’s just a load of sandstone blocks man Once it’s been bulldozed and replaced by the Magpie Megadome no one will remember Leazers Terrace If brick nonces want to jizz over Georgian architecture they can stand on Grey Street and tug themselves daft
  2. Isn’t the west facing side of Leazers Terrace student accommodation anyhow Preserving a grand old building so a load of workshy dossers can sit round smoking doobies and watching Loose Women on telly every day Fuck em. Get on the phone to Thompson’s of Prudhoe and flatten the bastard
  3. You forgot that he’s cancelled working from home and as a result loads of people were shitcanned from their jobs
  4. But she still follows MC Tazo
  5. It's the same as his approach to business He buys failing or bankrupt brands at rock bottom prices and tries to sweat every penny from them, usually by cutting investment, quality and customer service to the absolute minimum then going after volume sales Am struggling to think of any examples of where he's bought something good or new, then made it even better He's a vulture who feeds on carcasses
  6. And he looks like a daft cunt who can’t even use BCC You reckon the very toppermost of the poppermost football clubs are looking at Ashworth and thinking “oooh yeah, there’s a smart operator who we should entice from Man Utd in the future” He’s been shown up as an untrustworthy dunce who can’t even send confidential emails correctly 2 years of gardening leave since 2022 will look shitty on his CV too. Talk us through your achievements in the foootball world in the last couple of years please Dan ? Ermmmmmmm. None. But my greenhouse is entirely free of aphids and I highly recommend Ineos weedkiller
  7. Mags in toon shirts at airport = pathetic scum MLF’s in sunlun shirts at airport = brave freedom fighters
  8. Their “wearing a Newcastle top in Sunderland” thread is a crease. It reads like a Bob Mortimer comedy sketch… Intense debate about the percentage of people in Birtley who wear a Toon shirt Disbelief that a toon shirt was spotted in Hetton Threats of retribution after a 50 year old mag had words with a 10 year old lass wearing a Sunlun training kit Frenzied outrage that a dad with his family at Roker beach had his top off and NUFC tattoos on display Rapture that a massive lads fan got on the metro at Central in an SAFC tracksuit top
  9. What % of Twatter rumours about who NUFC are trying to sign ever amount to anything? Less than 5% would be my confident estimate Yet people still lap up the bullshit. It’s like watching gullible idiots queue up to get their palms read by Gypsy Rose Lee
  10. More like Dominic Calvert-Nwoat
  11. I'd say it's a much closer comparison with the realisation on here around 2008ish that our new billionaire owner who seemed sound as he downed pints in the away end, was actually a massive cunt who wanted to constantly cut corners and do everything on the cheap You've basically got your very own Mike Ashley but Jim has wet dreams about playing with chemistry sets not flogging sweatshop sports socks in a jumble sale
  12. I’m no leagle beagle but I get involved in hiring Directors and I’m pretty sure Ashworth couldn’t claim constructive dismissal when he was the one who accepted a job offer at Man Utd, resigned his post at NUFC and is working his notice / gardening leave in accordance with the employment contract he signed
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