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Big River

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Posts posted by Big River

  1. it's proper honking that :lol: some very questionable taste here


    bit like this all-time stinker (imo obviously) that was well received




    I think most people will just wear whatever shit the club put out, to be honest. I find the amount of Wonga / Ashley era shirts still in circulation at the match absolutely baffling. but each to their own I suppose!

  2. 5 minutes ago, GeordieDazzler said:

    I think buy in is what a manager lives and dies by, the Ipswich lads haven bought into McKenna as he’s improved all of their careers and they know they owe a big part of that too him. Similar to Howe and Rafa here, the players could see they were improved (and in some instances had their careers saved).


    At Man U that dynamic isn’t really there, these are all established internationals for the most part and have seen managers come and go. There was noises that his training sessions when at Man U weren’t all that liked.


    bang on. he'd be far better off going somewhere like Brighton. but, Man Poonited are his boyhood club etc so you can't really blame him. he probably knows himself it's unlikely he'll succeed.

  3. ah man, it's funny how badly the whole thing has been handled :lol: but it'll turn out alright for them. ten Hag was fucking shocking.


    I rate McKenna, but just hope the the job is too early for him and he fails miserably.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Cookie1892 said:

    Sure i read somewhere that the reason for the simpler circular badges is to do with being able to replicate easier and make them easier to recognise as a brand rather than a crest etc.


    Im also sure its better for disabled fans (thinking autism, sight affected here)to recognise


    currently looking for the articles to back this up


    that's just bullshit from some design agency to justify their work :lol:


    it'll happen at some point, just hope it's decent and they hire a proper agency who understand heritage and the importance of the project.


    a "brand" isn't just one badge, anyway. there's room to grow our visual identity beyond just replacing our primary badge. which Adidas are already doing with the 3rd kit, it's a smart move.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Haven't been paying attention but last time I looked they were in with a shout at a playoff spot? What in the fuck happened :yao:


    :joelinton: we happened

  6. maybe he just means his technique is a bit... unorthodox? on the eye, you can't deny he's a bit clunky. but he is effective. so it's not really a fair criticism as it's a stylistic thing.


    he's no Viduka, put it that way.

  7. 1 hour ago, Disco said:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure it was when he was first team coach there were any amount of briefings coming out the club they didn’t like training. Of which a huge number are still there. 


    yeah not sure, I'm certain @Froggywill be able to shed some light.


    it's probably true, it'd sum that squad up perfectly :lol: so many egos. they need a rebuild from top to bottom. pls hire Gareth.

  8. 21 minutes ago, toon25 said:

    Actually think McKenna would do well for them


    I think he would too. plus he's a lifelong Man Utd fan. could be their new Fergie if handled correctly.


    but it won't be :lol: class!

  9. 4 minutes ago, Froggy said:

    Even if he was in a team that was winning, he's playing far too much football. He takes him off at weird times and then leaves him on games like this to be slaughtered. 


    Garnacho is the same. 19 and the main threat. They're going to burn out. 


    what are your thoughts on ETH these days?

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