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Big River

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Posts posted by Big River

  1. 2 hours ago, mighty__mag said:


    He already is, did the programmes. 


    Mentioned him to worflags and vice versa, he seemed up to the idea of doing a colab flag designs wise.


    Don't know if anything happened from it?




    think you’re getting mixed up with Jamie Orrell who freelances for us and other premier league clubs.

  2. 1 minute ago, Beth said:

    I think that Chris Wood miss vs Sheff Wed has led you to erasing him from your memory.


    :lol: lets not start this again, please.


    (but Chris Wood was a good signing)

  3. 21 minutes ago, BUJ said:

    I sincerely hope that version of "show me the way to...." doesn't catch on as 

    A - it's cringworthy. 

    B - I thoroughly despise the vile fat barsteward that released it. 


    too late, it's already caught on. unlucky

  4. 8 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    I totally agree but it's mad that you also like Mourinho  :lol: There's no difference, Mourinho's probably worse 


    like I said though, it's probably the Bobby thing. but I can't remember Mourinho ever saying anything bad about us or acting like a cunt during the games/pressers. I'm heavily NUFC-biased, so wouldn't pay Klopp any attention if he wasn't keep chirping on about us. I'd turn on me own nan if she started slagging Eddie and the boys.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

    Brighton could be scary if they reinvested the money they receive in transfer fees. 


    Brighton will never be scary. they're good operators, no doubt. but the club is tinpot and they'll always sell their best players no matter what.

  6. Dubravka had a pretty class debut against Man Utd didn't he?


    wor Sandro was absolutely sensational yesterday. was surprised to see Eddie putting him straight in, but once again, a managerial masterstroke.

  7. the chant is alright, only bit I don't like is the "hates fucking Sunderland" line. he probably doesn't even know who they are :lol: should be "hates fucking Inter", or something else entirely.

  8. eeeeee am excited me!


    what's everybody doing for the match tomorrow then? where yas gan? eating? drinking? what you wearing? any matchday rituals or superstitions?


    meeting friends for a little wander down South Shields coast in the morning. get some sea air into me lungs before I fill them with Guinness. might even have an ice cream from Minchella's if it isn't baltic. get ourselves back into town for some scran (probably Meat Stack) and a couple jars. probably Bar Loco, but weather dependant again really. might do Bacchus, might do the Old George. Mad Mick's would be a laugh but haven't been able to get in since the start of last season. might even do Shearer's because why the bloody hell not?! the world really is our oyster. howay ya bastards!

  9. I'll be getting in nice and early for dem vibez as well.


    going to be interesting to see how many heed cases have made it back in the upper Gallowgate this season. I hope there's plenty. kick off time, new standy up area, and occasion means it should be absolutely rocking!


    HOWAY YOU BLOODY MAGS! kick it in the net as many times as you can, and just try your best overall

  10. 16 minutes ago, mattypnufc said:

    Think you’re expecting a bit too much considering they said it would focus on the operating element of things more than the playing side. 


    aye, possibly.


    14 minutes ago, Interpolic said:

    The only whiff I had of any trouble in paradise where there was a bit of tension in the room was when Staveley was about to make a phone call (to Ashworth?) and Eales said "think about what you're going to say" and Staveley snapped back "I know what I'm going to say" :lol:


    that was Merhdad wasn't it?

  11. Just now, Kid Icarus said:

    Mourinho was far worse than him imo. 


    Then obviously Ferguson, Bruce, Pardew, Allardyce.


    ah, I've always liked Mourinho. still do! I think he's playing a character most of the time.


    plus he loves Bobby and clearly likes us a bit too. always thought he'd end up here at some point, although his football is a bit dire these days.

  12. 1 minute ago, LFEE said:

    He’s not that bad. He’s just not our manager and not our club he’s fighting for so will always skew things a bit. He’s admitted in the clip he was wrong. Have more issues with his touch line behaviour personally but again he’s a winner and that behaviour is sometimes the trait of a winner.


    he's an insufferable smelly twat

  13. I thought it was canny meh. I absolutely love shit like this, but felt it wasn't anything we hadn't seen before. hopefully it picks up a bit. would like more focus on the dressing room and interaction between the players. give us a proper peak behind the curtain, I couldn't care less about our management team or what our super fans think.

  14. Just now, madras said:

    Really hope we have some chants ready for Klopp taking the piss out of his hypocrisy.


    heard a really good one actually :lol:







  15. Just now, Kanji said:

    Would be nice if the global fanbase that it's being marketed for could see it sooner than "we'll let you know by signing up for news updates"


    aye, seems a bit of a missed opportunity. I wonder what the difference would be with say a global Netflix release. I bet we'd get hundreds of sign ups on here within the first few days.


    :lol: it'd be carnage.

  16. Just now, Scoreboard82 said:

    Old bloke here. Not familiar with amazon prime. Can you choose to watch the documentary anytime or is it a case of watch it at the time it's aired or miss it?


    any time. episodes are weekly and they'll stay on Prime indefinitely. last episode (4) is on Friday 1st September

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