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Posts posted by ShearMagic

  1. Isn't the most important thing that the manager gets us good results, which he is? He can't be held responsible for not being given money to spend and the incompetency of those above him.


    Don't feed us bullshit about getting players in 100% or key players staying then. He should shut his fucking mouth.


    What's he going to say when the journalists ask him?


    'No comment'?

  2. Charged by the FA for improper conduct. Imagine it's probably for his rant during the Fulham game.


    No, its for his comments pre-Sunderland, where he mentioned Barton not getting special treatment, or summit.


    Yeah my bad, I meant Scunthorpe in the cup anyway.


    They really are pedantic on that these days.

  3. They dont have to be better than us to finish above us really. We were the better side against sunderland in both games but ended up worse but thats not the point.


    Villa, Bolton, sunderland, Stoke all have great chances of being above us. Theres a top 10 and we will be against the Evertons, Fulhams, QPR's etc after that. Its comes down to scoring goals and we look very short.


    Edit: Wolves also have to be up there with us too with their signings looking canny. If that doesnt depress you then enjoy the delusion


    You said there'd be a big gap between the top 10 and the rest, but I disagree.


    There'll be a big gap between the top 6 and the rest, the spots below that are a lottery.


    Villa, Bolton, Sunderland and Stoke are no better than we are - there's no reason that we can't finish above them, just as there's no reason that they can't finish above us.

  4. So, if things stay the same as they are, we're lucky.


    If things change, we're going to be s***.




    We were a few minutes from 9th last season, can see us being less than that this year. 11th was the absolute top with us being lucky and 15th about what i expect. I dont think the league will be as balanced as last season tbh. Could well be a canny gap to the top 10 in which case we clearly arent in the same place.


    Which teams in the group fighting for 7th-15th are clearly better than us?


    FS almost bankrupted the club..Thank god MA didn't check the books proparly before he bought it. If he did, he would never have touchd us.  This is an interesting article about NUFC finances from an esteemed blogger:





    I've read it before, the club were in a bad way but could have turned it round by reducing purchases and getting rid of a few players like we had in the past. We broke the bank to get Owen and that was a mistake. That doesn't excuse from the mistakes and f*** ups that Ashley has made and how he has made the problems more difficult by how he has run the club.


    I cant beileve we are back to freddy shepherd now, hes been gone 4 years  :lol:


    Freddy wasn't about when the club was relegated.  :lol:


    Unfortunately he hawked off a lot of the club's longer term revenue streams to finance his marquee signings such as Luque,Boumsong and Owen.

    Just the type of signings that would have had us salivating last night I'm sure.

    Due to that financial insanity the club is still not making any money from said sources, so sadly 4 years down the road the effect of Freddie's live today pay later policy is still evident.

    So yes he is still a significant factor in what's going on.


    Don't believe that at all, the accounts last time showed that with the sales we have made and the wages that have been reduced we should easily be making a profit.


    Also should have got more sponsorship money, since the Northern Rock sponsorship has been renewed since Shepherd spent all of the last lot.

  6. But we're not making a profit you f***ing idiots.


    Yes we are, we may have made past losses but  that doesn't change the fact that this year our balance sheet will show a profit, last season will probably show as break even. We still have a debt yes but this was a debt that can easily be paid back a little at a time without cocking up the whole squad.


    If the person that lent us the money wants it back, that's fine. He's entitled to it.


    A profitable company doesn't just show 1 year of profits, it shows many years. Before you argue 'we're not a company', well I hate to tell you, but we are.


    That was never going to be my argument lol you really just don't get it do you. I do not care about the funds of the club I care about the club moving up the league and trying to win stuff. If we make a huge profit one year, use some of the money to pay off some of the debt and use more of it to add to the signings we have already made. Is it really that difficult ?


    Yeah, because the owner doesn't feel that way and he's entitled not to. He doesn't support the club or have any ties to it, as long as the company is performing how the board want it to, that's their only objective.





    I have been :troll: ing, but what I said there was deadly serious?

  7. But we're not making a profit you f***ing idiots.


    Yes we are, we may have made past losses but  that doesn't change the fact that this year our balance sheet will show a profit, last season will probably show as break even. We still have a debt yes but this was a debt that can easily be paid back a little at a time without cocking up the whole squad.


    If the person that lent us the money wants it back, that's fine. He's entitled to it.


    A profitable company doesn't just show 1 year of profits, it shows many years. Before you argue 'we're not a company', well I hate to tell you, but we are.


    That was never going to be my argument lol you really just don't get it do you. I do not care about the funds of the club I care about the club moving up the league and trying to win stuff. If we make a huge profit one year, use some of the money to pay off some of the debt and use more of it to add to the signings we have already made. Is it really that difficult ?


    Yeah, because the owner doesn't feel that way and he's entitled not to. He doesn't support the club or have any ties to it, as long as the company is performing how the board want it to, that's their only objective.

  8. But we're not making a profit you f***ing idiots.


    Yohan Cabaye (£4.3m) for Kevin Nolan (£4m)

    Demba Ba (free) for Andy Carroll (£35m)

    Sylvain Marveaux (free) for Joey Barton (free)

    Gabriel Obertan (£3.25m) for Wayne Routledge (£2m)

    Rob Elliot (£0.1m) for Fraser Forster (loan)

    Davide Santon (£5m) for Jose Enrique (£6m)

    Total spent £12.65m Total received £47m






    Oh sorry, I didn't realise that transfers were the only element on a clubs balance sheet/income statement.

  9. But we're not making a profit you f***ing idiots.


    Yes we are, we may have made past losses but  that doesn't change the fact that this year our balance sheet will show a profit, last season will probably show as break even. We still have a debt yes but this was a debt that can easily be paid back a little at a time without cocking up the whole squad.


    If the person that lent us the money wants it back, that's fine. He's entitled to it.


    A profitable company doesn't just show 1 year of profits, it shows many years. Before you argue 'we're not a company', well I hate to tell you, but we are.

  10. And even if I did compare us, then why not ? Clubs with either loans which have helped them spend small fortunes to get where they are, or financed by billionaire owners like our own. As I said before, there are other ways to support a club who is making a loss rather than simply selling all players and refusing to spend money. That's why those clubs are fighting to win stuff and we're still talked about with relegation.


    Our owner is different to their owners. Fucking deal with it and get on with things, that's the case, everybody should know that's the fucking case, so why the fuck do people still complain about it?

  11. I bet the scousers are in tears, "Oh no, we're trying to win things! We've bought another player! The balance sheeeeeetttt!"

    I'll certainly be gloating in the stands when Suarez scores against us, waving my little calculator and singing songs about how I have reservations over if their champions league Tv money will adequately cover their wages.  Can't wait to see their faces.


    They'll be in tears in a few years time if it all backfires. If they don't make Champions League they'll start selling to buy next season (and they can afford to use all of their transfer funds, because the revenue they bring in is far greater than us)


    Actually they won't because they have been able to reinvest through sales (Carroll cost them noubt remember) and there board seem happy to fund some of their signings as they know that Europe will pay for them through TV and other revenue. Add to that the new rules from UEFA and any outgoings in terms of debt will either be written off and done in such a way the club will have no problems. It doesn't have to be as simple as sell all to stop change your clubs funds you know ?


    Their spending spree stops now - to suggest that they're going to continue on with the same level of spending is wrong. Money runs out eventually.

  12. Not going to give a rate coz i can´t.








    (am i missing someone?)


    All (obertan, cabaye, Ba & Santon) all look like good signings....bought for impressively few punds. They should all be able to achieve great things here.


    BUT all these signings have more or less been financed by the sale of Nolan, Jose and Barton (wages). Its shows us that the 35 mill from Caroll definitely have not been reinvested in the team. So i guess this is the way Mike will runs things until he either sales or have made enough money to pay us fans a little back and invest in a team that can challenge top 4.


    OUTGOINGS. i know it takes time....but i think its a failure we didn´t manage to get rid of players like smith, Løvenkrands and maybe even perch, ameobi, guthrie etc. These players only take up squad space and their present means that pardew will pick players like smith or Løvenkrands when he should pick Abeid or Vuckic for example.


    We are getting close, very close to an exciting starting 11, but we really really lack depth. an injury in defends, midfield and attack at the same time will show how vulnerable we are. already our attack is a bit of a joke....cant believe we couldn´t find someone when it was our main mission this window....at least i thought it was. BA, ok....but enough!


    well...i was hoping for and believed we could aim for 6-7st place but i find it very difficult now.


    We had a good start lets build on that and maybe we will find us in a good position comes winther. 3 good results without playing good at all, wow!!!


    i still believe in a top 10 finish.








    You do realise that to sell players, there has to be a buying party?

  13. I for one welcome the sustainable business model that Mike Ashley has implemented. It's practical and through some increased revenues through extra sponsorship around the stadium (Sports Direct) and a few sales, our finances are eventually looking good.


    I'm glad that he doesn't spunk stupid money on players like other clubs do, you have to make sure you get value for money and we weren't able to do that. Hopefully in January it will be different.


    Far too many clubs (Leeds, Portsmouth) have spent above their means and look where they are now. Well done Mike, I for one appreciate you.


    Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO


    Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc)


    Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit.


    We did improve the squad though?


    No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a  striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll.


    Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me.


    Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season.


    I said the same to a Sunderland fan who told me that Wickham will be great in the future. We need someone now. If he isn't going to be able to cope in the PL straight away then we're screwed down the left. You appear to fail to even mention the worries of one of Taylor or Colo getting suspended or injured. Hell what happens if they both are missing, it's happened before. If you lose your only two centre backs and are left with the back 4 of Santon, r Taylor, Perch and Simpson we're going down simple as that. Defend from the midfield all you want but we will concede bucket loads and that is the fault of the two at the top.


    Unlike Wickham, Santon is actually ready to play PL now though. It's not as if the guy has played 7 times for Italy and 50 times or so for Inter  :rolleyes:


    All I was saying is that he'll get better and better, eventually reaching a level that is better than Enrique.


    If Taylor or Colo gets injured we're f***ed, but let's just hope it doesn't happen.


    Am I not right in thinking that was all before Jose left Inter, since then he's been left to play on loan and people in Italy aren't as impressed as they once were ? Yes he may come good but who knows.


    But after these past two windows we shouldn't be in the position where we have to hope it doesn't happen. We've made huge profits. I won't cheer about huge profits when the first team squad needs huge investment.


    When a company has more than £100 mill in debt,  it's not successfull in my eyes. For once we managed to get more money in than out, but it's the decade with overspending without results on the pitch that we're now paying for..


    A debt which is still at such a peak because of Ashley though


    Is that really relevant? A debt is a debt, it needs to be repaid. The club has to be very careful for the next few years - anyone that actually spent we would spent the majority of the Carroll money was in cuckoo land.


    Exactly! The club has to take incremantal steps towards recovery. I do not want us to be like Liverpool. They're going "all in" as we speak. Imagine the economical chaos if they don't win anything.


    People have said the same about Chelsea, and Man City and Man Utd yet them seem to all be doing fine and have been for a while now. I'm not and most people are not asking to go all in just spend some of the money say £13m on a striker and a loan defender and we would have been covered and still made a huge profit. Ashley has no intention of progressing the club, i said it from day one when he took over. His intentions are to make himself lots of money he really doesn't care if we fight relegation each year, and once the club is able to support himself he would;nt care about another season in the championship either as the club could still run a profit off parachute payments.


    Comparing us to Chelsea, Man City, Man Utd & Liverpool? Really?

  14. I bet the scousers are in tears, "Oh no, we're trying to win things! We've bought another player! The balance sheeeeeetttt!"

    I'll certainly be gloating in the stands when Suarez scores against us, waving my little calculator and singing songs about how I have reservations over if their champions league Tv money will adequately cover their wages.  Can't wait to see their faces.


    They'll be in tears in a few years time if it all backfires. If they don't make Champions League they'll start selling to buy next season (and they can afford to use all of their transfer funds, because the revenue they bring in is far greater than us)

  15. I loved it when somebody tweeted him saying.. 'Cabaye is better than you' or something along those lines.. and he replied with 'didn't win when i didn't play last season, #justsaying'. Shows how much of an egotistical cunt he actually is.

  16. I for one welcome the sustainable business model that Mike Ashley has implemented. It's practical and through some increased revenues through extra sponsorship around the stadium (Sports Direct) and a few sales, our finances are eventually looking good.


    I'm glad that he doesn't spunk stupid money on players like other clubs do, you have to make sure you get value for money and we weren't able to do that. Hopefully in January it will be different.


    Far too many clubs (Leeds, Portsmouth) have spent above their means and look where they are now. Well done Mike, I for one appreciate you.


    Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO


    Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc)


    Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit.


    We did improve the squad though?


    No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a  striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll.


    Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me.


    Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season.


    I said the same to a Sunderland fan who told me that Wickham will be great in the future. We need someone now. If he isn't going to be able to cope in the PL straight away then we're screwed down the left. You appear to fail to even mention the worries of one of Taylor or Colo getting suspended or injured. Hell what happens if they both are missing, it's happened before. If you lose your only two centre backs and are left with the back 4 of Santon, r Taylor, Perch and Simpson we're going down simple as that. Defend from the midfield all you want but we will concede bucket loads and that is the fault of the two at the top.


    Unlike Wickham, Santon is actually ready to play PL now though. It's not as if the guy has played 7 times for Italy and 50 times or so for Inter  :rolleyes:


    All I was saying is that he'll get better and better, eventually reaching a level that is better than Enrique.


    If Taylor or Colo gets injured we're f***ed, but let's just hope it doesn't happen.


    Am I not right in thinking that was all before Jose left Inter, since then he's been left to play on loan and people in Italy aren't as impressed as they once were ? Yes he may come good but who knows.


    But after these past two windows we shouldn't be in the position where we have to hope it doesn't happen. We've made huge profits. I won't cheer about huge profits when the first team squad needs huge investment.


    When a company has more than £100 mill in debt,  it's not successfull in my eyes. For once we managed to get more money in than out, but it's the decade with overspending without results on the pitch that we're now paying for..


    A debt which is still at such a peak because of Ashley though


    Is that really relevant? A debt is a debt, it needs to be repaid. The club has to be very careful for the next few years - anyone that actually spent we would spent the majority of the Carroll money was in cuckoo land.

  17. I don't understand why would people seem more interested in a single striker than others.


    Goal scoring strikers are the most expensive commodities in the market. What chances are there that we could easily find one that is cheap and reliable ? Actually we already found one - Demba Ba!


    It is also pointless to have a goal scoring striker but a s*** midfield support. Matter of fact, we have massively strengthen our midfield with the French triplet. I would not trade these 3 for an overpriced proven striker.


    As for whether the Carroll money has been reinvested. I think it is important for the club to keep a healthy balance sheet. It is not as if the owner is syphoning the money out of the game. The money is still being reinvested into the club to cut interest, debt.


    Lastly, one must remember that while Carroll commanded a huge transfer fee, his wages wasn't high (as far as I am aware). Even though we got Cabaye, Ba, and Obertan in with little transfer fee, some of the Carroll's 35M surely would go into their wages.


    Could we have done better ? Yes, we could always have. But which club (bar top 4 who could throw money around) have done better than us ?


    Healthy balance sheet??!?!?!? 


    We brought in 47 mil and spent 12 mil!


    Thats fucking healthy, no nufc fan was expecting kaka or rooney but we should have at least been able to buy someone like Ruiz ffs.


    Stop kidding yourself man. FFS


    But if we were starting at minus 50 million then the balance sheet isn't fucking healthy, just healthier.


    We've been spending money on the credit cards for at least a decade, just because we have had a windfall and a couple of years of cost cutting doesn't mean the balance gets written off and we have all this money to spend, some of the money received still needs to be used to plug prior year losses that we have. Most clubs operate on this principle over a period of time - watch Liverpool in 2 years time if their Champions League gamble falls short, they certainly wont be spunking £20m on 20 year olds then.


    Shh, don't let basic accounting get in the way of the knobs on here.

  18. And I also must question whether you have seen any of our games so far. At the minute Obertan at right wing has been worse than Joey Barton and I thought we'd be able to copy without Joey no bother. The only other change is Cabaye who I admit has looked good but I can't see why you think the midfield is suddenly a bunch of world beaters.


    But Marveaux is better than Barton, and when Marveaux gains full match fitness (after the international break), I'd hope that he will start instead of Barton and we'll be a lot better for it.

  19. I for one welcome the sustainable business model that Mike Ashley has implemented. It's practical and through some increased revenues through extra sponsorship around the stadium (Sports Direct) and a few sales, our finances are eventually looking good.


    I'm glad that he doesn't spunk stupid money on players like other clubs do, you have to make sure you get value for money and we weren't able to do that. Hopefully in January it will be different.


    Far too many clubs (Leeds, Portsmouth) have spent above their means and look where they are now. Well done Mike, I for one appreciate you.


    Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO


    Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc)


    Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit.


    We did improve the squad though?


    No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a  striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll.


    Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me.


    Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season.


    I said the same to a Sunderland fan who told me that Wickham will be great in the future. We need someone now. If he isn't going to be able to cope in the PL straight away then we're screwed down the left. You appear to fail to even mention the worries of one of Taylor or Colo getting suspended or injured. Hell what happens if they both are missing, it's happened before. If you lose your only two centre backs and are left with the back 4 of Santon, r Taylor, Perch and Simpson we're going down simple as that. Defend from the midfield all you want but we will concede bucket loads and that is the fault of the two at the top.


    Unlike Wickham, Santon is actually ready to play PL now though. It's not as if the guy has played 7 times for Italy and 50 times or so for Inter  :rolleyes:


    All I was saying is that he'll get better and better, eventually reaching a level that is better than Enrique.


    If Taylor or Colo gets injured we're fucked, but let's just hope it doesn't happen.

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