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Posts posted by ShearMagic

  1. I don't like him anymore. Same as with all former players. I support NUFC and the players that are here.


    And he's got disgusting nipples based on that medical video.


    Don't get too attached to any good player who emerges this season, as soon as we get a half decent offer for them they will be away.

    Thats what happens when you support a small time, selling club.

    Wigan Athletic with bigger crowds.

    And thats no offence to Wigan who are a better run club with an owner who cares about his club and comes across as a reasonable human being.





    Arsenal must be a small-time, selling club too?


    That comparison is really valid.

    Or possibly not.


    They're selling their two best players....


    Look, if you think us and Arsenal are the same type of club at the moment then there is no hope for you.


    Obviously they are light years ahead of us, but i think the comparison is a valid one as it seems neither club is able to persuade their best players to stay when the big clubs come calling.  To be fair this probably applies to the vast majority of teams in the Premier League.


    Precisely the point I was making  :clap:

  2. I don't like him anymore. Same as with all former players. I support NUFC and the players that are here.


    And he's got disgusting nipples based on that medical video.


    Don't get too attached to any good player who emerges this season, as soon as we get a half decent offer for them they will be away.

    Thats what happens when you support a small time, selling club.

    Wigan Athletic with bigger crowds.

    And thats no offence to Wigan who are a better run club with an owner who cares about his club and comes across as a reasonable human being.





    Arsenal must be a small-time, selling club too?


    That comparison is really valid.

    Or possibly not.


    They're selling their two best players....

  3. I don't like him anymore. Same as with all former players. I support NUFC and the players that are here.


    And he's got disgusting nipples based on that medical video.


    Don't get too attached to any good player who emerges this season, as soon as we get a half decent offer for them they will be away.

    Thats what happens when you support a small time, selling club.

    Wigan Athletic with bigger crowds.

    And thats no offence to Wigan who are a better run club with an owner who cares about his club and comes across as a reasonable human being.





    Arsenal must be a small-time, selling club too?

  4. robbieelliott3 robbie elliott

    Looks like another great bit of business by the toon!! Wouldn't be surprised if we sell a few more during the warm up on sat!!!!!!






    Wish these idiots would just keep out of it.


    I wish people would shut the fuck up about us selling all of our players, because it clearly isn't happening. There isn't anything that could've been done to keep Enrique IMO. It's like people need something to panic about.,

    We could have turned down the £6m offer and told him he's seeing out his contract like.


    Because forcing players to stay when they're unhappy would work so well.


    There's a reason Arsenal are selling Fabregas.

  5. robbieelliott3 robbie elliott

    Looks like another great bit of business by the toon!! Wouldn't be surprised if we sell a few more during the warm up on sat!!!!!!






    Wish these idiots would just keep out of it.


    Erm, Robbie can say what the fuck he wants, he is a fan just like me or you.


    I know what you're saying, but he's not 'like me or you', he's a bit more public than that.

  6. robbieelliott3 robbie elliott

    Looks like another great bit of business by the toon!! Wouldn't be surprised if we sell a few more during the warm up on sat!!!!!!






    Wish these idiots would just keep out of it.

  7. pm'd you. Having televised games is top notch, does ruin the sleeping patterns but atleast we're a tough breed of armchair supporters  :coolsmiley:


    The Arsenal game on the weekend is going to be hell, 2:30am and I start work at 10. No way I'm missing it though.

  8. I'm always suprised by the number of toon tops i see around these parts, normally make an effort to start a conversation if its down the street, it can be a pretty barren land as far as real premier league supporters go in general, so many glory hunters.


    Same mate, obviously I see more Liverpool/Arsenal/Man Utd shirts around but there's a lot more Toon kits than I'd expect. Where abouts on the goldy are you from?

  9. I should have said i'm from Adelaide. Had a small group of 5 that used to go out and watch games at places like the Rosemont or the Casino


    Used to live there before moving to the Goldy, still visit every couple of months. Rosemont is class.

  10. Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

    So sad to see my friend Jose Enrique leave, great player. Hope he does will and gets in the Spain team. #notagreatday


    Another fine to Joey...

  11. Seems like were signing the shitiest left back there is from what i've been reading :lol: at least we won't have any expectations on this one.


    Shittest left back ever that has played 10 times for his country at the age of 23.


    This forum, man. Most pessimistic fans ever.

  12. The lesson to learn is not to et any players contract get less than 2 years without them re-signing or being sold. Maybe this is why the 5 yr deals are being handed out.


    It's NUFC's own fault he's moving for about 50% of his real value. Lucky for the dago cunt he'll just see another £30k pw on his pay cheque.


    Thing is, nobody wanted him 2 years ago so we wouldn't have really felt the need to protect an asset.

  13. Yeah I joined the Aussie mags facebook thing, but I'm loyal to my N-O homies.


    Will be hitting Gold Coast in a few months. Maybe January time.


    Nice mate, not that many places to watch matches out here. Fiddlers Green in Surfers is the best bet.

  14. Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

    Does anybody have Isambard Kingdom Brunel's number?


    Cryptic message, as Isambard Kingdom Brunel used to build bridges.


    Not that cryptic then.




    Tbf, I had to google who he was.

  15. Thing is for these not already Prem players we could be a stepping stone to a much bigger wage.

    No way he is on £40k at the moment, one good season with us and Spuds or Liverpool will offer him a much bigger wage.


    Which is exactly what I'm trying to say.


    Apparently not though...

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