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High Five o

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Everything posted by High Five o

  1. This just confirm what i think, Sillius Soddus comes with info like 12 hours before the papers. Have he ever given us some info that not have been in the papers the next day`? I think not. He works at a paper, end of....
  2. The problem is that you come up with info that are about to come in the newspapers. So that why we are sceptical, how do we know that your not just a person reading through the edits or something... Or are you like that guy on TV, who gets tomorrows newspapers today?
  3. Probably not, just good old Sillius Soddus winding up people again. But it doesent matter, as long as, stupid as it sounds, gives me alittle spark of light in the end of the tunnel.
  4. ...and here we go again Is it a lie, is it real, stay tuned
  5. And there it is. It really is f***ing easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as s***, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. tell me who they are. the vast majority think they done very well for a while then lost it in their last few years in charge. Unfortunately in some peoples world view opinions are immutable and indivisible by time period. Thinking a film started well means you have to stand by the whole film being good, even if it ended weakly. Conversely, expressing the opinion that it ended weakly means you think it was all s****. There is no way for them to reconcile having two opinions about the same thing at different time periods. Such a pretentious comment. Was that a team effort with your class-mates? A very valid point made by Thomas tbh. That's it! I'm telling my mummy about you It would be if there was any truth behind it. What if i tell you that it is? Does that make any difference? no? This argument have been up countless of times, you guys will never agree... I think the old board was mint, until Shep took full control at the end, he lost the plot. And strugle to get the ends to meet. I could with all honesty not see how he could get us out of it. Shoot me. You can tell me that if you like, but you'll be wrong. Do you seriously believe Fred was being slaughtered on this forum only toward the end? No, im sure some people here did that from the beginning. But it was at the end of he`s reign that the majority starting to questioning him. I just cant see that they did anything wrong, it clearly did not go the right way. That is just the peoples opinion, and you and everyone else, can disagree with it, but to just calling it off, like its no truth, and everyone is wrong is just plain wrong. IMO
  6. And there it is. It really is f***ing easy to make this club a success as all one needs is common footballing sense. Ashley and his cronies have clearly lacked this and here we are, slowly clawing back to normalcy despite the fat one's ineptitude. I wish. If it was as easy as you make out how come the people who have done the best job of trying in over half a bloody century are despised by so many and thought of as s***, unless the "so many" who think this way are total know-nowts? You tell me, mate. tell me who they are. the vast majority think they done very well for a while then lost it in their last few years in charge. Unfortunately in some peoples world view opinions are immutable and indivisible by time period. Thinking a film started well means you have to stand by the whole film being good, even if it ended weakly. Conversely, expressing the opinion that it ended weakly means you think it was all s****. There is no way for them to reconcile having two opinions about the same thing at different time periods. Such a pretentious comment. Was that a team effort with your class-mates? A very valid point made by Thomas tbh. That's it! I'm telling my mummy about you It would be if there was any truth behind it. What if i tell you that it is? Does that make any difference? no? This argument have been up countless of times, you guys will never agree... I think the old board was mint, until Shep took full control at the end, he lost the plot. And strugle to get the ends to meet. I could with all honesty not see how he could get us out of it. Shoot me.
  7. Oh, i never thought about it that way, eyeopening... That theory is over 500 pages old... And that makes it less likely to be true...? Eh, no....
  8. Oh, i never thought about it that way, eyeopening... That theory is over 500 pages old...
  9. Good point, and i hope your right
  10. The thing i hate about this, is that now we have a shit owner to x-mas, no one know where we are heading. 99,9% chance nothing happens during that window. Then summer, up for sale again, we hopefully are promoted. The fat fuck them slams a crazy ass price on the club,(its a fkn PL club you stupid yanks(asians, arabs, local, south african, south american,<list goes on..>), gimme 400M quids or fk off...) and tries to sell, 99.5% sure, nowt is going to happen... Then, we are going to fight relegation again, i just can see us getting out of this mess, Fat Ash don exactly look like a person who will settle for a loss. Im depressed... need beer.
  11. ok, just one more question, and I am not saying I do or don't believe you, like the X files... I want to believe... but didn't you say they were already in talks before that? Talks with SP. Now with DL/MA Why is DL saying they're not planning to talk to them then? But that was not what he told DC. He sayed that he was aware of the US group, but not proved they have founds. If SP have adviced MA to talk with them, im sure they have proved for SP that the founds are there, but not proved anything direct to MA. Like how the payment are being payed out. How much cash stright to Ashley, and the instalment plan over the next year...
  12. If you should make a personal guess, Deal, or no Deal?
  13. Interesting thought, hope its not work out like that, but you never know with this club...
  14. When Smith take down the curtain like that, either its excellent like that, or stright in the shower...
  15. A fkn bad habbit of him (Chris H.)... Use the subs, keep up the momentum imo.....
  16. Fucking hell, Ranger is showing some serious skill atm... Love what i see of him now.
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