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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. I hate him, I'd want him out of the door. Don't care how good he is. He did this not much more than 12 months ago FFS. He's an excellent player but an amoral nutjob, his actions are disgusting enough but the way he'll defend them and go on like a martyr afterwards confirm he's absolutely scum. This. This part is the worst of it for me. He bites an opponent, he's a nutter. Send him off for violent conduct. But the way he goes on afterwards is what makes him the cheating low life sub-human scum. At first he goes down holding his face, with his trademark hand wave signal to the bench. Then sits up holding his teeth. Then he has the nerve to get up and go to see if Chiellini is alright. Then he just shrugs the whole thing off and walks away waving his hands. An utter embarrassment. Karma will get him and his national team/Liverpool for defending his indefensible behavior. The one point thick scousers don't get is this: They go on about him being "so competitive, he wants to win so badly he'll do anything man"....which is fucking ridiculous because by that logic, they are condoning the behavior of Joe Footballer getting onto the pitch, putting in a disgusting two-footed tackle to break both Suarez's knees to put him out of action, giving his own team a better chance of winning. Right Liverpool fans? Do anything to win? Set of thick bastards. Surely they can't defend him a 3rd time? Surely Rodgers has more about him than to accept this psychopath back in his squad? If I were them, I'd get rid for 30m, and reinvest it in players and have faith that Rodgers is a good enough manager with or without this piece of shit.
  2. Where are you hearing this? Angus Scott on BeIn was reading something out. Something about article 22 in the FIFA handbook? Missed it and only caught the part about the blanket ban.
  3. Looks like the racist scum will be given a monumental ban. Could be a blanket ban as well extending to club football. I hope so. Hit him with a 12 month ban. Vile cunt.
  4. This. A million times over. Anyone defending this sewer rat is an obnoxious moron. He's an embarrassment to professional sport. The bite isn;t even the worst of it. It's the histrionics afterwards trying to get Chiellini sent off, and then going over to check if he's alright. Absolute worthless human being is Suarez. Liverpool fans can fuck off defending him as well. Can't wait until he shits on them from a great height and joins PSG or something.
  5. it's not a feud man. A feud somehow intimates a sense of being on equal ground. I'm clearly way below KI's opinion IQ, and just can't compete. Might as well just make up the numbers on here and go around agreeing with things I don't agree with, just so I can be afforded a reasonable reply. Forum brownie points are the reason i'm here. Flip's been the only one liking Brazil here. You're original post was just horrendous mate. horrendous because I think this Brazil side doesn't compare to any of their previous successful sides (some of which I have loved)? They have some "players" I don't rate and characters I can't stand. What's "horrendous" and "awful" about that? The mind boggles.
  6. it's not a feud man. A feud somehow intimates a sense of being on equal ground. I'm clearly way below KI's opinion IQ, and just can't compete. Might as well just make up the numbers on here and go around agreeing with things I don't agree with, just so I can be afforded a reasonable reply. Forum brownie points are the reason i'm here.
  7. This post is s***. Probably. You have to like Brazil m8 cuz they're mint. All der players transfer for loads of dosh and do fancy things on the pitch. Dani Alves is world class. m8. And I'm a NPW. ffs Cringe. superb post
  8. Also means Suarez will not move there. Probably move to Barca or something
  9. This post is s***. Probably. You have to like Brazil m8 cuz they're mint. All der players transfer for loads of dosh and do fancy things on the pitch. Dani Alves is world class. m8. And I'm a NPW. ffs
  10. That post is awful like, sorry mate. Because I don't like this brazilian team? I couldn't give a flying f*** what anyone thought of that opinion. This edition of Brazil isn't fit to wipe the p*ss off the cocks of their previous successful sides. It would be a travesty if they won the world cup with this rabble. Don't really care if you think that notion is awful. Mint. Probably best not to post it on a message board if you have zero interest in anyone's opinion but your own. May as well just keep a diary. Right, so you're saying the point of a forum is to go around telling people their opinion is s***? I'll keep that in mind the next time I see an opinion I disagree with, and I'll quote you Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. N-O has always been like that. Somewhere to share stuff and get agreed with or told that you're talking s***, not just one or the other. Weird. I always just ignore posts that I disagree with, but can't be bothered to debate. Which is probably what you should have done with my post since you seemed to be in no mood to discuss
  11. Hector Herrera has so far been one of the best performers in this tournament IMO. Please tell me you like my opinion guys? Please please?
  12. That post is awful like, sorry mate. Because I don't like this brazilian team? I couldn't give a flying f*** what anyone thought of that opinion. This edition of Brazil isn't fit to wipe the p*ss off the cocks of their previous successful sides. It would be a travesty if they won the world cup with this rabble. Don't really care if you think that notion is awful. Mint. Probably best not to post it on a message board if you have zero interest in anyone's opinion but your own. May as well just keep a diary. Right, so you're saying the point of a forum is to go around telling people their opinion is shit? I'll keep that in mind the next time I see an opinion I disagree with, and I'll quote you
  13. That post is awful like, sorry mate. Because I don't like this brazilian team? I couldn't give a flying fuck what anyone thought of that opinion. This edition of Brazil isn't fit to wipe the piss off the cocks of their previous successful sides. It would be a travesty if they won the world cup with this rabble. Don't really care if you think that notion is awful.
  14. Apparently he didn't want to move directly from Athletico, so went to Monaco for a year to soften the blow.
  15. This Brazil side is making Cameroon look competent. Hulk is an impostor. Utter wank of a footballer. Nothing but a straight left foot shot. Never disliked a brazilian team as much I do this one. Everything is over-done and over-elaborate. They have needed two bent decisions (penalty and offside goal) to qualify from this group. I really hope Chile show them up for what they really are.
  16. Apparently being reported on BeIn Sports that Falcao has joined Real Madrid.
  17. Djabou has been great as well. Tricky little midfielder. Great cross for the 2nd, Lovely finish for the 3rd.
  18. DE-FENCE DE-FENCE. Best chant ever. Really manly and frightening to the opposition.
  19. I don't disagree at all, but there's still time. He's proven in the past he can do it at this level and the part of the tournament which matters hasn't started yet. Provided they qualify for the part that matters of course
  20. I'm not even arguing whether Fred is good player or not. I initially thought that he was a good enough finisher that should he get enough supply and ammunition, he would finish more times than not. Having said that, he's only so far produced an embarrassing dive, and nowt else of note, and that's what pundits are picking up on. He is very badly out of form. This isn't a 38 game league season where you can say "wait for him to pick it up". He needs to be producing now. If this competition wasn't being held in Brazil, I think they would have found it a lot more difficult to qualify from their group than they will now. Having a clearly bent ref has exempted the likes of Fred from criticism it seems.
  21. hilarious how every brazilian player is the best thing since sliced bread. Dani Alves has been past his sell by date for a good few years now. It's a mental thing as he's won pretty much everything at club level, and the desire is probably gone. He's been one of Brazil's worst players himself, ironically, alongside Fred! I suppose Shearer is also "talking out of his ass" with an agenda against Brazil eh? The host nation, and most illustrious world cup winner, needing the help of a referee to beat Croatia, and unable to beat a previously out-of-sorts Mexican team. Shearer has simply pointed to what he has seen. Fred might still pick up a couple of goals, but his performances in the first two games have been below poor, and that's a fact. Alves' comment is as stupid as Scolari's insisting that "it was a penalty".
  22. Who the fuck is Dani Alves to talk in any case? He's an overrated cheat who is all about the glam and the "look at me look at me im a hipster footballer" haircuts. He's a wanker who has been off his game for about 3 years now, and is lucky his national side pick players on reputation and not on form (as is the case with Fred).
  23. It'd be idiotic as the sooner Uruguay get knocked out, the more of a pre-season Suarez will have. Why would you care about a Real Madrid player getting in preseason?
  24. There's nothing inherently "wrong" with the English players on a phyiscal/technical level. The main issues preventing England from doing well are all mental, strategic and tactical. The role that the media plays is also unjustifiably huge. Team England should take a leaf out of MA and ban most if not all English media from the squad starting from 2 months before a major tournament. "Team England" ugh. I think it's cringeworthy as fuck as well. Used it tongue in cheek tbh.
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