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Posts posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. Had a blast at the match today, first Gateshead game. But more atmosphere than at SJP for the last two years.


    I think I'll start going there, whether they go up or not. Considering going down to Wembley for the final too.

  2. Where is the protest thread?  ???


    Just seen the NUST t***s have hijacked the thiing to make an arse of the whole thing. w*****s!


    New board.




    I'm just getting this:


    "An Error Has Occurred!

    The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you."


    Am I not a member?  ??? Seems a bit counter-productive not to have this more visible.


    Do a refresh at the boards page or log out, log in. You have the requisite number of posts so should have no prob with accessing it.


    I believe there's an issue there, having a look at it.


    Post requisite was raised I believe.

  3. On BBC:


    "Jack in Newcastle: Last season we almost got relegated. This season by January we were safe without spending a single penny. Pardew is fighting a losing battle against an Newcastle board with no ambition. Our star player out and two loan signings is not good enough. Feel for Alan."

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