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Posts posted by ShearMagic

  1. Didnt Pardew himself say that if we dont get a striker AND a left back we'll be worse off than last season?



    Not that he needs to say that...its obvious really.


    I thought he said 'we'd be no better off'.


    Why are you believing what he said this time though? He's proven to be a liar, can't believe anything he says etc etc


    Why are you trying so hard to make this window seem as some big success ? :lol:


    Because it was?


    Shearmagic you are clearly either delusional or a WUM


    If it's the former wake up my friend, we are all being taken for a massive ride


    How was it not a success? We didn't bring a striker in, arguably our only failure. We've improved the midfield and the defence is playing the best it has in a long, long time. Teams with the quality in midfield that we have don't come close to getting relegated, mission successful.


    Not every team fulfils their goals in the transfer window, there's plenty of other  teams that didn't fill positions that they wanted/needed to.


    We also didn't bring in a centre back so if we lose taylor to injury (usually happens) we have no recognised replacement to slot in there.


    That was actually a bigger fault than failing to bring in a striker.


    So how can it been seen as a success ? These aren't new developments these are problems we've known for a while but they did noting about. But it's fine they made a profit, get in, we're great. Fuck it, it's all a load of bollocks and those two twats at the top are the key to all our failures.


    It's been more of a success than a failure.


    I'm glad we have 7 points already, because the way people are going on we're not going to win another game this season.

  2. I for one welcome the sustainable business model that Mike Ashley has implemented. It's practical and through some increased revenues through extra sponsorship around the stadium (Sports Direct) and a few sales, our finances are eventually looking good.


    I'm glad that he doesn't spunk stupid money on players like other clubs do, you have to make sure you get value for money and we weren't able to do that. Hopefully in January it will be different.


    Far too many clubs (Leeds, Portsmouth) have spent above their means and look where they are now. Well done Mike, I for one appreciate you.


    Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO


    Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc)


    Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit.


    We did improve the squad though?


    No we didn't, we improved some of the positions in the first team 11. If we improved the squad we wouldn't be struggling for a  striker despite needing one for 8 months. We wouldn't be one of the only clubs I know who don't have a recognised replacement to come in at centre back. We also weakened some of the first team such as left back and upfront with the sales of enrique and Carroll.


    Santon will turn out better than Enrique in time, trust me.


    Steven Taylor is in career best form, so is Tim Krul and Colo has been amazing. Our midfield is better than it was last year, and midfield is where most games are won and lost. You guys will eat your words when we finish top half this season.

  3. Didnt Pardew himself say that if we dont get a striker AND a left back we'll be worse off than last season?



    Not that he needs to say that...its obvious really.


    I thought he said 'we'd be no better off'.


    Why are you believing what he said this time though? He's proven to be a liar, can't believe anything he says etc etc


    Why are you trying so hard to make this window seem as some big success ? :lol:


    Because it was?


    Shearmagic you are clearly either delusional or a WUM


    If it's the former wake up my friend, we are all being taken for a massive ride


    How was it not a success? We didn't bring a striker in, arguably our only failure. We've improved the midfield and the defence is playing the best it has in a long, long time. Teams with the quality in midfield that we have don't come close to getting relegated, mission successful.


    Not every team fulfils their goals in the transfer window, there's plenty of other  teams that didn't fill positions that they wanted/needed to.


    We also didn't bring in a centre back so if we lose taylor to injury (usually happens) we have no recognised replacement to slot in there.


    That was actually a bigger fault than failing to bring in a striker.

  4. I for one welcome the sustainable business model that Mike Ashley has implemented. It's practical and through some increased revenues through extra sponsorship around the stadium (Sports Direct) and a few sales, our finances are eventually looking good.


    I'm glad that he doesn't spunk stupid money on players like other clubs do, you have to make sure you get value for money and we weren't able to do that. Hopefully in January it will be different.


    Far too many clubs (Leeds, Portsmouth) have spent above their means and look where they are now. Well done Mike, I for one appreciate you.


    Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO


    Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc)


    Sorry if I'd rather accept that we finished mid table last year, got rid of dead wood and could have actually improved the squad with the funds that were made available due to the sale of key players. It's how a club should progress by improving each year. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for Europe this year but I am expecting the club to try and improve the squad to eventually get there, not sit round looking for profit.


    We did improve the squad though?

  5. Didnt Pardew himself say that if we dont get a striker AND a left back we'll be worse off than last season?



    Not that he needs to say that...its obvious really.


    I thought he said 'we'd be no better off'.


    Why are you believing what he said this time though? He's proven to be a liar, can't believe anything he says etc etc


    Why are you trying so hard to make this window seem as some big success ? :lol:


    Because it was?


    Shearmagic you are clearly either delusional or a WUM


    If it's the former wake up my friend, we are all being taken for a massive ride


    How was it not a success? We didn't bring a striker in, arguably our only failure. We've improved the midfield and the defence is playing the best it has in a long, long time. Teams with the quality in midfield that we have don't come close to getting relegated, mission successful.


    Not every team fulfils their goals in the transfer window, there's plenty of other  teams that didn't fill positions that they wanted/needed to.

  6. I for one welcome the sustainable business model that Mike Ashley has implemented. It's practical and through some increased revenues through extra sponsorship around the stadium (Sports Direct) and a few sales, our finances are eventually looking good.


    I'm glad that he doesn't spunk stupid money on players like other clubs do, you have to make sure you get value for money and we weren't able to do that. Hopefully in January it will be different.


    Far too many clubs (Leeds, Portsmouth) have spent above their means and look where they are now. Well done Mike, I for one appreciate you.


    Cracking news we get to spend years living within our means not looking for Europe or trophies as that might mean we have to spend some cash. But hey what does trying to win things mean when Ashley can be in profit WAHOOOOOOO


    Some people have to accept that we're a mid-table club - which is actually quite good considering our position (you know, newly promoted etc)

  7. Didnt Pardew himself say that if we dont get a striker AND a left back we'll be worse off than last season?



    Not that he needs to say that...its obvious really.


    I thought he said 'we'd be no better off'.


    Why are you believing what he said this time though? He's proven to be a liar, can't believe anything he says etc etc


    Why are you trying so hard to make this window seem as some big success ? :lol:


    Because it was?

  8. I for one welcome the sustainable business model that Mike Ashley has implemented. It's practical and through some increased revenues through extra sponsorship around the stadium (Sports Direct) and a few sales, our finances are eventually looking good.


    I'm glad that he doesn't spunk stupid money on players like other clubs do, you have to make sure you get value for money and we weren't able to do that. Hopefully in January it will be different.


    Far too many clubs (Leeds, Portsmouth) have spent above their means and look where they are now. Well done Mike, I for one appreciate you.

  9. Didnt Pardew himself say that if we dont get a striker AND a left back we'll be worse off than last season?



    Not that he needs to say that...its obvious really.


    I thought he said 'we'd be no better off'.


    Why are you believing what he said this time though? He's proven to be a liar, can't believe anything he says etc etc

  10. Aye Leon Best's a fucking world beater. That's form that's bound to continue.


    What a fucking moron. :lol:


    It's okay, if Cabaye had cost £20m instead of £4m, we'd all be bleating about how fantastic it was that Ashley spent some money and the ambition that he showed was amazing.


    Football fans are fickle.

  11. :joker:You tell me. We've got a League 1 strike force, £35m in the bank and yet they've "improved the squad".


    Yeah, we bought quality players for low prices, hence there's still money in the bank but the squad has improved. Numpty.


    Leon Best's 8 in 11 are pretty good for a League 1 striker.

  12. How is Carroll not the exact epitome of asset stripping? :lol:


    Sold him for 35m in January, broke even in this window.


    Barton, Nolan and Enrique's wages must be pretty close to the Ba, Marveaux, Cabaye, Santon and Tiote's raise as well.


    Still, let's facepalm everything. We'll seem smart then!!


    Me and you just can't see the bigger picture, Shak. We're a club on the up.


    Are we?

  13. How is Carroll not the exact epitome of asset stripping? :lol:


    Sold him for 35m in January, broke even in this window.


    Barton, Nolan and Enrique's wages must be pretty close to the Ba, Marveaux, Cabaye, Santon and Tiote's raise as well.


    Still, let's facepalm everything. We'll seem smart then!!


    The only player we've sold at a profit recently is Andy Carroll, clubs sell players sometimes, you know. That's football.


    The board lacks ambition and should have spent more than they did, but they still improved the squad (yes, they did), but they're not asset-stripping.

  14. I don't see what Barton has said wrong at all


    We are all delusional fools. He is asset stripping from under our noses and yet we still have hope


    Absolutely spot on imo


    If he was asset stripping, a lot more than two 29 year old has-beens and a left-back (who left for at least half of his value) would have been sold.


    Do the words Andy and Carroll mean anything to you?


    We sold a guy for twice what he's worth, stop the press.


    Arsenal are clearly asset-stripping too. So are Birmingham and Everton and hell, even Liverpool are asset-stripping.


    Players get sold, it's a fact of life. It's not asset-stripping.

  15. I don't see what Barton has said wrong at all


    We are all delusional fools. He is asset stripping from under our noses and yet we still have hope


    Absolutely spot on imo


    If he was asset stripping, a lot more than two 29 year old has-beens and a left-back (who left for at least half of his value) would have been sold.

  16. Bendtner is on £55,000 per week and Arsenal wanted the whole lot paid for if they were to let him go.


    That would've been why we weren't interested.


    I'd rather just not take loan players in general unless it's with a view to a permanent signing or we're in realistic danger of relegation. Pointless to take on a player who isn't even ours just to move up from 12th to 8th or something. Would rather give our young prospects playing time.


    Absolutely  :thup:

  17. Some of that £59m covers a fair chunk of the £25m or whatever we spent on this bloke in fees & wages for 8 months work anyway. Nice.


    Already buying into the "count all wages into the transfer budget" thing. Nice.


    You obviously bought into the 'all £35m will be reinvested thing', so what's the difference?


    Both were said by the club.

  18.                           Krul

    Simpson    Saylor      Coloccini    Santon

    Marveaux    Tiote    Cabaye      Jonas




    Play Obertan instead of HBA until he gets fit


    Marveaux is easily capable at RW, obviously his preferred position is LW but these days wingers interchange anyway.

  19. we wont be relegated.


    We will if Fatty assett strips, is what I meant. Not this season, no chance of that happening.


    The best way for him to make revenue is to keep the team in the Premier League, so he'll always ensure that we've got enough quality to do that and not much more.

  20. Before I start, my disclaimer is: I'm not an Ashley apologist.


    Anyway, there's no reason to have that much of a net spend deficit, but when you look at a few things:


    - We got relegated and had a fire-sale, in that window alone we sold Bassong for £8m, Duff and Beye both for ~£5m combined, Martins for £9m. That's £22m there, add that to a once off transfer fee that we're never likely to see again and that's £57m.


    - Putting things into context, despite all of Liverpools spending, their net spend wouldn't be that much (using them as they're the best example I can think of), they've still probably only got a net spend of £25m.


    Yes, the Carroll money should have been re-invested (some of it anyway, I'd have been fine if they'd spent £20m of it), but we've still brought in some quality players for low fees, which doesn't make them any less quality just because they didn't cost the £40m combined that Liverpool did on Henderson and Downing. We definitely signed a better footballer than Henderson in Cabaye for 1/4 of the price, yet everyone talks about their ambition and our lack-of.

  21. HBA's injuries have both been impact injuries, have nothing to do with the guy being 'injury prone' really as they've been out of his control.


    Marveaux is more worrying, constant soft tissue injuries are what makes somebody injury prone IMO.

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