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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. “Thank you to every one of you for your incredible support tonight. ‘The team gave it their all and took us on an incredible journey these last few months. We deserved more, but this is football. ‘We will pick ourselves up and focus on Saturday. We still have a long season ahead of us. ‘As I’ve said before, we are building something special here and we will continue to grow. The future is bright” — Mehrdad Ghodoussi (@ghodoussi) December 13, 2023 ??
  2. For every painful loss there has to be a “whipping boy”
  3. I love Eddie and he won’t be going anywhere soon. He is part of the family now. We are ahead of our curve thanks to him. I actually feel relieved (yes disappointed too) that our not quite good enough, nor deep enough injury ridden squad is not fighting on four fronts anymore. We can consolidate, focus on the league and cups, get a few in in January and hopefully onwards and upwards
  4. Won’t matter we’ll be home and dry by then
  5. As ever the crowd will be massive tonight to help give them some needed energy
  6. He could take a leaf out of Eddie’s book re professionalism and humility. Still be a cunt mind!
  7. Can’t even begin to think of wanting another manager (speculation or other) on the day of our Champions league match! I back him all the way. He’s our future. Time will tell us that. He’s been through far worse at Bournemouth and came through it a stronger man, he will with us as he learns and adapts through this testing time
  8. Fuck that, into these. Home crowd under the lights. The lads will be desperate for a win. 3 points please. Thought I was in the Milan thread Sentiment’s the same!
  9. Not forgetting the fact we want to watch his press conferences. So refreshing. He’s hurting at the moment, doing his best riding a bike with a buckled wheel, loose seat, slipped gear and a slack chain. He’ll sort this but he needs a bit of the rub of the green atm. Love the guy
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