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Posts posted by ChrisMcQuillan


    I absolutely cannot abide John Anderson at the best of times, so I'm never likely to stand up for that coverage... but the Talksport folks actually describe what's happening. Ando just grunts and groans and guffaws, with a bit of description every 30 seconds or so. Steve Harper on Talksport, too, who doesn't seem to absolutely detest life.

    "YAHHH" (interrupting other person's sentence) "DEY'VE BEEN POOHR" x 90 minutes


    I'm not from the toon so only listen occasionally but isn't he the one from Belfast? If so its not really his fault like he's probably considered a chipper optimist in Northern Ireland.




    But yeah, I'm from N. Ireland. He'd be the life and soul of the party over here.

  2. Sels - 6 - typical Sels performance. No horrible blunders, but wasn't under much pressure.


    Yedlin - 8 - Bossed the right flank from end to end.

    Findley - 7 - Seemed very nervous initially, backed off a lot, a bit Saylor-esque. But grew into the game, didn't try anything too risky, played the ball from side to side, and made a good block or two.

    Hanley - 9 - Thought he was tremendous in the air, very committed. Looks faster than the last time I saw him as well.

    Lazaar - 7 - Really good defensively, didn't show much going forward.


    Shelvey - 10 - 'Nuff said.

    Tiote - 7 - Solid. Did one outrageous trick that got the crowd going. Customary booking for GBH, but gave a good showing on probably his last outing.


    Ritchie - 8 - Best he's played in a while.

    Barlaser - 7 - I didn't think he seemed nervous at all. Someone sat near me piped up about how composed he seemed. Thought he played well, though was anonymous for parts of the second half. One excellent driving run.

    El-Mhanni - 5 - Didn't really do or offer anything, but some good tracking back (</Pardew>). Seemed slightly over-awed by the occasion.


    Gouffran - 8 - His best performance in a while, ran the channels well, put in a good shift. Knackered by the end.

  3. Despite him being at the unwashed last season I know very little about him if truth be told. What is the general feeling towards this signing, happy, meh, disappointed?


    Mate at work says he should be great in the Championship.


    Just said what others have said - defensive positioning isn't great, great going forward and taking the ball up the pitch.

  4. There's a video of him on youtube called "the Irish Messi" set to a coldplay song. Never felt more lower league in my life watching this. Hitting me right in the gut.


    Genuinely, what's your issue?


    It's this sort of rubbish gives NUFC fans a bad rep. It is possible for an Irish or Scottish player to be good. If we were signing George Best in his prime you'd probably start grumbling about it.


    Also, wake up call. We are lower league.

  5. Yep, Carroll, Shola, Ranger, Harewood - all physical strikers (Nolan could hold it up, too) and a massive reason for why we dominated teams. Good service from both wings and big lads up front. With Lovenkrands providing the other half of the big man/little man, we were well balanced.


    Mitrovic might do well but we're gonna be struggling-on all year if we don't get someone to replicate Ritchie on the other side.


    Definitely. Deliveries coming in from Jonas/Enrique on one side, and Routledge/Simpson on the other side, but we could also play with Nolan through the middle.


    This team has nothing like that, bar Ritchie, and play exactly as you'd expect in that situation. Tapping the ball side to side, with only Shelvey occasionally trying something different.


    We need Shelvey playing further forward in a more free role, with Hayden propping it up behind. We need another Ritchie on the other side, but most importantly we need someone up front with presence, with Gayle/Perez/Armstrong playing off them. Mitrovic will give us that, but him coming back is not going to magically rebalance the entire team. The midfield needs set-up differently. We're getting outplayed and outnumbered despite playing three in the middle against teams with two. They have more balance, more movement, and until we find that we're not going to succeed.


    Shelvey/Hayden or Diame/Hayden should dominate most any midfield in this league. The players, yes, have to shoulder some of the blame as their mentality and attitude is piss poor, however they need to have options in front of them. The last two games they've had none.

  6. I really do think when mitro is back we will be a totally different team. At the moment all the ball has to go to feet...it's really easy for the opposing defence to judge what we are going to do. I reckon with Galloway in to replace dummett, one more winger and another striker in the mitrovic role we will be sorted


    Sent from my HTC One M8s using Tapatalk



    Agree with this.


    I think he'll bring back some belief as well with us having a proper focal point to the top third.





    However, we're still playing as if he's on the pitch, though. If he breaks a leg, or gets suspended for 3 more games this season, I can't see us going up.


    We need another striker of his mould - a targetman - to cover ASAP.

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