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Posts posted by Colocho

  1. Just back from the match.


    f***ing shambles. We could definately be flirting with relegation this year.

    West Ham are pretty poor and we actually created enough chances to win.


    Defending was diabolical, anyone giving Taylor grief wants to check out Colo, one of the

    current "European scouting system" golden boys. Maybe he would look solid in a

    competent, tried and tested, defence but he is as poor as anyone at the moment.


    Duff is finished, as many of us already know, the last time he actually beat a player he was

    wearing the blue of Chelsea. Totally shot to pieces.


    N'zogbia, biggest footballing fraud on the pitch, an a coward to boot, I don't care if he

    doesn't want to play left back. He is fully equipped to be able to play that role comfortably.

    He's just not interested. Edgar at right back? Give me strength.


    Xisco is well off the PL pace at the moment. Despite the midfield pairing of Cacapa and Butt we

    actually didn't seem to have too many problems in the middle, a testement to how poor West Ham were, it

    seemed to be down the wings we were exposed.


    So much for the continental scouting system, we've been crying out for a left back, was it Wise et al who

    were trying to sign Warnock? Seems more like a Keegan type buy to me. To actually strengthen in a position

    we were weak.


    Not meant to be an incisive footballing analysis. I was too angry/pissed by the second half. I'm still blaming

    Ashley for putting us in this situation and believe that Keegan could at least keep this shower up.


    Secondly, I blame the players, not enough heart, rolled over too easily. A lot of finger pointing/shirking of

    responsibility after the first goal. All in all a  bag of s****.  :angry:


    I went to this joke of a game today, and I think you have got it absolutely spot on.

  2. Oh well, lets hope we get some players back fit for this and maybe a proper manager..


    IF no one comes back from injury the team will pick itself really











    I'd agree with this.


    I was sure we should have played a 4-4-2 last week and had Zoggy on the left with Bassong at left-back.


    We can get a draw.

  3. Does anyone seriously believe Mike 'sensible plan' Ashley will allow his investment to drop in value so much (ie us going down)? Come off it.


    He says he will sell, and I believe him. If we are playing very poorly, it'll just make him act quicker. And then for the new buyer the first point comes back into play...


    He's trying to sell us for £481 million ... Who's going to pay that for us in the condition we are in right now?

  4. Looking at the current squads in the rest of the league frankly, I am shitting myself. This will be the most competitive season in the history of the Premiership. With the exception of the top 4, who can honestly say they can accurately predict the other 16 places!?


    The only thing that encourages me is that surely Ashley isn't going to let his asset be devalued to the point where we are relegated and therefore worth a lot less to him. But looking at his antics and those of his cohorts I'm not confident by any means. If they cannot find us a left back how can they find us a buyer FFS?




  5. Having shown the power we can wield as fans, now that Ashley and his cockney cronies have put the club up for sale, it's time for Stage 2 of the action plan.


    Potential billionaire owners need to be identified and targeted for a vocal, slightly intimidating but peaceful campaign. Groups of 50 fans should mobilise at Shearer's bar on a given date and demand said owner buys the club. If there are 4 billionaires, maybe hold demonstrations on alternate days.


    Suitable banners and placards could be waved in front of SSN tv crews e.g. for the Chinese consortium, a Cockneys Out, Yakuza IN!! slogan ould be catchy and regionally challenged.


    More ideas and plans needed. Watch this space. :indi:



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