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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Belgium may have got 9/9 points in their group but they don't look like an especially strong team as such. Some very good players but fairly confident the first particularly good side they face will knock them out. Can see it going to extra time, or another single goal Belgium win. Value-wise though, they're worth going against.
  2. Can get USA DNB 2/1. Well worth a dabble I'd say.
  3. Oh, cool, gonna have a sing-song tomorrow. ITV's coverage would be hilarious if they weren't getting paid loads to watch football all day and spout total, 100% bollocks.
  4. And then the media collectively scratches their head highlighting 'dives' and saying it's not on. They're all the fucking same, man. They legitimise cheating then, in order to sell papers/increase viewership, make a massive noise about some incident which they then decide, when it fits their rhetoric, is clear cheating and unacceptable.
  5. That's it, Chiles, you incredicunt, you just make sly digs at one of the most talented defenders of the past 20 years.
  6. Seriously, the pundits and commentators legitimising cheating. "Well, Robben had plenty of opportunities to go down previously...." Fucking incredible. STOP SAYING HE COULD HAVE GONE DOWN YOU THICK CUNTS.
  7. sorry but that's quite funny. EXACTLY the sort of thing that used to happen to me on a regular basis. And, frankly, still rears its head.
  8. Not the first time he's done it either, is it? Clark Carlisle has been begging Robben to go to ground. And we wonder why we see players thinking it's acceptable? Whole attitude stinks.
  9. Neil

    Arsene Wenger

    They'd have had more from 2005 - 2014, that's for sure. Wenger's a really good, not great, manager and often a pretty classless guy for the most part. Also can't help wondering what the general opinion of him would be had Henry gone somewhere else. For sure? [emoji3] Wenger reinvigorated Arsenal for the vast part of his first decade there. Since the Invincibles season, his sides , maybe mirroring the manager, don't seem to have the hunger. I've thought for a while he needs a change of scenery. He'd be great as our national manager imo. Agree with all this. Think he was a great manager for his first decade at Arsenal. Advanced the quality of play in the entire league too. Past decade it's hard to claim it's been that much of a successs; they've stagnated.
  10. He's Mark Bright with an A-Level Perfectly put.
  11. Delusional, hypocritical, self-pitying arseholes.
  12. Yay, Clark Carlisle. Anyone else noticed despite this whole "he's intelligent, you know?!" thing, he actually talks an incredible amount of shite? Incredishite.
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