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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Just now, David Edgar said:

    It isn't really mass hysteria.  We've gone off the boil and people are talking about it.    

    We have but I guess that post was aimed at those that think us going off the boil means there is no chance of 4th


    The reality is no side is in consistent, dominating form


    If a team can put a run together then they probably will secure a top 4 spot 

  2. 3 minutes ago, GeordieDazzler said:

    Ten Hag whinging as usual. People are allowed to tackle your players.

    There was nothing wrong with the tackle, was just unlucky the way he landed but Ten Hag was whining away like they were hard done by 

  3. Just now, Theregulars said:

    You’d think there’d be a buyer for him somewhere at the lower end of PL / top end of championship. The point is that we’ve prioritised his wants over our needs, which I think isn’t a sensible move.

    There probably would be a buyer in the summer but unlikely to be on the wages he got offered


    Got the sense it was now or never with that deal and all things considered I agree with the decision 

  4. Keeping Shelvey would have meant our squad was stronger, that much is obvious, how much stronger is up for debate but whilst it would have been better for now the chances are we would have in the summer then been stuck with a player on high wages


    The player wanting to move combined with the opportunity to remove high wages without losing someone of real importance meant selling him made sense 


    Now in the summer his spot is easier to replace than if we were still lumbered with him (Also worth noting for next season Gordon and Ashby will take up a squad space)

  5. 4 hours ago, Theregulars said:

    I disagree; some people on here have taken on a quasi-religious fervour about Howe, the board and the squad whereby any criticism makes you some kind of ungrateful heathen. We’ve been playing mediocre for about 6 weeks, and the performances are - by and large - getting worse. This boring “appreciate what you’ve got” attitude (a broader problem in Britain, I might add) will hold us back in my view. That’s the approach we took to the transfer window and we look worse for it. We’re so lacklustre at the minute and if we don’t shape up we’ll get comfortably put to the sword by a good side in the cup final. Howe has 2 weeks to figure something out - we shouldn’t be in this position, but we’ve landed ourselves in this position by taking a commercial approach to football in the transfer window. 

    Massively disagree that we've been playing mediocre for 6 weeks.


    West Ham overall was poor, though still had 2 big chances in the 2nd half to win it.


    And yesterday against Bournemouth was shocking but prior to that the performances were mostly good where we created enough chances to win games.


    I also disagree that the approach to the transfer window was appreciate what we've got, think it was more a case of we've got a plan for the summer and we don't want to risk that by making moves now which have no guarantee of paying off.



  6. Personally wouldn't consider criticising him, I also refused to criticise him last January as I don't think it's warranted.


    He was backed by the board in Jan 2022 and he more than repaid that, he was backed in the summer and he more than repaid that. He wasn't backed this January but not necessarily in a negative way, think the club are waiting for the summer to do their business and it makes sense to stick to your plan.


    I'm confident Howe will get us going again and finish the season well.


    Then it's over to the board to properly back him so he has a squad to cope with hopefully European football.

  7. 1 minute ago, Sufi said:

    I love ASM and what he’s done for us in the dark ages..but holy fuck he’s been absolutely terrible. Almost every single touch has been a give away. I don’t think ive seen him move the ball or even complete more than 1 pass in the entire first half. He’s obsessed with dribbling and taking on defenders. He completely plays with his head down. I think he was perfect for us when we sat back and parked the bus for 90 mins. He would earn fouls and help us move up the pitch. In this current system he is having a really hard time adjusting. I hope he has a better second half 

    Bit of a dumb post considering the part he played in our equaliser 

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