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Posts posted by themanupstairs

  1. How the hell can this stupid cunt even think about not going full strength in this??


    Yesterday's defeat was a nasty one, and it hurts even more this morning. It will still be a fresh open wound come Wednesday night and at SJP this could get very nasty for Pardew if he doesn't send a team out there to demolish citeh's reserves. This liar should stop worrying about the support and start worrying about the football.



    Sunderland's players were just so much more up for it, whether it was the British players, Cattermole, Fletcher, O Shea, Bardsley, Johnson, Colback, or Larsson and Cuellar, it just meant more to them as it did when they beat us 3-0. Pardew is responsible for motivating his players and must accept a lot of the blame, but the players really need to ask themselves what the f*** they think they are doing playing for NUFC. The club is rotten from top to bottom.


    Sundelrand were picking up all the loose balls, winning the headers and had more drive to go forwards.  Not sure why Pardew set us up to sit off them and allow them to pick up all the loose balls etc. Cattermole was always in s*** loads of space. We made him look like Pirlo  :lol: :lol:


    Canty believe Shitdrew had a week to plan for this game and churned that out.


    What a grade a plabbington. Needs to be given a leathal injection.


    Horribly true that about Cattermole. He's dog, and we made him look mega


    CP40 was raging, not one of our players or pardew twigged that Cattermole was starting all the play off from the back, always given loads of space and time.


    :thup: horrendous to see, he was basically waltzing around the middle of the park,  no one near him. With three in mid we should dominate.


    Yup. He Cabaye'd us basically.

  3. Here they come, the 'British Clogger' brigade. Thank f*** I don't have to watch Keegan and Bobby's British cloggers any longer.


    :lol: :lol: aye, i'd much rather watch the current lot over those legendary teams. You've been after "those certain posters" all day long. We all support the same club ffs.


    I'd far rather have our squad over the course of a season than the mackems'. It's been a couple of humiliating defeats no doubt, but nothing that can't be squarely blamed on the manager and his obvious bravery. British blood and thunder Pards.


    We all know (the 3 or 4 forum WUMs/idiots notwithstanding) that the manager is totally out of his depth. It doesn't excuse the lack of fight shown by the players for the past year or so.


    There's an obvious lack of harmony in the background. That is certain. The cliques thing has got to be true. We look disjointed in every department. As someone already said, Away Toon I think it was, the club is rotten from top to bottom. What we are witnessing on the pitch is but a symptom of it all.

  4. Sunderland's players were just so much more up for it, whether it was the British players, Cattermole, Fletcher, O Shea, Bardsley, Johnson, Colback, or Larsson and Cuellar, it just meant more to them as it did when they beat us 3-0. Pardew is responsible for motivating his players and must accept a lot of the blame, but the players really need to ask themselves what the f*** they think they are doing playing for NUFC. The club is rotten from top to bottom.


    I can't understand how that British core was more up for it than our foreign core twice in a row, it really puzzles me. Can't wait till the 3rd defeat in a row to still ponder this great f***ing mystery.


    It's not a mystery at all. First time round they had a new manager just before the derby. We had been utter shite, and coming off a Pards midweek excuse. This time round, they have a new manager playing his first home game. Desperate for a win. Sunder1and. Bottom of the league. Etc..etc.. I'd say the circumstances have played into their hands quite a bit on both occasions. That's not absolving any salaried member of NUFC from blame, but come on. It's nowt to do with them being foreign.

  5. Here they come, the 'British Clogger' brigade. Thank f*** I don't have to watch Keegan and Bobby's British cloggers any longer.


    :lol: :lol: aye, i'd much rather watch the current lot over those legendary teams. You've been after "those certain posters" all day long. We all support the same club ffs.


    I'd far rather have our squad over the course of a season than the mackems'. It's been a couple of humiliating defeats no doubt, but nothing that can't be squarely blamed on the manager and his obvious bravery. British blood and thunder Pards.

  6. Too many foreigners, simple as that. Said it for far too long now, none of them understand the derby nevermind perform in it.


    Agreed. They don't have derbies in johnny foreignland. Bring the cloggers in.


    Cloggers humped us twice in a row. You enjoy the no heart performances, it's what you deserve.


    No I don't ffs. Get a proper manager in and the players will respond. Yes the squad is too "french", but to blame it on having non-British players is clutching at straws. They're all humans who feel and understand the emotions of a fierce rivalry. Our proper British manager hasn't got a clue how to motivate them.


    Edit: And when I say motivate, I'm talking about the enjoyment of playing in a local derby and not the fear of it.

  7. Too many foreigners, simple as that. Said it for far too long now, none of them understand the derby nevermind perform in it.


    Agreed. They don't have derbies in johnny foreignland. Bring the cloggers in.

  8. Should be sacked for the shenanigans he pulled off in the first half alone. That's not to mention the motivation and concentration levels we started with, or the stupid substitutions.


    Get to fuck you lying impostor.

  9. I think we need to take benny off, his pissing about with the ball is slowing down our attacks massively.


    Nah man. He's our most dangerous player when played correctly. We need to break in numbers, and we're not doing that. Players need to MOVE when he's on the ball, we're not doing that. He needs to be wide on the right so he can actually see what's in front of him, and not playing with his back to goal.

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